Thursday, April 24, 2014

A Reluctant Decision

   After much debate, and arguing with myself I've decided that the best thing to do at this point would be to take a few days off from running :(
  Things just aren't getting any better with my ankle, in fact now my left ankle is starting to hurt. I can't keep pushing my already questionable luck until things get really bad and I end up having to take weeks or months off, especially since I'll be starting my training for my first marathon this June (marathon is in November).
   I want to complain, gripe and cry about it dang it. It isn't fair, I worked so hard to get up to a 35-40 mpw range and now I am having to fall back well below that, I am not even sure if that will help at all :( You will probably hear me complain a lot over the next few days but I am going to try and bike to make up for it. I am going to put my bike rack on the Tahoe, and Dorian's pull-along in the back so that I can take him with me for 6-8 miles in the morning and possibly another 6-8 miles in the afternoon or evenings to make up for the runs I'll be missing. I know Rocky will be very upset about it, as I can't take him with us on the bike but maybe after a few days of complete rest I can include walks on the days we don't bike.
  This is depressing!!!

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