Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Chilly, Tough and Windy 9 Miler

   This morning started out pretty frustrating, I could have sworn I had woke up at 2:19 AM waiting for my alarm to go off at 3:10 AM but then I drifted off to sleep and was woke up by an alarm and I thought it was 3:10 AM until I stepped into the bathroom and looked at my phone to turn off the alarm and saw it was 4:30 AM. I am not sure if my 3:10 AM alarm never went off or did go off and I read my watch wrong, maybe instead of 2:19 AM it was 3:19 AM which would make sense because I just don't remember hearing my alarm.
   I was frustrated, quickly got dressed as the plan was to run our 9 mile run today instead of the easy 6. Temperature was 36 degrees (dang it) so I had to put on my thermal under armour shirt and my yellow long sleeves, and my warmer gloves and head band but I did not pull out the tights and wore my capris. I don't know what this cold weather is about, but I am sick of it!
   Rocky enjoyed the cooler temps, I don't think he is very fond running or walking in these temps above 60 degrees. My ankle started bothering me again around mile 3 or 4 and kept up until the end, this time with a bit of a stinging kind of pain on the inside of my ankle... I am going to wear my CEP RXOrtho+ Ankle Brace all day today except when sleeping and I am going to try and run with it tomorrow morning, I am going to wear all day this week and see if that helps. I really don't want to take a few days off from running, but I want this soreness to go away.
   This was a Progressive mid long run, or just a nice fast one with some struggling due to my ankle. I would like for this to be my pace during my first marathon but we'll just have to see has the months progress and how I do in the heat of summer. Rocky and I ran the 9 miles in 1:25:45 with an average pace of 9:31 min/mile, elevation gain of 202 feet and a loss of 202 feet. It was windy, 14 mph NNW winds making it feel like 27 degrees but I felt pretty warm.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:41
Mile 2 - 10:16
Mile 3 - 9:58
Mile 4 - 9:45
Mile 5 - 9:34
Mile 6 - 9:33
Mile 7 - 9:10
Mile 8 - 8:50
Mile 9 - 7:56

       Overall, not a bad run.... I cannot promise that I won't complain about the heat dang it, but hopefully it will make me a stronger runner this fall during my debut marathon race. If I could hold that pace or go for a negative split during 26.2 miles, then that would give my finish time of around 4:09:20. My goal is to just finish under 4 hours and 45 minutes, but getting close to 4 hours would be awesome. Yep...... I am dreaming :)

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