Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A 4 Miler after 4 Days of Rest

   I've been itching to run since Saturday, and yet so nervous about how things would go. Almost scared you could say, I really hate injuries dang it. Anyways, since I was just going to go by feel this morning I set my alarm for 4 AM. Rocky and I were out the door by 4:29 AM, it was 61 degrees but cool enough for shorts and a short sleeves. I wore my bright yellow GT-2000 2's and my bright yellow hat along with my blinky vest thingy, since I would be doing a loop and the only loops around my house all have hills I wanted to be seen. Even with all that, some stupid mini van screamed over a hill and I actually had to jump to the side as I could see they wouldn't have time to see me (we were nearing the top of the hill as well). Sure enough they were hugging the side of the road, and had I not moved off the road they would have hit me (just another remind why I love the trails).
   Anyways, that was just before mile 1 so let me get back to the beginning. I didn't feel any soreness or aches or pains, but I was kind of stiff for the first mile or so. It wasn't my ankles either, it was my right shin and little areas on my calves. These had aches around the same time as my ankle started but not as bad, nothing to hinder my run this morning though. I definitely felt that 4 miles was a safe number to test things out and see how I am feeling, and I started it relatively slow for a road run.
  Rocky and I ran 4 miles in 43:47 with an average pace of 10:56 min/mile, elevation gain of 103 feet and a loss of 101 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:16
Mile 2 - 11:02
Mile 3 - 10:54
Mile 4 - 10:31

   I did ice a couple of spots right after the run, took four of the Hammer Nutrition Tissue Rejuventor pills/capsules, 3 BCAA tablets and stretched my calves (icing was after all this). The run wasn't bad at all, but I am feeling a bit sore in certain spots, it's hard to describe - not really sore but weird...... if that makes any sense whatsoever, I don't know. It just feels good to get back out there and run, but I really can't wait to get back on the trails AND get back up to 35 miles a week - I think 35-40 mpw is a good spot for me.... if I can get there that is.
   As much as I want to run tomorrow, I think I will hold off until Thursday and go by feel again. I do plan on running the Audubon hills Friday though, I want to get back to them so badly.

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