Friday, May 2, 2014

Four Miles on the Audubon Trails

   I would first like to mention that after yesterday morning's 7 miler I was a little concerned with my legs and whether I should have waited a few more days. But this afternoon/evening's run went a lot better, though tougher and with way more hills. I decided to go clockwise on the Audubon loop, and I must say I hate going that direction damn it but I wanted to avoid the .5 mile road to the trailhead because I wasn't sure how my legs would act.
   My garmin says that the elevation gain was only 577 feet..... and a loss of 577 feet, but I am not going to think too hard on it and I'll just keep it logged each time I run this loop. It was a tough one, I wish I had taken some water but I made sure to take it easy on the run and hike the climbs rather than push myself hard. I kept my pace over 12 min/mile, and 2 of those miles at 13 minutes. I ran 4 miles in 51:51 with an average pace of 12:57, temperature of 57 degrees.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 13:11
Mile 2 - 12:47
Mile 3 - 12:42
Mile 4 - 13:09

     I am contemplating attempting a two loop on Sunday, but I know Rocky would much rather enjoy the trails at Angel Mounds though I am not sure how the trails are. I'll keep thinking about it.

  If there is one thing I am beginning to learn, it is this: after a year of training and working hard on getting faster and finally getting a sub 2 hour PR at the Indy Half this past November, jumping onto trails with the intent of one day running ultras has taught me something about pride and letting go of it and one's ego. When I first started hitting the trails, and seeing my pace slow down, I was a little down about it. Especially knowing others would see my runs and pace, but I am learning that it isn't about pace or being fast, it's about effort and getting it done. Above all, it's about enjoying the freedom of being on my feet and letting them take me anywhere.

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