Friday, March 6, 2015

Thoughts, Holding Back Excitement (Warning: Will Be Long and Quite Detailed)

  I cannot begin to explain how excited I am looking at the weather starting tomorrow, of course tomorrow morning it will be 16 degrees but that is so much better than today or yesterday. That isn't the best part of it, the temperature is going to keep climbing throughout next week, where the early mornings around 3-4 AM will soon be in the 30's again, and the afternoons in the 50's!!!! 
 I am trying to hold back my hopes and excitement thinking that winter (or at leas the severe part of it) is pretty much over and I can get back to my serious running again, Rocky and I can get back to our 30-35 mpw along with beginning my training for the back to back half marathons on April 25 and 26. I've been contemplating my plan of attack for a few days now, which is a bit complicated now that I go to the gym as well and try to put in at least 50 minutes.
  I don't want to get up any earlier than 3 AM, because normally we aren't in bed until 10 and I need at least 5 hours of sleep a night. But as my runs get back up to my usual:
Tuesday: 5 / Wednesday: 8-10 / Thursday: 5 / Friday: 6 / Saturday: 4-8 / Sunday: Long

  I will need to improvise because I have to be back home by 7:10 AM at the latest, now it will be easier in warmer weather because I will either not have to put on so many clothes for a run (shorts and sports bra) or I will be able to wear most of my running clothes to the gym - capris and a shirt, just change the shoes unless I am really smelly but that won't be a concern until summer runs honestly. And by that point I will have a different plan....
  One of my thoughts on days with my runs an hour or more, I can cut that run a bit, run most of it in the morning and then in the afternoon take Dorian (and Rocky) with me for the last bit since it will be warm enough for him, I just hope he can still fit comfortably in the stroller. I'll be working on my plan on which has ways of customizing and making your own training plan, then I will paste the link on a bloop so ya'll can check it out and tell me what you think. It's going to be tricky, but I'll just have to keep my eyes on the weather for those days ( Wednesday, Friday, Saturday........ not sure about going to the gym on Sunday after runs over 10 miles).
  The lack of running has been annoying, but since starting up on my new plan that involves weight lifting, I have lost 3 lbs but have lost around 5 inches total. This weekend I am doing my monthly body pics to document the progression, I took my first on February 5 but I didn't post them on a bloop..... if I see any change this weekend I will post them as well to see if ya'll can see the difference. I've lost around 3 inches at the waist, about 2 inches on the hips and maybe a little over an inch on the thighs. Call it fool's hope but I think that once my running gets back up into the 30's and my weight lifting stays steady and strong, I'll start to see much more noticeable loss in lbs and inches.
  I am not looking for a huge loss, I am hoping to lose at least 5-10 more lbs before July and around 5 more inches total before July, which is when my marathon training will begin. I know the number on the scale isn't what to focus on, but what the mirror shows and the measuring tape. I want to be fitter, stronger and healthier than I was last year.... I hope to stick to my plan while not going overboard and screwing things up (I can do that you know :D )
  I've decided not to have a leg day at the gym, but to incorporate different parts of the legs on different days while watching not to go too heavy. I am sure you've noticed over the last few days in my bloops when I list my workouts.
  Anyways, I've rambled long enough... lets hope and pray Ole Man Winter has finally loosened his grip on us, even if it rains on the days around 60 degrees I will take that over freezing rain :P

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