Sunday, May 18, 2014

First Run back Home

  My body seriously hates me right now, no kidding. I had set my alarm for 3:30 AM, went to bed at like 9:45 PM and hit the off to the alarm thinking I would just get up at 4 AM. I didn't want to get up at 3:30 AM, but I didn't want to get out there after 5 which is what happened. I woke up at 5:06 AM and thought "F*ckadoodledoo", got up and got dressed, had some coffee and we were out the door. My calves were sore, and pretty soon after mile 1 my hams were complaining. The first 4 miles were tough, I really wanted to stay in bed but knew I would regret not running.
  It was 43 degrees, no wind and 87% humidity which doesn't really matter if the temp is below 50, but it was clear skies. Rocky tried to set the pace early on, faster than I like when getting into a run and he paid for it later on. After 4 or 5 miles things started to ease and loosen up, but my body was still craving sleep. I'll say one thing, it was nice not having those giant mountainous hills.
   Around mile 8 or 9 Rocky started slow down, falling into more of a 10 min/mile pace as I was picking up into the mid 9 min/mile pace which was really annoying. But he handled it really well, we stopped a few times so he could drink some water and cool his paws off, I even tried to get him to stay in the grass off the roads... but he was interested in that.
   We ended up running 12 miles in 1:59:25 with an average pace of 9:57 min/mile, started out slow early on and picked up the pace (as usual). Total elevation gain was 222 feet........ nothing like Tennessee lol, I would have had to run 24-26 miles out here to get what I got in Tennessee with just 5 or 8 miles. A loss of 221 feet, but I was wanting flat ground and so I got it,
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:56

Mile 2 - 10:17
Mile 3 - 10:22
Mile 4 - 10:16
Mile 5 - 10:18
Mile 6 - 10:02
Mile 7 - 9:52
Mile 8 - 9:40
Mile 9 - 9:42
Mile 10 - 9:37
Mile 11 - 9:40
Mile 12 - 8:44

   Even for being fatigued, it was a bad run at all. 
The plan this next week is to run an easy 6 tomorrow, an easy 8 or 9 Wednesday and then rest Thursday and most likely take it easy Friday, maybe a 3 miler if I feel like it. I want to be well rested for the Owensboro Memorial Day Half Marathon.

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