Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Saying Goodbye to April... with a Tiny Little Run

   I had no plans of running this morning after yesterday's run, but seeing that yesterday's run would give me 129.8 miles for April that really bugged me. Then of course I was actually feeling so much better by the evening that I thought to myself "a tiny little run can't hurt", but I didn't want to get up early just to run .2 miles to get to 130 so I decided I would run 1.2 miles and put myself at 131 miles for April.
   In short, it felt great. No aches, no pains and no stiffness which is strange for the first mile as usually the first 15-30 minutes of a run are funky as you're trying to find your stride. But I was feeling good, if I wasn't trying to be cautious coming off of whatever it was my lower legs were doing, I probably would have pushed it to 7 or 8 miles. BUT, I am going to stick to the plan of being cautious this week and going by feel. 
   By the way, I woke up at 3:30 AM and got ready. Rocky and I took off at 4 AM and ran 1.2 miles in 13:07 with an average pace of 10:55 min/mile. Nice and easy, and it felt great.  Temperature was 52 degrees, but I decided to wear my capris anyways as I wasn't going to be running long enough to really warm up. I stopped the garmin at 1.2 but I think I technically ran 1.3..... but that would screw up my monthly average and I really want it to be even. Rocky of course though "what the heck" when we stopped at the driveway after only 1.3 miles, but I told him I've got to be careful otherwise he'd be running a whole heck of a lot less.
   This morning's run puts me at 131 miles for April, about 22 miles short of March which was 153.4 but I probably jumped it too much -
Last 6 months
November - 108.2
December - 135.5
January - 148.4
February - 114.4 (taking a few days of rest this month too)
March - 153.4
April - 131
    May is a new month, but I probably won't push it past 150 miles unless I am feeling really good and I won't even promise 150, as long as I can get 131 or more I will be happy.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A 4 Miler after 4 Days of Rest

   I've been itching to run since Saturday, and yet so nervous about how things would go. Almost scared you could say, I really hate injuries dang it. Anyways, since I was just going to go by feel this morning I set my alarm for 4 AM. Rocky and I were out the door by 4:29 AM, it was 61 degrees but cool enough for shorts and a short sleeves. I wore my bright yellow GT-2000 2's and my bright yellow hat along with my blinky vest thingy, since I would be doing a loop and the only loops around my house all have hills I wanted to be seen. Even with all that, some stupid mini van screamed over a hill and I actually had to jump to the side as I could see they wouldn't have time to see me (we were nearing the top of the hill as well). Sure enough they were hugging the side of the road, and had I not moved off the road they would have hit me (just another remind why I love the trails).
   Anyways, that was just before mile 1 so let me get back to the beginning. I didn't feel any soreness or aches or pains, but I was kind of stiff for the first mile or so. It wasn't my ankles either, it was my right shin and little areas on my calves. These had aches around the same time as my ankle started but not as bad, nothing to hinder my run this morning though. I definitely felt that 4 miles was a safe number to test things out and see how I am feeling, and I started it relatively slow for a road run.
  Rocky and I ran 4 miles in 43:47 with an average pace of 10:56 min/mile, elevation gain of 103 feet and a loss of 101 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:16
Mile 2 - 11:02
Mile 3 - 10:54
Mile 4 - 10:31

   I did ice a couple of spots right after the run, took four of the Hammer Nutrition Tissue Rejuventor pills/capsules, 3 BCAA tablets and stretched my calves (icing was after all this). The run wasn't bad at all, but I am feeling a bit sore in certain spots, it's hard to describe - not really sore but weird...... if that makes any sense whatsoever, I don't know. It just feels good to get back out there and run, but I really can't wait to get back on the trails AND get back up to 35 miles a week - I think 35-40 mpw is a good spot for me.... if I can get there that is.
   As much as I want to run tomorrow, I think I will hold off until Thursday and go by feel again. I do plan on running the Audubon hills Friday though, I want to get back to them so badly.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Running Gods Might Be Saying Another Rest Day

  I've been trying to get excited about hitting the trails tomorrow morning, but I can't get over the nervous gunshy feeling. I am scared that I will be disappointed and find that things haven't gotten better..... 
  Looking at the forecast, it seems that the Running Gods (and Goddesses) have decided that tomorrow will be another day off from running, as they are predicting thunderstorms starting this afternoon and throughout tomorrow. That also means the trails are going to be filthy wet again, but I am okay with that I think. Grant you, I could get out there tomorrow and still try but if I am to be honest with myself.... I think I will take it as an omen and rest for a 4th day. I just hope and pray that these four days of rest have helped me, even if my 2 year old has me chasing after him on my feet all day.... I am not really feeling any pain or soreness throughout the day, and the last 2 days I would feel kind of "stiff" in my right ankle waking up in the mornings but not this morning. 
   I am going to babble and whine about this until I feel or know that I am in the clear of this. It is irritating and depressing, and I am not sure how I should go about getting back into running. Should I cut all my runs in half for this upcoming week? Or go by feel but not push it too much? I guess I am just so nervous that I'll get back to running and the pain will still be there.... and that I should have taken the few days off from running 3 weeks to a month ago when the strange ache started :( 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Gotta Keep Rocky in Shape

  This is day 2 of my no running, and it is a bit depressing.... especially when I received Trail Runner mag in the mail Thursday, so yeah that doesn't help. There hasn't been much pain at all since Thursday's 5 miler, so I am trying to stay positive and hope that this rest will help tremendously. Of course I don't think I can call it rest when I am on my feet chasing a 2 year old around..... he just doesn't know how to stand still or sit and play with something, he's just got to be on the move constantly. Luckily, I am not feeling any pain or soreness when chasing him so I guess that is a good thing... right?
  I do feel kind of achy.... or... stiff in the right ankle you might say, in the morning when waking up but then it goes away. The left ankle hasn't felt anything, though just a bit of my left shin has ached a couple of times in the last 48 hours. Anyways, hopefully, just hopefully with this rest and icing and taking Hammer Nutrition's Tissue Rejuvenation pills, I'll be in better shape come Monday. Those pills can't hurt I suppose, an ultra runner I follow takes them (Kelly Agnew) and says they help with his recovery. I can't even look at my RA or RW log summary right now, where it says in the last 7 days or last 30 days, I just can't bare to see it lol.
  Anyways, even though I am having to take a few days off doesn't mean Rocky should suffer so last night I ran him around our 5 acre property. I rode the 4 Wheeler and he chased it, that boy can get up to 25 almost 30 mph no problem so I'll call last night speed work for him lol. We did this for probably 15 minutes and then another 15-20 minutes of just riding around at 10-15 mph, then even slower when Dorian rode with me. Rocky definitely got a workout from that, then this morning we went around easy for 25-30 minutes at 10 mph. Then Rocky got a bath due to all the mud lol.
  That's the nice thing about having 5 acres of property, and thankfully Rocky can still get a good work out even when I am having to rest.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

A Reluctant Decision

   After much debate, and arguing with myself I've decided that the best thing to do at this point would be to take a few days off from running :(
  Things just aren't getting any better with my ankle, in fact now my left ankle is starting to hurt. I can't keep pushing my already questionable luck until things get really bad and I end up having to take weeks or months off, especially since I'll be starting my training for my first marathon this June (marathon is in November).
   I want to complain, gripe and cry about it dang it. It isn't fair, I worked so hard to get up to a 35-40 mpw range and now I am having to fall back well below that, I am not even sure if that will help at all :( You will probably hear me complain a lot over the next few days but I am going to try and bike to make up for it. I am going to put my bike rack on the Tahoe, and Dorian's pull-along in the back so that I can take him with me for 6-8 miles in the morning and possibly another 6-8 miles in the afternoon or evenings to make up for the runs I'll be missing. I know Rocky will be very upset about it, as I can't take him with us on the bike but maybe after a few days of complete rest I can include walks on the days we don't bike.
  This is depressing!!!

Still Some Aches in Both

  I went ahead and bought another CEP ankle brace, hopefully it will get here by Saturday. Both ankles ache now, the aches come and go during the run and I am just hoping and praying I don't have to stop for a few days. Two weeks from this Sunday we're leaving to Tennessee for a week and I am pretty much expecting that to be a cutback week, most likely 20 miles or less running but hopefully some hiking. I am just holding out until then, hoping that whatever the issues are will stay at bay and not get worse until then. Heck, I'll take the entire week off from running if that will help.

   Anyways, this morning Rocky and I ran 5.2 miles on the trails. I wore the ankle brace on my right foot, but both were kind of sore. Nothing that affected my stride or anything, but that little ache that just irritates you because you would much rather have a pleasant, pain free, invincible feeling kind of run you know? So I would rather call it an annoying ache.
   The trails are drying up, deer smell funny.... like barn animals - pigs, cows and horses. We ran 5.2 miles in 57:57 with an average pace of 11:08 min/mile, elevation gain of 83 feet and a loss of 97 feet.
  As the soreness has returned, I think I will cut this weekends long run to 13 miles depending on how I feel.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:56
Mile 2 - 11:04
Mile 3 - 10:50
Mile 4 - 10:39
Mile 5 - 11:21
.2       - 10:32

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Speaking of Safety and Risks

   Upon a reader's questions, I decided I would bloop about the precautions I attempt to take. Here are some of the precautions I take daily and weekly.

  • I always make sure to be aware of my surroundings
    • Noticing a suspicious car more than once - for example, up until last Wednesday's 9 miler I've noticed this same low-rider truck at the beginning of my runs, they (sometimes one guy, sometimes 2) drive extremely slow and park in front of a trucking company for a minute or two, almost waiting for me to get closer before they begin driving. I've noticed that more than 3 times over the last month IF my runs begin around 5 AM and not before, I've also noticed that same truck is parked at the water treatment plant just across from our house so my main suspicion is that drugs are involved but I've since decided that if any road run is close to 5 AM I will avoid that road.
  • I switch up routes like a girl switches bras and panties, I try not to run the same route more than once a week and never on the same day of the week (same route every Monday or Wednesday for example). I always have to start off from my house but I can usually pick right or left, and then other roads to switch up. I am also always ready to dive into a ditch or wooded area for whatever reason.
  • Usually I have no issues or no questionable situations between 3 and 5 AM, the suspicious events normally happen after 5 AM but sometimes I'll run in the evenings or afternoon in the city to switch up my times in case there is a stalker out there.
  • I carry pepper Spray and a knife along with a dog that looks intimidating to most people.
  • As for trails:
    • No music whatsoever, never when on trails even during daylight. I like to have my hearing completely 100% , if I hear the slightest sound behind me or around me I will stop and take a look.
    • Even if Rocky isn't an attack dog, by running in front of me, behind me and all around me I know without a doubt he will find anybody that is possibly hiding behind a tree or mud or wherever. He might not attack them, but he'll give away their position and give me a chance to have my pepper spray ready (or to grab a large stick/limb and beat the crap out of them)
    • I try to go in different directions, never taking the same direction or starting off the same or ending the same if possible.
  • My best defense overall is my awareness of everything around me.

I Could Get Used to this Mud

   Strangely enough, I am getting to the point of enjoying this muddy crap out on the trails.... enough to where my pace is getting closer to what it is on the roads. This morning my alarm went off at 3:20 AM, it was about 49 degrees with a feels like 45 so I wore my capri's, under armour thermal shirt, a dri-fit tee over that and my thinish gloves. I had some coffee, went to the bathroom and was out the door by 4:40 AM.
    I planned on starting in the parking lot near the boat ramp to the river, rather than the levee parking lot where we've been parking for the past week.    A truck was coming from the other direction and pulled in before I could, so I drove on by frustrated and then pulled into a driveway to turn back around. Reason I did this, as a woman alone (believe me, Rocky isn't exactly the protective kind..... at least I haven't seen otherwise) at pretty much night, I don't feel comfortable pulling into a parking lot near another vehicle and not knowing who is in it. I can't help it if a vehicle is already parked there, but I don't like pulling in behind someone and letting them see that I am alone. Luckily the truck went to the lot where the trucks with boat trailers park and then to the boat ramp (even more strange.... and suspicious). I parked near the trailhead, got my headlamp on and we headed onto the trails as my imagination went a little crazy - could this guy be dumping a dead body in the river? Or drowning someone or an animal? I don't know, and I didn't go find out. He didn't have a boat or trailer with him, just his truck so I am not sure... maybe there is a floating dock down by the ramp where he was going to sit and fish... who knows?
  Anyways, I have to admit I am very pleased to say I am getting used to the muddy trails and figuring out quick ways of getting over really muddy or flooded sections. Rocky on the other hand goes right through the muddiest of mud. We probably saw 25-30 deer, Rocky tried to say hi to a Opossum which wasn't in the mood and I was able to get Rocky away from it before anything bad happened. That reminds me, I need to set up an appointment to get Rocky in for his shots.
   My GPS was finally working this time for elevation, so that is a good thing. Rocky and I ran 9 miles in 1:39:31 with an average pace of 11:03 min/mile, so I am definitely picking up the pace with all this mud which is beginning to dry. Elevation gain of 103 feet, and a loss of 115 feet.... sounds about right.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:56
Mile 2 - 10:41
Mile 3 - 10:16
Mile 4 - 11:23
Mile 5 - 12:15
Mile 6 - 11:21
Mile 7 - 10:58
Mile 8 - 10:34
Mile 9 - 10:07


Monday, April 21, 2014

  I can say without any hesitation that I am looking forward to not having to wake up early tomorrow morning. This morning I almost didn't bother when my alarm went off at 4 AM, I was wiped out and the brace had started a blister or bruise on the top of my foot because I hadn't been wearing socks between the brace and my skin. I laid in bed for 7 minutes telling myself it wouldn't be so bad if I took the next two days off...... but eventually I got up and went straight to the coffee and poured a cup while sitting at the computer looking over the weather and still debating. I had taken the brace off, and then went to get dressed and we were out the door by 4:30.
   I could tell the trails were slowly starting to dry, but there were still some problem spots AND it is supposed to rain tonight through tomorrow morning so I am sure the trails will be back to wet and muddy. I got sick of one spot in particular, ruining my favorite trail so I spent 10-15 minutes finding logs and limbs to set up a makeshift "bridge". Sadly I didn't get a picture but I might make some improvements Wednesday, and I would like to actually get out there and do many of the flooded sections like that.
   Temperature was 54 degrees, I was wearing shorts and a dri-fit tee and it felt great. My legs were doing much better, even without the brace so I am feeling pretty good about recovery. The original plan was just 4 miles for today, but by mile 3 I was feeling so good that I decided we were going to at least run 5 miles. We ended up running 5.3 in 59:27 with an average pace of 11:12 min/mile, again I will not mention the stupid elevation thing.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 12:25
Mile 2 - 10:57
Mile 3 - 11:08
Mile 4 - 11:06
Mile 5 - 10:53
.3      - 9:51

      I have to admit, I am getting used to the mud and water..... but still annoyed that I have to clean my shoes just about every dang day.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Can it Get any Muddier?

   I decided to set my alarm to 5 AM, since I was wiped out yesterday and wasn't allowed to nap at all. As I was going to bed at 9:30 I thought about setting my alarm for 4 AM, but forgot. Luckily I already had an alarm ready to go at 4 AM. I forgot that my braces were still in the dryer downstairs, and my stepson sleeps downstairs in the room next to the laundry room so I didn't bother to go down there as I didn't want to wake him up.
   Rocky and I had 6 miles planned but as the run started, somewhere between my calves and ankles ached a lot (I seriously think my legs are tired of all the mud) and I was a little worried that it was a bad idea to run without the braces. I just wanted to at least run 3.8 miles to reach 30 miles for the week dang it. It kept on for the first mile before going away, and things got better.... except for all the freaking mud. I even made the stupid mistake near mile 4 and after by running the one trail I avoid like the plague during this crappy wet season. It was grotesquely nasty and my ankles and calves started to complain, thankfully it was only a quarter of a mile long.......... ick.
   I am half tempted to see if my mom will watch Dorian at some point today so I can go out there and place logs/limbs and stuff as makeshift bridges at the flooded sections. Someone has attempted to at least have one limb laying across but dude you either have to slow way down or trip into the water, either way you're slowing down. Volunteers have managed to put two boardwalk bridges at two of the worse flooded areas but there are two more spots that could benefit from some boardwalks.
   Anyways, this was a very slow run, very slow. It was 52 degrees but felt like 48, not bad either way. I won't even mention the elevation, but I realized after uploading the workout that the elevation correct was disabled, maybe that is why my GPS has been acting nuts.
   We ran 6 miles in 1:09:57 with an average pace of 11:39 min/mile, just taking it easy. 
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:59
Mile 2 - 10:54
Mile 3 - 12:12
Mile 4 - 11:55
Mile 5 - 12:26
Mile 6 - 10:28

     I want to go back to sleep................

Saturday, April 19, 2014

A Muddy, Wet and Slow 10 Miler

  I didn't want to get up this morning, but I woke at 3:12 AM just 8 minutes shy of my alarm clock going off at 3:20 AM. I got up, checked the weather and happily threw on shorts and dri-fit tee. I put both my ankle brace (on right foot) and the brace for the Achilles that I got in the mail yesterday (on my left foot) as I think I might be feeling some soreness there but wasn't sure. I heated up some coffee, and was out the door.
  The plan was 6-8 miles on the muddy trails at Angel Mounds with Rocky, and boy was it muddy and slow and wet. Some spots that had water Thursday morning had only mud this morning, but still nasty. Suffice to say, both braces need to be washed AND my shoes are on the front porch drying so I can brush them off (I do not wash them, just let the mud dry and use a tough brush to get as much dirt off.....).
  To cut it short, I had to cut through the woods for about 20 feet after mile 3. The trail I was on was getting close to joining the other trail but I hit a spot that was extremely flooded and looked like it went on for 20 feet or more so I said screw it and just cut through and found the other trail. Then I had to maneuver around a very flooded section that is normally the last to dry completely up (normally around July or August). It was pretty muddy and nasty, and I only ran half of the trails, skipping I think 1-2 miles of trails that are either flooded are lead to flooded sections. I love these trails, but I get so sick of them taking months to dry up.
  Around mile 7, I had stomach issues like severe hunger than normal but it went away after a while. My legs held up, though a little tired but not bad and I feel really good about my ankle and whatever the issue is with my other leg but I am seriously wondering if the new shoes are the issue. I bought them back in March just before Two Lakes Loop and my ankle started acting up after Two Lakes Loop. I guess we'll just have to see, won't we.
  I decided to go for 10 after mile 7, figuring I will just take it easy tomorrow and run the 6 miles then. It was a slow 10 miles let me tell you, I think my slowest in a long, long, long time. We ran 10 miles in 1:51:28 with an average pace of 11:08 min/mile. Temperature was 54 degrees, and don't even ask about what the GPS said the elevation gain was. Any lap that was close to 12 min/mile or over was during very muddy or flooded sections that I had to slow down at.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:17
Mile 2 - 11:01
Mile 3 - 12:21
Mile 4 - 12:16
Mile 5 - 10:27
Mile 6 - 10:27
Mile 7 - 11:30
Mile 8 - 10:58
Mile 9 - 10:57
Mile 10 - 10:11

    I think running the trails and cutting my runs in half has definitely helped my legs, along with icing and the braces. Hopefully I can overcome this issue, my next big cutback week is after June 14 which was supposed to be Indian-Celina Challenge but since they cancelled it I am going to run the John James Audubon trails - 13-15 miles of them and then the following week will be a cutback week before I start training for the marathon.

Friday, April 18, 2014

A Tough but Great Run at Audubon

  I gotta admit, I sure do love the butt kicking I get from John James Audubon's trails :) That is tough love I can get used to enjoying. Temperature was around 60'something but the humidity was high so it seemed a bit warmer than last week. My quads were heavy feeling and threatening to get heavier during the run but I guess that is a good thing, as I'll need to know that feeling when still climbing hills and having miles and miles to go. It felt tougher than last week, but my ankle held up well (with brace on) even when I pinched the outside of it at one point and it felt like a little pinched nerve but went away in seconds. The problem has been more on the inside of my right ankle.
  I think my left shin or calf or whatever is hurting thanks to Dorian and Rocky, Dorian loves climbing all over me and for some reason LOVES climbing all over my legs. When he just about puts all 27 lbs of him into one hand or foot onto my legs it hurts, and after a while of this I bet there is muscle tissue or something bruised. But that didn't hurt yesterday either, so good.
  Anyways, as expected it was a bit slower pace. I ran 3.3 miles including a new trail that I never knew existed but I think I remember hiking it years, years ago (like 10 years ago). I missed the last major climb by doing this trail, but it had it's only major climb minus 40 feet compared to the other. The 3.3 miles took 38 minutes and 4 seconds with a pace of 11:32 min/mile, total elevation gain of 912 feet with a loss of 810 feet so compared to last week which was 961 feet with a loss of 886 feet, so it stayed pretty much on track even with the hills (more like ravines) and trees. I think I can safely assume that a loop of 3.3 miles is around 950 feet or anywhere between 900 and 1000 feet of climb. Cannot wait to be doing more than one loop but first this one has got to get just a tad easier lol.
  Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:14
Mile 2 - 10:41
Mile 3 - 12:41
.3      - 11:29

   Mile 2 had some relatively flat or downhill or rolling hills so I did try to hit them at a good pace. I did take pictures but haven't had a chance to get them on here, and still no Demonic Horsefly yet so that is really good news.

  I started this bloop last night but never finished until this morning so here is an update on my ankle:
 I did begin icing my ankle and lower leg issue yesterday, my ankle isn't feeling sore this morning but I am still going to keep icing and wearing the brace until no pain at all. I am going to try and stick to trails too, just avoid the road right now even if I must run the levee back and forth (I hate GPS overlapping lines lol). Today might have a walk somewhere in there, but mainly resting and I think I will cut my long run in half, or run 6-8 miles Saturday morning and 8-10 miles Sunday morning.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

A Muddy, Mucky Trail Run

   I decided to take yesterday off from running, hoping a break would give my right ankle (and left lower shin or something down there) some rest. Rocky and I went to Angel Mounds trails for an easy 4 miler, hoping the soft surface would do my legs some good and I wore the brace too. No pain that I could notice but boy did I end up muddy, and now my brace is in the washer (hopefully it won't be destroyed). It was most certainly slow going compared to street runs or even dry trail runs, I had to trek through a lot of mud and flooded parts which slowed me down. But it was a nice change, and as long as we don't have anymore downpours like we have in the last week or so, I think I might stick to the trails for a while or as long as I can. 
   This afternoon I plan to run the hill trails at Audubon, 3 or 4 miles and then take tomorrow off while contemplating on cutting my long run in half and run 6 or 7 miles Saturday morning and then 9 or 10 miles Sunday morning.

   It was 39 degrees, elevation gain of 75 feet and a loss of 76 feet. Rocky and I ran 4.3 miles in 49:12 with an average pace of 11:26 min/mile, it didn't feel that slow but hey, trekking in mud and water can definitely slow you down.
  Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:17
Mile 2 - 11:22
Mile 3 - 12:44
Mile 4 - 11:12
.3      -  8:43

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Could Fate be Smiling Upon Me?

Okay, so back in February I mentioned or asked DH about the possibility of a vacation next year to the Grand Canyon, somewhere between late Spring to early May. He said it was possible, but since that was so far away I just put it back in mind so I could handle other things.
 Well, this morning on the FB page Trail and Ultra Running someone mentioned an Inaugural race being held this May (so it will most likely be in May every year) - the Grand Canyon Ultra / 50k, 50M and 100M! I got to looking more into it and am excited, if I could possibly talk DH into a vacation right around this time, I'd have a chance of running the 50k distance (I'd really like to run the 50 but with that being a year away I just can't say if it is a possibility).  It just feels like fate, when contemplating this vacation I wasn't considering any races but maybe some runs in the canyon but I would love to do the race dang it! Someone mentioned on the page that it sounds like it is ran on the top of the canyon so it shouldn't have too large of an elevation change/gain, but who knows. The first race is May 17 and I am definitely going to keep an eye on it and see what race reports follow.

Chilly, Tough and Windy 9 Miler

   This morning started out pretty frustrating, I could have sworn I had woke up at 2:19 AM waiting for my alarm to go off at 3:10 AM but then I drifted off to sleep and was woke up by an alarm and I thought it was 3:10 AM until I stepped into the bathroom and looked at my phone to turn off the alarm and saw it was 4:30 AM. I am not sure if my 3:10 AM alarm never went off or did go off and I read my watch wrong, maybe instead of 2:19 AM it was 3:19 AM which would make sense because I just don't remember hearing my alarm.
   I was frustrated, quickly got dressed as the plan was to run our 9 mile run today instead of the easy 6. Temperature was 36 degrees (dang it) so I had to put on my thermal under armour shirt and my yellow long sleeves, and my warmer gloves and head band but I did not pull out the tights and wore my capris. I don't know what this cold weather is about, but I am sick of it!
   Rocky enjoyed the cooler temps, I don't think he is very fond running or walking in these temps above 60 degrees. My ankle started bothering me again around mile 3 or 4 and kept up until the end, this time with a bit of a stinging kind of pain on the inside of my ankle... I am going to wear my CEP RXOrtho+ Ankle Brace all day today except when sleeping and I am going to try and run with it tomorrow morning, I am going to wear all day this week and see if that helps. I really don't want to take a few days off from running, but I want this soreness to go away.
   This was a Progressive mid long run, or just a nice fast one with some struggling due to my ankle. I would like for this to be my pace during my first marathon but we'll just have to see has the months progress and how I do in the heat of summer. Rocky and I ran the 9 miles in 1:25:45 with an average pace of 9:31 min/mile, elevation gain of 202 feet and a loss of 202 feet. It was windy, 14 mph NNW winds making it feel like 27 degrees but I felt pretty warm.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:41
Mile 2 - 10:16
Mile 3 - 9:58
Mile 4 - 9:45
Mile 5 - 9:34
Mile 6 - 9:33
Mile 7 - 9:10
Mile 8 - 8:50
Mile 9 - 7:56

       Overall, not a bad run.... I cannot promise that I won't complain about the heat dang it, but hopefully it will make me a stronger runner this fall during my debut marathon race. If I could hold that pace or go for a negative split during 26.2 miles, then that would give my finish time of around 4:09:20. My goal is to just finish under 4 hours and 45 minutes, but getting close to 4 hours would be awesome. Yep...... I am dreaming :)

Sunday, April 13, 2014

First Humid Long Run in a While

  I know, it's late getting this up on here as I was out running my 16.2 miles this morning but I've been wiped out and today is a very special day - my little angel is officially 2 years old today.
  My alarm woke me at 4:05 AM, I was beat and wore out and I didn't want to get up and run. Chasing Dorian and the other kids around all afternoon yesterday had me wipe out, and my body begged me to stay in bed. But I just couldn't, I look forward to my long runs the most out of any other run (of course once I start running the Audubon trails once a week, they'll be a close 2nd favorite). It was 66 degrees with 73% humidity and 14 mph S winds, the humidity was going to be the kicker, I wore shorts (with body glide on my inner thighs) and a tank along with my hydration pack with water in the reservoir, and water in the 12 oz bottle with 2 tablets of Hammer Nutrition Endurolyte Fizz (the grape, not to great by itself but I did try it during a walk with one tablet grape and one Lemon-lime and that was good).
  The first 5 miles or so were good, though I was feeling sore already and I had taken a few sips from the 12 oz bottle hoping for a little kick. I was already sweating but the sun wasn't up yet so that was good. By mile 8 I had my first Energy Gu, I was feeling wore out and the sun was starting to come out. The temperature and humidity was definitely making a difference with my pace and my overall feeling.
   Mile 10 I had to make a pit stop and ended up fighting my way through thorn bushes, that was fun........ not. By mile 13 I had my second Energy Gu, the first one had given me a nice kick for 5 miles but I was needing something bad. The sun was up and 66 degrees was feeling pretty warm, I swear I take so much longer acclimating to the heat that I will suffer most of the summer before I finally get used to things. I am very hot headed, and if my head is hot then my running suffers. Through all of this I had taken sips of the 12 oz bottle while chasing the Gu's with water from the reservoir.
   By mile 14.1 I stopped and took my tank off and hung it off the hydration pack, I felt a little better with the wind actually touching more of my skin. I can't say how happy I was when I reached mile 15 and only had a mile to go, but ended up running 16.2 miles just to get home a little quicker.
  I ran 16.2 miles in 2:46:59 with an average pace of 10:19 min/mile, I think the elevation information is way off so I won't even mention it. It was sunny, 66 degrees, 14 mph S winds and 73% humidity. This run leaves me just a little concerned with how my performance will be affected when the real heat comes.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:18
Mile 2 - 10:16
Mile 3 - 10:35
Mile 4 - 10:23
Mile 5 - 10:37
Mile 6 - 10:32

Mile 7 - 10:19
Mile 8 - 10:30
Mile 9 - 10:21
Mile 10 - 10:25
Mile 11 - 10:35
Mile 12 - 10:25
Mile 13 - 10:13
Mile 14 - 9:55
Mile 15 - 9:27
Mile 16 - 9:26
.2        - 8:36


Thursday, April 10, 2014

I Lied, John James Audubon Trails

   I was hoping I could run the trails at John James Audubon tomorrow afternoon, but with the fear of what the forecast was threatening I was scared it wouldn't happen so I had my mom watch Dorian this afternoon and ran the trails. I must admit I am so glad I did that, I am not going to lie.... and it was tough. The temperature was 75 degrees so I was wearing shorts and a Nike sleeveless tank top, luckily humidity was down to 39% so it didn't feel awful and there was a 15 mph WSW breeze.
   I ran 3.3 miles in 37:35 with an average pace of 11:23 min/mile, and the total elevation gain during this run was 961 feet with a loss of 886 feet. To run even a 10k would be an elevation gain of 1,922 feet, a 15k would be 2,883 feet and a half marathon distance would be 3,844 feet!!! Holy cow!!! If I was to run that same loop just the way I did tonight, 4 times then that would give me 13.2 miles which is pretty much half marathon distance.
   To run 26.2 miles on the same loop, I would have to run 8 loops giving me 26.4 and an elevation gain of 7,688 feet which would make those trails WAY tougher than the Two Lakes Loop trails I ran almost 3 weeks ago. I would really like to be able to run this loop once a week and work up to 2-3 loops by the middle of summer or at least by the end of this year.

Mile 1 - 11:15
Mile 2 - 11:14
Mile 3 - 12:14
.3      - 9:32 (this part was downhill)

  Here are a few pics I took just after 2 miles.

This Morning's Easy 4 Miles with a Fast Finish

   I set my alarm for 5:30 AM but I woke up probably somewhere between 4:30 and 5 AM, laying in bed staring at the ceiling wondering what time it was. I got up at 5:20 AM, sick of waiting and noticing that daylight was coming (dang it). But I only had 4 miles planned so I didn't need to get up real early this time, I checked the weather and went ahead and wore capris with my short sleeves. Rocky and I were out the door by 5:50 AM for our run, my ankle was feeling tons better since wearing the CEP brace thingy all day yesterday, it didn't ache at all.
   We got our four miles done nice and easy, and no dog issues or anything like that. The last .2 at a 6:59 min/mile pace (Woohoo!!!!) We ran 4.2 miles in 42:56 with an average pace of 10:13 min/mile, elevation gain of 126 feet and a loss of 128 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:06
Mile 2 - 11:02
Mile 3 - 10:21
Mile 4 - 9:02
.2       - 6:59

    It was supposed to be easy and slow, the first 2 miles were pretty much right on target but I decided to go with how I felt and everything felt pretty easy actually. Hopefully tomorrow's weather will allow me to hit the John James Audubon Trails in the afternoon, see what kind of butt kicking I can get.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

9 Miles This Morning

   I think I woke up before my alarm at 4:05 AM, and I could smell my coffee (yum). I got up, got dressed and drank my coffee and then checked the weather to see if I needed gloves and the long sleeves, temperature was 43 degrees with no wind so I went ahead and wore the long sleeves and gloves (and my capris).
   Rocky and I were trying another seldom used route, doing our best to avoid loose dogs, awful traffic and the roads that could possibly still be flooded. Overall it went really well, no issues with floods, cars or loose dogs and my right ankle seemed to be doing better. I did go on and purchase a CEP RxOrtho+ Ankle Brace and I am hoping it will help a lot though I am not sure if I will wear it during runs even though it says that it can be. It was delivered last night and I am wearing it now, so far it feels really comfortable.
   Anyways, Rocky and I ran 9 miles in 1:32:35 with an average pace of 10:17 min/mile. An elevation gain of 231 feet and a loss of 245 feet, overall a good run and no issues.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:02
Mile 2 - 10:02
Mile 3 - 9:59
Mile 4 - 10:33
Mile 5 - 10:38
Mile 6 - 10:34
Mile 7 - 10:26
Mile 8 - 9:40
Mile 9 - 9:39

    Tomorrow Rocky and I will run an easy 4 miler because I plan on hitting the Audubon trails on Friday afternoon for a hilly 3 miler.

Monday, April 7, 2014

A 6 Miler at 3:30 in the Morning

  I claimed I was going to take today as a rest day, but last night I decided screw it and set my alarm for 3 AM. We hit the sack at 9 PM but I didn't fall asleep until 10 PM and it seems 3 AM came really fast..... I felt tired but I got up anyways and got the coffee going and got dressed, I was tired.
  Luckily it was 54 degrees, but I didn't bother to switch from my capris to shorts and I just wore a t-shirt and my hat, and my blinky vest thingy. I don't even think Rocky was ready to go, but he never says no to a run so off we went. We took a different route that we haven't used in a while, where the hills came within the first 1-1.5 miles and I got them over with. My legs weren't really sore, but my right ankle is still bugging me..... just more like a nagging ache rather than real pain.
   I freaked myself out a couple of times, it was cloudy so no light from the moon and I spotted 2 or 3 deer in a yard but could've sworn for a moment they were dogs so we froze and waited until they took off behind the house. Then what I assume was a deer disappeared over a hill about a mile after that first encounter. I did spot a small/young fox (so did Rocky), which reminds me, yesterday morning during my 16 miler I spotted a full grown fox, such beautiful animals. 
  Around mile 4 we had almost a too close of an encounter with a skunk, he/she wasn't paying any attention to us but we stopped and waited for a moment as I didn't want to go home stinking. He was minding his business so much, that I finally decided to get back to running which he then spun around and watched us, but had his tail up and ready to spin his butt facing us. Sadly, that was probably the scariest encounter lol.
  Rocky and I ran 6 miles in 1:04:18 with an average pace of 10:42 min/mile, elevation gain of 167 feet and a loss of 173 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:03
Mile 2 - 10:56
Mile 3 - 10:46
Mile 4 - 10:34
Mile 5 - 10:22
Mile 6 - 10:08

    The last mile is faster than I wanted because around mile 4, my bowels started rumbling and I had already passed all the good spots to go so I tried to get home as quick as possible. Luckily I made it without having to take one pit stop during the run. Reminding me again, I didn't make ONE SINGLE pit stop during yesterday's 16 miler which is a great milestone for me! It is nice when I don't have to go to bathroom during a run :)

Sunday, April 6, 2014

This Weekend's Runs

  So I forgot to post about our 4 miler yesterday morning, Rocky and I went ahead and took Thursday and Friday off as rest days mainly due to the severe weather that started Wednesday night and didn't end until Friday morning, and then all Friday consisted of was winds between 15-25 mph so I felt it was a good excuse to take two rest days. And since I had a 15 miler planned this morning, I didn't want to run to much yesterday so we only ran 4 easy miles in 41:17 with an average pace of 10:18 min/mile. Elevation gain of 74 feet and a loss of 74 feet, temperature was 43 degrees with a feels like 40.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:03
Mile 2 - 10:32
Mile 3 - 9:57
Mile 4 - 9:43

    Yesterday afternoon I took Dorian for a drive to see if any of the roads on my long run routes were flooded and sure enough two important roads that are normally within the first 3 miles were flooded.

This was on my very normal route that I used during most of my runs, and it is just 2-3 miles from my house so running it was out of the question. It does get deeper the further you go out and it probably covers about 100 feet out. So I spent probably 40 minutes driving around trying to find enough dry roads that would give me at least 15 miles, luckily I found a route that would end up giving me 16 miles.

   I was up at 4:30 AM this morning, drank one cup of coffee and was out the door by 5 AM with the intent on not consuming any gels but still carrying them just in case. I have to admit I probably started out a bit faster than planned, or least faster than my usual long runs but that is okay. I wanted to get past a certain section of roads that can become very dangerous in daylight and when people begin heading to church, it always amazes me that the very people who claim to be religious and follow God's words and everything are the ones who will most likely run you over if you are out running on "their" roads. It is so sad, but such is the case in my area.
  To make this short, things went great and I didn't consume a single gel but I drink probably sip about 3-4 oz of gatorade and 3-4 oz of water, that water was tasting really good after 12 miles let me tell you.
  Between mile 11 and mile 12, I was going along minding my own business when I heard the familiar 4 steps that you know is a dog running up behind you. Luckily it was the same hound that found me a few weeks ago and I was able to lose him a few weeks ago, this time he was determined to tag along though.

This was right at mile 13, I am happy to say he was neutered so that is nice. I can't stand it when people let their unaltered dogs run loose, it really, really, REALLY gets on my nerves.

Once we got into the neighborhood and other dogs were barking, I managed to lose him and hopefully he went back home. I am sure he is used to roaming the countryside so finding his way back home shouldn't be an issue.
   Other than the temporary running buddy, everything was peaceful and nice. I really enjoyed the 16 miles I got in today, maybe I will try and make all of April's weekend long runs 16 miles.
   I ran 16 miles in 2:41:16 with an average pace of 10:05 min/mile, elevation gain of 432 feet and a loss of 439 feet. Temperature was 39 degrees and sunny, so a pretty nice day overall. I just hope I can handle these long runs in temps 75+.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:43
Mile 2 - 10:07
Mile 3 - 10:05
Mile 4 - 10:03
Mile 5 - 9:56
Mile 6 - 10:04
Mile 7 - 10:21
Mile 8 - 10:27
Mile 9 - 10:20
Mile 10 - 10:12
Mile 11 - 10:08
Mile 12 - 10:02
Mile 13 - 9:58
Mile 14 - 9:51
Mile 15 - 9:51
Mile 16 - 9:05

      A great run, most likely tomorrow will be a rest day due to crappy rainy weather.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

This 9 Miler was Sore and Drawn Out

   I definitely think I need a day's rest, and tomorrow I am most certainly going to enjoy that rest. I got up at 4:15 AM, I could smell my coffee brewing and it smelled so good. I got dressed and sipped on some coffee while getting my hair up, and then checked the weather wishing I had gotten my shorts instead but I wasn't about to open the door and wake Dorian up so capris were going to have to do it.
   Rocky and I were out the door 10 minutes before 5 AM, and I could tell this run was going to be a bit sore but not bad. After running 15.5 miles Sunday, then walking 5.2 miles Monday and then running 6 miles yesterday morning, I knew 9 miles this morning was pushing it but tomorrow's forecast swears a chance of thunderstorms all day so I had no choice.
   For some reason this run seemed really drawn out, if I could I would upload my route just to show how much overlapping and going down side roads just to get an extra .2 or half mile in trying to scrape my 9 miles in this morning. Rocky was definitely tired, and warm but he was a trooper and I let him trot in the grass whenever he wanted.
   We ran 9 miles in 1:33:30 with an average pace of 10:23 min/mile, elevation gain of 248 feet and a loss of 252 feet. Temperature was 54 degrees with 6 mph ENE winds with humidity at 67%. I am going to enjoy tomorrow's rest day.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:52
Mile 2 - 10:44
Mile 3 - 10:36
Mile 4 - 10:37
Mile 5 - 9:56
Mile 6 - 10:07
Mile 7 - 10:18
Mile 8 - 10:25
Mile 9 - 9:53

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

I Got to Wear Shorts and No Shirt!!!!

  This morning was a B-E-A-UTIFUL 58 degrees, but first I have to tell my bad dream. I was having a lot of strange dreams but I could've sworn I woke up and it was daylight and I looked at my phone and it said 6:59 AM! I thought (F word) I missed my run, my 4:45 AM alarm didn't even go off, now I'll have to run this afternoon if I can. I didn't realize that I woke up right after that and I laid in bed for a few minutes just thinking, before I soon realized it was still dark outside so I thought WTF? I looked at my watch and it said 4:39 AM, I was ecstatic that I didn't miss my run yet but I still had to sneak out of bed.
  At some moments, it didn't look like it was going to happen but Rocky and I managed to get out the door. I wore my shorts and a t-shirt, it felt amazing out and around 1.5 miles I took that shirt off and felt even better. I had my blinky vest on and had clipped my knife to it since it was too heavy to clip on my shorts, well without a shirt it rubbed against my stomach so now I have a raw spot there.
   Anyways, my right ankle was giving me some issues again but not awful (again), I'll be happy when it goes away completely. It was a bit windy but not bad, maybe 8 mph SSW winds I think, and an elevation gain of 114 feet and a loss of 118 feet. Near the very end of my run I saw another runner running! There's just an awesome feeling when seeing a fellow runner out.
   Rocky and I ran 6 miles in 1:02:20 with an average pace of 10:23 min/mile, so it was a great run even though I felt slower than I was.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:59
Mile 2 - 10:26
Mile 3 - 10:25
Mile 4 - 10:19
Mile 5 - 10:18
Mile 6 - 9:52