Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Saying Goodbye to April... with a Tiny Little Run

   I had no plans of running this morning after yesterday's run, but seeing that yesterday's run would give me 129.8 miles for April that really bugged me. Then of course I was actually feeling so much better by the evening that I thought to myself "a tiny little run can't hurt", but I didn't want to get up early just to run .2 miles to get to 130 so I decided I would run 1.2 miles and put myself at 131 miles for April.
   In short, it felt great. No aches, no pains and no stiffness which is strange for the first mile as usually the first 15-30 minutes of a run are funky as you're trying to find your stride. But I was feeling good, if I wasn't trying to be cautious coming off of whatever it was my lower legs were doing, I probably would have pushed it to 7 or 8 miles. BUT, I am going to stick to the plan of being cautious this week and going by feel. 
   By the way, I woke up at 3:30 AM and got ready. Rocky and I took off at 4 AM and ran 1.2 miles in 13:07 with an average pace of 10:55 min/mile. Nice and easy, and it felt great.  Temperature was 52 degrees, but I decided to wear my capris anyways as I wasn't going to be running long enough to really warm up. I stopped the garmin at 1.2 but I think I technically ran 1.3..... but that would screw up my monthly average and I really want it to be even. Rocky of course though "what the heck" when we stopped at the driveway after only 1.3 miles, but I told him I've got to be careful otherwise he'd be running a whole heck of a lot less.
   This morning's run puts me at 131 miles for April, about 22 miles short of March which was 153.4 but I probably jumped it too much -
Last 6 months
November - 108.2
December - 135.5
January - 148.4
February - 114.4 (taking a few days of rest this month too)
March - 153.4
April - 131
    May is a new month, but I probably won't push it past 150 miles unless I am feeling really good and I won't even promise 150, as long as I can get 131 or more I will be happy.

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