Thursday, March 5, 2015

Day Four of Week 5

    I didn't go for a run :(, we ended up going to bed late (around 11:25 PM) and when my alarm went off at 3:15 AM.. I was just so freaking tired and I didn't want to get up. Sadly with the way the roads are, it wouldn't have been safe for me and Rocky after 4 AM with too many vehicles out on the road and probably in worse moods than normal. I also can't make it to the gym, let alone out of my driveway so I used what I have at home for my shoulders & delts and I also plan on doing some abdominal/core strengthening a little later.
At home I have pairs of:
10 lbs dumbbells
8 lb dumbbells

My 15 and 20 lb dumbbells are split up, one of each here at home and the other 2 at work so I didn't use them unfortunately. I do have a 10 lb plate and a 25 lb plate but for the exercise I was using it for, I decided to go with the 10 lb plate. My shoulders and delts aren't quite as strong as my back or arms, so I've got to work on them. I managed 42 minutes of strength training.

    Wish I was able to go the gym, but I had enough dumbbells and plates for this workout.... though I only have one of each of the 15 and 20 lb dumbbells, their twins are at the shop.
Dumbbell Lateral Raises: 6 sets/ 12 reps/ 8 lbs
Dumbbell Shoulder Shrugs: 6 sets/ 24 reps/ 10 lbs
Palms-In Shoulder Press: 6 sets/ 20 reps/ 10 lbs
Dumbbell Upright Row: 6 sets/ 20 reps/ 10 lbs
Side Laterals to Front Raise: 6 sets/ 12 reps/ 8 lbs
Front Plate Raise: 2 sets/ 15 reps/ 10 lbs, 2 sets/ 20 reps/ 10 lbs, 1 set/ 24 reps/ 10 lbs, 1 set/ 25 reps/ 10 lbs

  Hopefully hubby doesn't get my tahoe unstuck this morning because I don't want to go into work and would rather stay home all day, so maybe later in the morning I can do my core/abdominal strength exercises.
  Okay so I managed to get 35 minutes of core/abdominal strengthening in this morning before having to take hubby to work and end up being there for half the day myself. 
Raised Leg Crunches: 6 sets/ 25 reps
Standing Dumbbell Side Bends: 6 sets/ 30 reps/ 20 lbs
Supermans: 6 sets of 15 reps
Bicycle Crunches: 6 sets of 50 reps

Russian K-Bell Twists: 4 sets/ 30 reps/ 15 lbs

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