Saturday, May 24, 2014

Owensboro Memorial Day Half Marathon RR

   In short, I got my arse kicked royally (or at least in my head I did). Goal A was to beat my PR of 1:56:38 while Goal B was to finish under 2 hours..... neither happened.
   Temperature was 61 degrees and the sun was coming up and out, things started out good, not a lot of people to zig zag around and I was feeling pretty good. Just after mile 1 a friend found me and we started chatting about running, our kids and stuff like that I noticed my pace was slowing down but told myself it was probably a good thing. Around mile 4 she decided she'd move ahead a bit, but ended up chatting with some other friends and I passed her. I had a chocolate gu just before mile 5 and washed it down with some water. They had water at just about every mile marker which was consistently .1 miles ahead of my garmin and then mile 7 came up really soon, my garmin was at 6.83 when mile marker 7 came up. At this point I could feel myself tiring, I felt like I had a magnifying glass between me and the sun (I hate the sun by the way). Instead of drinking water, I was pouring it on me to stay cool.
   Around or just before mile 8 someone's dog got loose - her name is Sadie by the way, a beautiful brown and white bully breed who has no self-preservation whatsoever - and I was scared she was going to get hit so I stopped and tried to get her to come to me (I stopped my garmin too), she was too excited and had no interest in being caught but after 25 seconds or so she ran back to her owner and I was back to running. I lost my groove at that point, the groove that was slowly waning anyways but it was officially gone. 
   From mile marker 9 to every mile marker after that I walked for 30 seconds to even a minute at one point around mile marker 11 on my garmin. At this point I am pretty sure I had poured a gallon of water on myself, I was drenched in water and still felt like crap. The right arch in my foot was crying in pain, most of this course was on that old, sidewalk type of concrete and it was hurting.
   I tried thinking of a few people to push me on, but I just felt like I had hit a wall and my spirit had abandoned me. Really, it was all more mental than anything except for the pain in my arch, I just don't like the sun which is why I run at 3-4 AM but that doesn't help me prepare for races that are held during daylight.
   Anyways, I finished and saw the clock saying something like 2:01:40 or whatever but they won't have the actual results until Tuesday (so I heard). I will go off my garmin for now which said finish time of 2:01:33 with an average pace of 9:14 min/mile. Warning: my splits were all over the place this time.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 9:06
Mile 2 - 9:41
Mile 3 - 9:18
Mile 4 - 8:56
Mile 5 - 8:59
Mile 6 - 8:53
Mile 7 - 9:10
Mile 8 - 8:53
Mile 9 - 9:29
Mile 10 - 9:23
Mile 11 - 10:21
Mile 12 - 9:36
Mile 13 - 9:46
.1        - 9:46

   There are no pics (sorry) and when I get the official results I'll edit this report. Also, while I was dying my son ran a mile or 10 laps on a little concrete circular pathway that was .1 miles in total length - yay Dorian!

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