Sunday, March 15, 2015

Day Seven, Week 6 - The Run That Almost Wasn't

   The last few days......heck... more like weeks, have been tough as hell for me to get back to my training and get up towards 30 mpw again, and this morning I seriously expected another week of falling short. Actually I felt that way last night, Dorian has been driving us crazy lately... whether it is growing pains in his legs, gas pains or just being restless, he wakes up while I am gone and keeps his daddy awake.... sometimes with laughter but other times lately it's been aggravation.
   This morning Dorian woke up with my alarm at 4 AM, and shortly afterwards I had to take him to his bed. He was having gas pains and was restless, I was sure that the run wasn't going to happen today....  it wasn't going to warm up enough to take Dorian for a run so I was beginning to settle with the fact that it was going to be another week under 30 miles.
  About 4:35 I attempted to get out of his bed, and was surprisingly successful. I had his windows open about 3 inches even though it was 39 degrees out... his room has no fan and for some reason is warmer than other parts of the house, and he is a lot like his momma in being hot-blooded. I also had his Beethoven music on, 75 minutes of music would at least put some sound in his otherwise silent room.
  Rocky and I headed out at 5:05 AM, at first the 39 degrees felt a bit chilly with one long sleeve top and my capris on, and gloves of course. But about 30-40 minutes into the run it was a bit warm, but not bad so that is alright. I was determined to get my 9 miles in, I haven't been able to get past 8-8.5 miles in so long it is killing me. Last Sunday I had to cut it off at 8.5 due to GI issues, then the Sunday before was only 4.1 miles, the Sunday before that was 8.4 miles and 8 miles the Sunday before that. I also wanted to reach 30 miles for the week, even if that meant running with Dorian.
  It was freaking foggy, in some spots I couldn't even see 25 feet ahead of me. I chose the creepy roads route rather than the not so creepy roads, but it was a good idea because I rarely see cars on that route.... but I also don't see any houses either. Still, we survived so that is good.
  Anyways, Rocky and I ended up running 9.2 miles in 1:31:17 with an average pace of 9:55 min/mile, it started out slow but we picked up the pace. I didn't really feel sore, but I could still feel it in glutes and shins/calves... I'll have to remember to stretch. Elevation gain of 187 feet, and a loss of 176 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:38
Mile 2 - 10:12
Mile 3 - 10:04
Mile 4 - 9:56
Mile 5 - 9:49
Mile 6 - 9:56
Mile 7 - 9:47
Mile 8 - 9:45
Mile 9 - 9:23
Mile 9.2 -8:58

  That along with yesterday's 2 miler with Dorian and Rocky gives me a total of 30.9 miles this week.......... that .1 is really bugging me but I am just happy to finally reach 30 miles and hopefully it will only climb from here.

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