Sunday, March 22, 2015

Day Seven - Week 7

   I am such a slacker, I'll add yesterday (day 6) to this bloop. The plan for Saturday was to get up at 5 AM and go to the gym, then later that morning take Rocky and Dorian for a walk. Well, around 11 PM Thursday night Dorian woke up and puked.... yay... apparently his dinner didn't set well with him and it ended up all over the bed and me. We cleaned it all up, then I couldn't fall back to sleep due to stomach pains (totally different issue) until late. I didn't get up and go to the gym, I was too freaking tired.
  We did get to run though, headed to the Newburgh riverfront around 11 AM. It was apparently 52 degrees so I wore shorts and a tank top but ended up taking my tank off because it felt like it was 65 degrees. I was the only one half dressed, there were about 50-100 people down there at the time and 95% of them had long sleeves, jackets and pants on. I might have seen one other lady runner wearing shorts and a tank but that was it, I felt out of place lol but I was burning up. The plan was 3 miles but we ended up doing 4.2 miles in 40:26 with an average pace of 9:38 min/mile. It is so strange how my form improves immensely when I push Dorian in the stroller and the paces seem easier.... weird.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 9:56
Mile 2 - 9:42
Mile 3 - 9:28
Mile 4 - 9:25
4.2     - 9:36

  Later that afternoon I took Rocky and Dorian on our back property, where Rocky rolled in that nasty, stinky, stagnant mud so he got a bath. For 10 minutes I washed him, I was bent over at the hips and could feel my hamstrings and glutes crying. Yeah... Sunday's run is going to suck lol.

  I had my alarm set for 3:05 this morning thinking I would go to the gym after running, but ended up waking to my 4 AM alarm. I was tired, the alarm interrupted me during a strange dream. It was 48 degrees outside but I went ahead and wore caprs and a t-shirt, I had my gloves on but dropped them off at a spot I can go back to later around 1.7 miles as I was feeling warm. Sure enough my hamstrings and glutes were feeling it, I just hope it's nothing serious.
   The run wasn't great, it wasn't awful but it wasn't great. We ran down the creepier road this time, we ended up running 10.1 miles in 1:41:37 with an average pace of 10:04 min/mile though I am sure 30 seconds was added to that when a dog came out of nowhere barking at us. I stopped but didn't stop the watch and cursed the dog, then Rocky and I walked slowly for about 10-15 feet making sure the stupid dog didn't come after us. I won't state the elevation as I think my garmin went nuts again.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:44
Mile 2 - 10;25
Mile 3 - 10:12
Mile 4 - 10:11
Mile 5 - 10:26
Mile 6 - 9:59
Mile 7 - 9:55
Mile 8 - 9:47
Mile 9 - 9:43
Mile 10 - 9:22
.1        - 8:46

   My quads, my hamstrings and my glutes are seriously sore and achy right now and I think I am going to take some ibuprofen because this is miserable.

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