Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Owensboro Half Marathon

  In light of all that is going on with my legs, I went and registered for the Owensboro Memorial Day Half Marathon that is on May 24................ what the heck was I thinking? I am not sure, to be honest. The new plan now is to take it easy, really easy - I don't care if my long runs don't get above 10-11 miles between now and the race, I don't care if my weekly mileage doesn't go above 25 just as long as I heal and can enjoy the race. But I would really like to get my mileage back up to at least 30 mpw.
   Anyways, yeah.. .. so things aren't feeling awful right now compared to this morning after the run which wasn't awful either but had me nervous. It was the feeling I normally except after a tough long run (like in the 15+ mile range). If things are feeling 100% by tomorrow afternoon, I'll most likely hike more of Audubon than run them.

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