Saturday, May 3, 2014

My future Runnin' Buddy!!!

   I seriously think I am going to be one of those mothers who brag lol, I am so proud of my little toddler! First though, this morning around 10:45 AM I took Dorian with me to roller blade. Of course he was in the stroller and I was pushing it, we only did 2.7 miles as my right calf was complaining after a few hills (I seriously need to get back into shape with my roller blades). It is a great work out but right now, it is just a little too strenuous on my calves and feet which could lead to irritating whatever is wrong with those things down there. 
   After lunch, I took Dorian to Wessleman's Woods and we went for a hike. My phone was already dying but I went ahead and set up CardioTrainer to record our hike, I was so proud of my little man. All the other kids around him, some his age, were walking but no not my son! My little boy was RUNNIN' as fast as his short little legs could carry him lol, other than stopping every so often to look up, down, around and touch something, and play in mud, he probably had an average 18 min/mile pace when running (not fast for you or me but pretty darn fast for a 2 year old I think). We hiked 2.1 miles in around 45 minutes, Dorian ran/hiked 1.6 miles before wanting me to pick him up for about .1 miles and then putting him back down for the final .3 miles or so. We would have stayed out there a little longer, but my phone was pretty dead (only 6% life left) and I didn't want to push it for Dorian even though he wasn't ready to leave yet.
   This is just another reminded that I better be careful as he gets older, I don't want to push him and make running or any activity for that matter not fun for him. I want him to enjoy these things, because it's no fun when you take it seriously and can't enjoy it and I want him to be my future running partner. In a few years I'll be taking him out with me and Rocky running the trails and having a blast, oh I can't wait.

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