Thursday, May 8, 2014

Nice and Easy 3 Miles

  Rocky and I hit the roads this morning for our easy 3 miler, it was 64 degrees and humid but not awful. It was a good run overall, we ran 3 miles in 32 minutes flat with an average pace of 10:40 min/mile. Elevation gain of 56 feet and a loss of 55 ft, I happily wore just shorts and a sports bra, and my blinky vest thingy. We spooked a raccoon just before mile 1, that was probably the only exciting thing other than the annoying loose dog just before mile 3.... I was so ready to pepper spray his butt.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:15
Mile 2 - 10:31
Mile 3 - 10:13

    Everything was going great,and then I decided that Dorian, Rocky and I should go for a walk before heading into work. I was originally just going to do 2 miles but then said screw it and did 3, and around mile 2 my right ankle started to feel agitated. Not awful, but just enough to remind me that it is still healing and I can't just go back to what I was doing before.

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