Monday, April 7, 2014

A 6 Miler at 3:30 in the Morning

  I claimed I was going to take today as a rest day, but last night I decided screw it and set my alarm for 3 AM. We hit the sack at 9 PM but I didn't fall asleep until 10 PM and it seems 3 AM came really fast..... I felt tired but I got up anyways and got the coffee going and got dressed, I was tired.
  Luckily it was 54 degrees, but I didn't bother to switch from my capris to shorts and I just wore a t-shirt and my hat, and my blinky vest thingy. I don't even think Rocky was ready to go, but he never says no to a run so off we went. We took a different route that we haven't used in a while, where the hills came within the first 1-1.5 miles and I got them over with. My legs weren't really sore, but my right ankle is still bugging me..... just more like a nagging ache rather than real pain.
   I freaked myself out a couple of times, it was cloudy so no light from the moon and I spotted 2 or 3 deer in a yard but could've sworn for a moment they were dogs so we froze and waited until they took off behind the house. Then what I assume was a deer disappeared over a hill about a mile after that first encounter. I did spot a small/young fox (so did Rocky), which reminds me, yesterday morning during my 16 miler I spotted a full grown fox, such beautiful animals. 
  Around mile 4 we had almost a too close of an encounter with a skunk, he/she wasn't paying any attention to us but we stopped and waited for a moment as I didn't want to go home stinking. He was minding his business so much, that I finally decided to get back to running which he then spun around and watched us, but had his tail up and ready to spin his butt facing us. Sadly, that was probably the scariest encounter lol.
  Rocky and I ran 6 miles in 1:04:18 with an average pace of 10:42 min/mile, elevation gain of 167 feet and a loss of 173 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:03
Mile 2 - 10:56
Mile 3 - 10:46
Mile 4 - 10:34
Mile 5 - 10:22
Mile 6 - 10:08

    The last mile is faster than I wanted because around mile 4, my bowels started rumbling and I had already passed all the good spots to go so I tried to get home as quick as possible. Luckily I made it without having to take one pit stop during the run. Reminding me again, I didn't make ONE SINGLE pit stop during yesterday's 16 miler which is a great milestone for me! It is nice when I don't have to go to bathroom during a run :)

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