Sunday, April 27, 2014

Running Gods Might Be Saying Another Rest Day

  I've been trying to get excited about hitting the trails tomorrow morning, but I can't get over the nervous gunshy feeling. I am scared that I will be disappointed and find that things haven't gotten better..... 
  Looking at the forecast, it seems that the Running Gods (and Goddesses) have decided that tomorrow will be another day off from running, as they are predicting thunderstorms starting this afternoon and throughout tomorrow. That also means the trails are going to be filthy wet again, but I am okay with that I think. Grant you, I could get out there tomorrow and still try but if I am to be honest with myself.... I think I will take it as an omen and rest for a 4th day. I just hope and pray that these four days of rest have helped me, even if my 2 year old has me chasing after him on my feet all day.... I am not really feeling any pain or soreness throughout the day, and the last 2 days I would feel kind of "stiff" in my right ankle waking up in the mornings but not this morning. 
   I am going to babble and whine about this until I feel or know that I am in the clear of this. It is irritating and depressing, and I am not sure how I should go about getting back into running. Should I cut all my runs in half for this upcoming week? Or go by feel but not push it too much? I guess I am just so nervous that I'll get back to running and the pain will still be there.... and that I should have taken the few days off from running 3 weeks to a month ago when the strange ache started :( 

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