Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Seriously Have to Remember Body Glide

    Well, it was 64 degrees and I freaking forgot my body glide (AGAIN) while wearing shorts. The good news is that pain didn't start until the last one and a half miles, but I am still irritated about it because I really want to wear shorts for the race as it is going to be around 60 something Saturday morning and I don't want to be burning up. Another lesson to learn is not to dance reggae for an hour the evening before a run, my legs were hating me.... especially my quads and hams. I am so glad I am taking the next two days off from running, I am going to ice and foam roll and hope that my legs will be fresh and ready for a great race.
    Anyways, we stopped quite a bit... it was humid and Rocky needed the breaks (so did I trying to keep from irritating my skin). I was trying to keep an eye on Rocky's well being and keep a careful eye on my thighs.
   The original plan was 8 or 9 miles, we ended up with 8.2 miles in 1:25:00 with an average pace of 10:22 min/mile, elevation gain of 179 feet and a loss of 180 feet. No dog issues (thankfully). It was 64 degrees and 88% humidity, hopefully Rocky will get used to this weather and as long as we run before dawn he shouldn't have too many issues though as soon as I let him off lead in the driveway he bolted up and around and in circles.... yeah so much for being exhausted huh?
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:28
Mile 2 - 10:51
Mile 3 - 10:43
Mile 4 - 10:29
Mile 5 - 10:08
Mile 6 - 10:15
Mile 7 - 9:53
Mile 8 - 9:27
.2       - 8:56

   Now for some rest, maybe a walk tomorrow but mostly rest and foam rolling in hopes of a great race Saturday. Don't tell anyone, but I am hoping to beat my PR of 1:56:38 from November even if it is just seconds faster.

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