Thursday, April 17, 2014

A Muddy, Mucky Trail Run

   I decided to take yesterday off from running, hoping a break would give my right ankle (and left lower shin or something down there) some rest. Rocky and I went to Angel Mounds trails for an easy 4 miler, hoping the soft surface would do my legs some good and I wore the brace too. No pain that I could notice but boy did I end up muddy, and now my brace is in the washer (hopefully it won't be destroyed). It was most certainly slow going compared to street runs or even dry trail runs, I had to trek through a lot of mud and flooded parts which slowed me down. But it was a nice change, and as long as we don't have anymore downpours like we have in the last week or so, I think I might stick to the trails for a while or as long as I can. 
   This afternoon I plan to run the hill trails at Audubon, 3 or 4 miles and then take tomorrow off while contemplating on cutting my long run in half and run 6 or 7 miles Saturday morning and then 9 or 10 miles Sunday morning.

   It was 39 degrees, elevation gain of 75 feet and a loss of 76 feet. Rocky and I ran 4.3 miles in 49:12 with an average pace of 11:26 min/mile, it didn't feel that slow but hey, trekking in mud and water can definitely slow you down.
  Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:17
Mile 2 - 11:22
Mile 3 - 12:44
Mile 4 - 11:12
.3      -  8:43

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