Sunday, March 29, 2015

Day Seven, Week 8 - An Awful Run and Thoughts.... Too much thinking!!! (long post)

  I am beginning to wonder that maybe, possibly all this working out and running has taken a lot out of my immune system (or at least this past week???). Normally the stomach bug only lasts 24 hours or less for me, but this time it lasted 72 hours and I definitely felt the final stage during this morning's run (WARNING: TMI)  Normally the last stage of the stomach bug for me is the D word (seriously, don't make me spell it damn it) and that bastard hit me during this run and afterwards. I was planning on going to the gym after our run this morning but was back to feeling sick to my stomach and decided not to. I knew that if I did go, I wouldn't be able to give it my all and probably would've made things worse.
  Plus it was 30 degrees, and I felt it in my face and down my throat and lungs. For starters, I tried to go before we left the house, I felt it there waiting and I wanted it out before the run... but nothing happened. Then around 1.5 miles I tried and nothing happened, it hit at mile 2.5 and from that point on I was sick to my stomach. The same feeling I had during the marathon starting at mile 14..... yeah it sucked.
  We ran 5.2 miles in like 54 minutes (stupid garmin isn't uploading!!!), thank god I had no plans of trying for 10 because I would have been crying. I ended up going to the bathroom (again) and then changed to go to the gym even though I knew deep down to just stay home. I did end up turning around and heading back home, I knew I wouldn't be able to give it my all there and it would have sucked.
  I am starting to feel better now, it seems that this bastard of a stomach bug is finally leaving my body but I have a small concern..... my mileage has not been as great as it should during this past month - especially since I have 2 back to back half marathons staring me in the face and only 4 weeks away from this weekend..... am I going to be ready for it? Is there anything else that is going to screw up my training???
   The original plan (and hopefully it will still work) is to run the first race at a good, fresh pace. The first race is on April 25, the Kentucky Derby Festival Half Marathon and it is on the roads, I am not going to run my heart out (you never know what the weather will be like) but I don't plan on taking it too easy. After the race, I will head back to the hotel and eat - lots of protein, carbs and water then maybe take a warm bath or jump into bed and nap for a few hours before our tour at Jim Beam's distillery (2:30 PM, will need to get there 15 minutes early). Then back to the hotel for some more rest, might order carry out or go out which reminds me I need to start looking up the restaurants there. Then hopefully to bed by 10 PM.
  April 26 is the Backside Trail Half Marathon, the plan with that will be some sight seeing, I love, love, LOVE trails and especially ones I've never been on so I am definitely taking my small P&S camera so this will not be a fast paced race but an easy, recovery, sight-seeing race with pictures and running when I feel up to it or walking when I feel necessary. We'll also see how the weather goes too... Husband, son and step-son will be expected to come to the first race but not this one as I won't have an ETA on my finish time.

  Other than those worries and concerns, this is the end of week 8 and week 9 is a whole brand new week so hopefully no more situations. My main focus now is to keep my Sunday runs at 10 miles while increasing Saturday's run so that I will know what it feels like to run on tired legs (I should know that by now, shouldn't I?). I've only got 3 weeks before taper, which I will cut back on the mileage and even the gym days. Hopefully, just hopefully I will survive this and be bringing to half marathon finisher's medals home by the end of April.

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