Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Day Two, Week 6 - Running in the Rain, Staying Dry in the Gym

  This morning I woke to my alarm at 3 AM, surprisingly feeling fresh.... of course Dorian and I did go to bed at like 9:45 last night so that might be it. The temperature was 45 degrees and raining but it was more like a slight drizzle, thankfully I chose to wear just a short sleeve shirt underneath my rain jacket because I was getting pretty warm towards the end.
  The top of my left hamstring was giving me some issue, probably from doing the Hip Abductor machine yesterday morning but hopefully it will feel good enough for a short run tomorrow, I thought it was going to be raining tomorrow so I figured I'd give my legs a break but I looked at the forecast and there is no chance of rain (damn it).... Thursday shows a slight chance of rain but Friday is definitely going to be raining, can I ask my body to run tomorrow and Thursday while holding off for a rest day on Friday? I guess we'll just have to see, I'll do my stretches again tonight along with maybe some foam rolling. Either way I will be going to the gym tomorrow morning.
  Anyways, it was a bit of a slow run this morning.. especially the 1st mile but I needed to take it easy. At first I thought I would only do 3 miles because of my hamstring but by mile 2 it wasn't feeling too awful so I just kept going. Rocky and I ran 5.1 miles in 54:00 with an average pace of 10:35 min/mile, not bad and I didn't get too wet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:20
Mile 2 - 10:27
Mile 3 - 10:33
Mile 4 - 10:22
Mile 5 - 10:22
Mile 5.1 - 9:48

  Then it was off to the gym for an hour and 10 minutes of circuits.
Forgot my water out in the Tahoe, didn't feeling like going back out to grab it so I just winged it on the fountain when I got thirsty. Not a bad work out at all

Standing Dumbbell Curls: 22.5lbsX18reps, 20lbsX24reps, 22.5lbsX12, 20lbsX20reps, 22.5lbsX12reps
Fly Delt: 55lbsX14reps, 50lbsX16reps, 50lbsX16reps, 60lbsX8reps, 55lbsX12reps
Seated Chest: 55lbsX8reps, 55lbsX12reps, 50lbsX12reps, 55lbsX10reps, 60lbsX8reps, 55lbsX8reps
Hip Adductors: 6 sets / 25 reps / 35 lbs
Standing Triceps Cable Pulldown: 40lbsX20reps, 45lbsX15, 40lbsX20, 50lbsX12reps, 45lbsX18reps, 50lbsX15reps
Standing Dumbbell Raises: 5 sets/ 8 reps/ 15 lbs
Rear Delt: 40lbsX15reps, 45lbsX12reps, 35lbsX18, 40lbsX15, 45lbsX12reps, 35lbsX18
Standing Calf Raises: 4 sets/ 12 reps/ 30 lbs, 1 set/ 12 reps/ 40 lbs

Triceps Extension: 45lbsX8reps, 35lbsX12reps, 40lbsX10reps, 35lbsX12reps, 45lbsX8

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