Friday, March 13, 2015

Day Five, Week 6

  Here's to hoping next week goes off without a hitch, please just give me a break from these hiccups damn it!
  Last night I put Dorian in his carseat and then went to start my tahoe with plans of going to the store.....nothing.... the engine wouldn't start or anything, the battery was dead. At least I could still run in the morning, but the gym was a no go as I would probably get stuck in the parking lot even though DH would be able to charge it when he got home.
  So this morning it was a gorgeous 55 degrees, but I chickened out and wore my capris and a t-shirt instead of shorts and a sports bra..... I just still feel like a fatty and wish that weren't the case. It was really warm, quite a difference from the last couple of weeks but it felt amazing!! I hope winter is officially over, and I cannot wait for this rain to be over... too much longer and the bottom of Indiana is going to be underwater... along with the top of Kentucky.
  This time Rocky made sure he wasn't in the bedroom when I shut it, did I mention we were out the door by 2:10 AM? The forecast was saying rain would begin around 3 AM so I wanted to get done before the rain came, of course we were back in the house and I was headed back to bed by 3:30 and still no rain. I think it started around 6 AM...
  Rocky and I ran 5.1 miles, originally the plan was for 3-4 but since I wasn't going to the gym I figured I'd burn a little extra calories. My hamstring was still a little sore but not awful so that is good news.
  Anyways, 5.1 miles in 52:19 with an average pace of 10:16 min/mile, it felt kind of slow up until the last mile.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:56
Mile 2 - 10:21
Mile 3 - 10:09
Mile 4 - 10:13
Mile 5 - 9:47
Mile 5.1 - 8:59

  My Tahoe has a new alternator in it now, hopefully no more issues and hopefully next week will be an awesome week running and weight lifting wise. I only plan to run 1.3 miles tomorrow since I want to get 9 miles in Sunday and my hamstring and left knee are still a bit iffy. If those two plans go well, I'll have 30 miles for the 6th week and hopefully will only climb from there. 

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