Thursday, May 15, 2014

Tennessee's Substitute for Audubon Trails

 This was a spontaneous decision, as I wasn't really planning on running today even though I really wanted to. All week the temp has been in the 60's during the morning and 80's during the day, but today was different. The high didn't get above 62 degrees, so just before 6 PM I decided that Rocky and I would hit the road for 2 or 3 miles just for a quickie.
  I will consider this a substitute for Audubon's hilly trails, and believe me it isn't getting much easier with these darn hills.
  It was 61 degrees, 11 mph W winds that I didn't really feel at all due to all the trees and stuff, and 55% humidity. 
  Rocky and I ran 3 miles in 30:29 with an average pace of 10:09 min/mile, and an elevation gain of 451 feet (first time I've had more feet than mile, more than 100 feet per mile) and a loss of 462 feet.
   Laps/splits were: 
Mile 1 - 10:07
Mile 2 - 10:19
Mile 3 - 10:01

     Tomorrow's plan is to get up and run 6 miles, and I plan on running the main roads rather than the "subdivision" road that I've been running for the first mile or 2, because I am freaking tired of these darn hills and want an easy run dang it! 

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