Friday, May 30, 2014

Heart wasn't in it This Morning

  Due to some financial issues going on at the business and those issues resting on my shoulders. It had me sick to my stomach, so this morning's run was a struggle. I didn't get much sleep at all last night, but woke up at 3:20 AM and got up reluctantly... got dressed and was out the door.
  Temperature was 70 degrees with humidity at 88% and dew point around 67, we hit the trails and I went with shorts and a sports bra dang it. The plan was 7 miles but I struggled with my head and heart, and listening to Rocky's labored breathing had me worried about him so we ended it at 5 miles. Maybe tomorrow morning we can try for 3 miles on the trails, not sure if I will take Rocky for the 12-14 miles on Sunday.... if I am even feeling it :(
  Anyways, we ran 5 miles in 55:03 with an average pace of 11:00 min/mile, elevation gain of 43 feet and a loss of 59 feet. 
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:51
Mile 2 - 10:58
Mile 3 - 10:41
Mile 4 - 10:59
Mile 5 - 10:33

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Still Sore During 7.4 Miles on the Trails

   After this morning's run, I figure a day or two of no running will help get rid of this soreness I am still feeling. I wasn't sure if we were going to run 6 miles or try for 8 or 9, and 10 minutes into the run I was seriously thinking 3 or 5.
   I wanted to wear my hydration belt but I am feeling so bloated I decided that Rocky would wear his pack and we'd have 2 bottles of water in there for him. It was humid, it was 70 degrees with 88% humidity and no wind. Rocky wasn't fond of it, and the trails are pretty much completely dry now so there wasn't any water he could just drink from on the go. Due to my sore quads and tight calves we stopped about every mile, it was taking my legs a long time to loosen up so maybe a day or two of just hiking will help.
  My right ankle or just above it... could be the calf muscle actually, it is feeling sore so I am trying to ice and foam roll as much as possible.
  We ended up running 7.4 miles in 1:23:37 with an average pace of 11:18 min/mile, elevation gain of 78 feet and a loss of 74 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 12:05
Mile 2 - 10:55
Mile 3 - 11:32
Mile 4 - 10:35
Mile 5 - 11:32
Mile 6 - 11:18
Mile 7 - 11:30
.4      - 10:23

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Five Miles on the Trails

  I originally decided to not run today after yesterday's race, and I was feeling like dog crap afterwards (which is usually how I feel if the heat gets to me during a run). But by the evening I just felt that 27.3 miles for the week wasn't enough, and Rocky needed a run this weekend.
  I forgot that my alarm for 3:30 AM was on, so I was woken up half an hour ahead of the plan and laid there until 4 AM. I didn't want to get out of bed, in fact I was seriously contemplating on taking the 27.3 miles and calling it a week. I got up anyways, had some coffee and headed out the door with Rocky for the trails. I figured the trails would be easier on my legs, my quads were hurting and near the last mile my right ankle was aching a little.
   It was slow, but that is okay especially after a race like yesterday morning. I do enjoy runs before the sun, it feels so much better.
   In short, we ran 5 miles in 55:42 with an average pace of 11:08 min/mile an elevation gain of 65 feet and loss of 80 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 12:12
Mile 2 - 10:26
Mile 3 - 10:43
Mile 4 - 11:18
Mile 5 - 11:01

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Owensboro Memorial Day Half Marathon RR

   In short, I got my arse kicked royally (or at least in my head I did). Goal A was to beat my PR of 1:56:38 while Goal B was to finish under 2 hours..... neither happened.
   Temperature was 61 degrees and the sun was coming up and out, things started out good, not a lot of people to zig zag around and I was feeling pretty good. Just after mile 1 a friend found me and we started chatting about running, our kids and stuff like that I noticed my pace was slowing down but told myself it was probably a good thing. Around mile 4 she decided she'd move ahead a bit, but ended up chatting with some other friends and I passed her. I had a chocolate gu just before mile 5 and washed it down with some water. They had water at just about every mile marker which was consistently .1 miles ahead of my garmin and then mile 7 came up really soon, my garmin was at 6.83 when mile marker 7 came up. At this point I could feel myself tiring, I felt like I had a magnifying glass between me and the sun (I hate the sun by the way). Instead of drinking water, I was pouring it on me to stay cool.
   Around or just before mile 8 someone's dog got loose - her name is Sadie by the way, a beautiful brown and white bully breed who has no self-preservation whatsoever - and I was scared she was going to get hit so I stopped and tried to get her to come to me (I stopped my garmin too), she was too excited and had no interest in being caught but after 25 seconds or so she ran back to her owner and I was back to running. I lost my groove at that point, the groove that was slowly waning anyways but it was officially gone. 
   From mile marker 9 to every mile marker after that I walked for 30 seconds to even a minute at one point around mile marker 11 on my garmin. At this point I am pretty sure I had poured a gallon of water on myself, I was drenched in water and still felt like crap. The right arch in my foot was crying in pain, most of this course was on that old, sidewalk type of concrete and it was hurting.
   I tried thinking of a few people to push me on, but I just felt like I had hit a wall and my spirit had abandoned me. Really, it was all more mental than anything except for the pain in my arch, I just don't like the sun which is why I run at 3-4 AM but that doesn't help me prepare for races that are held during daylight.
   Anyways, I finished and saw the clock saying something like 2:01:40 or whatever but they won't have the actual results until Tuesday (so I heard). I will go off my garmin for now which said finish time of 2:01:33 with an average pace of 9:14 min/mile. Warning: my splits were all over the place this time.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 9:06
Mile 2 - 9:41
Mile 3 - 9:18
Mile 4 - 8:56
Mile 5 - 8:59
Mile 6 - 8:53
Mile 7 - 9:10
Mile 8 - 8:53
Mile 9 - 9:29
Mile 10 - 9:23
Mile 11 - 10:21
Mile 12 - 9:36
Mile 13 - 9:46
.1        - 9:46

   There are no pics (sorry) and when I get the official results I'll edit this report. Also, while I was dying my son ran a mile or 10 laps on a little concrete circular pathway that was .1 miles in total length - yay Dorian!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Seriously Have to Remember Body Glide

    Well, it was 64 degrees and I freaking forgot my body glide (AGAIN) while wearing shorts. The good news is that pain didn't start until the last one and a half miles, but I am still irritated about it because I really want to wear shorts for the race as it is going to be around 60 something Saturday morning and I don't want to be burning up. Another lesson to learn is not to dance reggae for an hour the evening before a run, my legs were hating me.... especially my quads and hams. I am so glad I am taking the next two days off from running, I am going to ice and foam roll and hope that my legs will be fresh and ready for a great race.
    Anyways, we stopped quite a bit... it was humid and Rocky needed the breaks (so did I trying to keep from irritating my skin). I was trying to keep an eye on Rocky's well being and keep a careful eye on my thighs.
   The original plan was 8 or 9 miles, we ended up with 8.2 miles in 1:25:00 with an average pace of 10:22 min/mile, elevation gain of 179 feet and a loss of 180 feet. No dog issues (thankfully). It was 64 degrees and 88% humidity, hopefully Rocky will get used to this weather and as long as we run before dawn he shouldn't have too many issues though as soon as I let him off lead in the driveway he bolted up and around and in circles.... yeah so much for being exhausted huh?
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:28
Mile 2 - 10:51
Mile 3 - 10:43
Mile 4 - 10:29
Mile 5 - 10:08
Mile 6 - 10:15
Mile 7 - 9:53
Mile 8 - 9:27
.2       - 8:56

   Now for some rest, maybe a walk tomorrow but mostly rest and foam rolling in hopes of a great race Saturday. Don't tell anyone, but I am hoping to beat my PR of 1:56:38 from November even if it is just seconds faster.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Still Tired, but Ran 6

  I woke up at 3:30 AM this time, got dressed and headed out the door with Rocky. I could already tell from the beginning that my body was still tired, and my hams and calves were still tight. I am really looking forward to not running Tuesday, and not running Thursday and possibly Friday. I'm hoping this fatigued feeling will be gone by Wednesday morning as I really want to get in a good easy 9 miler a couple of days before the half marathon.
   It was 52 degrees, no wind. I seriously wanted to be back in bed, but we pushed on. Near the end I had to spray some of my pepper spray at this stupid dog that is constantly out of his pen or off the chain they normally have him on in the back (a black Lab), he kept charging us and even came into the street so I sprayed it 3 times in his direction. Other than him, the run was uneventful and I was happy to have it done and over with.
  We ran 6 miles in 1:04:05 with an average pace of 10:40 min/mile.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:14
Mile 2 - 10:32
Mile 3 - 10:42
Mile 4 - 10:36
Mile 5 - 10:36
Mile 6 - 10:23

Sunday, May 18, 2014

First Run back Home

  My body seriously hates me right now, no kidding. I had set my alarm for 3:30 AM, went to bed at like 9:45 PM and hit the off to the alarm thinking I would just get up at 4 AM. I didn't want to get up at 3:30 AM, but I didn't want to get out there after 5 which is what happened. I woke up at 5:06 AM and thought "F*ckadoodledoo", got up and got dressed, had some coffee and we were out the door. My calves were sore, and pretty soon after mile 1 my hams were complaining. The first 4 miles were tough, I really wanted to stay in bed but knew I would regret not running.
  It was 43 degrees, no wind and 87% humidity which doesn't really matter if the temp is below 50, but it was clear skies. Rocky tried to set the pace early on, faster than I like when getting into a run and he paid for it later on. After 4 or 5 miles things started to ease and loosen up, but my body was still craving sleep. I'll say one thing, it was nice not having those giant mountainous hills.
   Around mile 8 or 9 Rocky started slow down, falling into more of a 10 min/mile pace as I was picking up into the mid 9 min/mile pace which was really annoying. But he handled it really well, we stopped a few times so he could drink some water and cool his paws off, I even tried to get him to stay in the grass off the roads... but he was interested in that.
   We ended up running 12 miles in 1:59:25 with an average pace of 9:57 min/mile, started out slow early on and picked up the pace (as usual). Total elevation gain was 222 feet........ nothing like Tennessee lol, I would have had to run 24-26 miles out here to get what I got in Tennessee with just 5 or 8 miles. A loss of 221 feet, but I was wanting flat ground and so I got it,
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:56

Mile 2 - 10:17
Mile 3 - 10:22
Mile 4 - 10:16
Mile 5 - 10:18
Mile 6 - 10:02
Mile 7 - 9:52
Mile 8 - 9:40
Mile 9 - 9:42
Mile 10 - 9:37
Mile 11 - 9:40
Mile 12 - 8:44

   Even for being fatigued, it was a bad run at all. 
The plan this next week is to run an easy 6 tomorrow, an easy 8 or 9 Wednesday and then rest Thursday and most likely take it easy Friday, maybe a 3 miler if I feel like it. I want to be well rested for the Owensboro Memorial Day Half Marathon.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Our Last Run in Tennessee

   Rocky and I ran for the last time in Tennessee this morning, we'll be leaving tomorrow morning and I honestly think my legs will be ecstatic to see our roads back home. It's been a lot of fun running in another state, another city and on strange roads..... but I miss home. Not a single run this week was easy, I would call 3 out of 4 hill workouts and the Wednesday run a mid long run. 
   My legs were definitely feeling it this morning, sore and fatigued... I had thought about running 6 miles but since I ran 3 miles spontaneously yesterday, I decided we would just run 5 miles this morning and look forward to Sunday's long run at home on my roads.
   Temperature was 45 degrees, sunny and 93% humidity. We ran 5.2 miles in 55:25 with an average pace of 10:39 min/mile, elevation gain of 436 feet and a loss of 434 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:36
Mile 2 - 10:51
Mile 3 - 10:43
Mile 4 - 10:01
Mile 5 - 10:08
.2      - 10:35 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Tennessee's Substitute for Audubon Trails

 This was a spontaneous decision, as I wasn't really planning on running today even though I really wanted to. All week the temp has been in the 60's during the morning and 80's during the day, but today was different. The high didn't get above 62 degrees, so just before 6 PM I decided that Rocky and I would hit the road for 2 or 3 miles just for a quickie.
  I will consider this a substitute for Audubon's hilly trails, and believe me it isn't getting much easier with these darn hills.
  It was 61 degrees, 11 mph W winds that I didn't really feel at all due to all the trees and stuff, and 55% humidity. 
  Rocky and I ran 3 miles in 30:29 with an average pace of 10:09 min/mile, and an elevation gain of 451 feet (first time I've had more feet than mile, more than 100 feet per mile) and a loss of 462 feet.
   Laps/splits were: 
Mile 1 - 10:07
Mile 2 - 10:19
Mile 3 - 10:01

     Tomorrow's plan is to get up and run 6 miles, and I plan on running the main roads rather than the "subdivision" road that I've been running for the first mile or 2, because I am freaking tired of these darn hills and want an easy run dang it! 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

8 Miles in Tennessee

   After about a dozen cookie dough balls yesterday, I knew I had to run more than 5 miles this morning. Got up at 6 AM, it was so foggy that I couldn't see beyond 50 feet or so. This was definitely the smokies, that's for sure..... forget about bears, my biggest worry is the feral dogs and their puppies! I swear, I thought I was going to have to pepper spray them. There was the momma, the daddy and the 4 puppies that were probably around 8 weeks or 3 months old. They were most likely weaned but staying with their parents, great........... a pack of feral dogs is just what this place needs. 
   Other than the dogs, nothing else really happened. It was 63 degrees, 94% humidity and no wind again...... and looked like a scene from the mist. I can't even count how many times I had to stop for cars, I wasn't about to assume that these cars even suspected someone crazy enough to be out running around these winding roads, some where you can't even get off the road and out of the way. Rocky got to meet horses for the first time, he wasn't very sure what to think of them..... it was pretty hilarious, they were pretty curious about him though.
   We ended up running 8 miles in 1:22:20 with an average pace of 10:17 min/mile. Starting at 1,200 feet and managing to end the run just before the huge steep hill that would have gotten us back to 1,200 feet but instead finished around 1,100 feet. Total elevation gain was 615 feet with a loss of 738 feet. I'll say one thing, I miss Southern Indiana lol.
   Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:02
Mile 2 - 11:01
Mile 3 - 10:36
Mile 4 - 10:33
Mile 5 - 10:06
Mile 6 - 9:53
Mile 7 - 9:38
Mile 8 - 9:29

      I'll say one thing though, those are some really nice splits. :) Friday might see something like 5-6 miles.

Monday, May 12, 2014

First run in Tennessee

 I didn't get much sleep last night, as I never do in a new bed in a new place. I think I woke up every hour near the hour after going to bed at 10:30 PM, finally waking up at 6 AM. I wore capris even though it was 63 degrees, 100% humidity and no freaking wind. My thighs were screaming, heck I was screaming. The downstairs has the two main bedrooms, and they are freaking freezing cold and we can't change the thermostat, trying not to worry about that though.... we're just enjoying being away from the shop.
  It was hilly, really hilly. Southern Indiana is around 400 feet above sea level, we currently are around 1,100 feet above sea level hear in the mountains in Sevierville, TN. We ran 5 miles in 52:44, with an average pace of 10:32 min/mile, elevation gain of 439 feet and a loss of 410 feet. We didn't go far from the cabin, 2 miles out after doing an out and back thing on the cabin's road (a half mile long street).... most of the residents around here live in shacks, trailers and just dilapitidated houses that are falling apart, and it reminds me of the movie Deliverance.... if I hear any dueling banjos, or even one for that matter, I am sprinting in the other direction with my pepper spray in one hand and knife in the other.
  It's going to be a stormy week, but I am going to try and get in 20-25 miles this week and so far I've got 5 so that is good.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:27
Mile 2 - 10:26
Mile 3 - 10:15
Mile 4 - 10:15
Mile 5 - 10:20

Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Humid 10 Miler Before Vacation

  I decided to go ahead and take Rocky on this run, the original plan was 12 miles but I made a very big mistake.............. no body glide.  But, to the beginning - I got up at 3:30 AM, realized I didn't have coffee cream so I had to drink some coffee black (blehck) and we were out the door by 3:48 AM. 
  It was 64 degrees with 100% humidity and a dew point around 62%, which might explain my chafing issues. I didn't realize this until mile 2 though, and the next 8 miles were painful.... I decided 10 miles would have to be enough for us.
   We saw a fox, smelled lots of dead things.. saw lots of debris (there was a huge storm Friday that produced a tornado or 2). Not much more than that, Rocky did really good and I am glad I took him as we're going to be stuck in a van for about 5 hours today.
   We ran 10 miles in 1:41:24 with an average pace of 10:08 min/mile, elevation gain of 191 feet and a loss of 189 feet. Not bad, and no pain in my legs!
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:51

Mile 2 - 10:48
Mile 3 - 10:42
Mile 4 - 10:25
Mile 5 - 10:18
Mile 6 - 9:58
Mile 7 - 10:08
Mile 8 - 9:47
Mile 9 - 9:34
Mile 10 - 8:52
   Look at those splits man! Haven't seen anything like that in a couple of weeks. Now for a shower, coffee, out to breakfast and then on the road to Tennessee for a week!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Nice and Easy 3 Miles

  Rocky and I hit the roads this morning for our easy 3 miler, it was 64 degrees and humid but not awful. It was a good run overall, we ran 3 miles in 32 minutes flat with an average pace of 10:40 min/mile. Elevation gain of 56 feet and a loss of 55 ft, I happily wore just shorts and a sports bra, and my blinky vest thingy. We spooked a raccoon just before mile 1, that was probably the only exciting thing other than the annoying loose dog just before mile 3.... I was so ready to pepper spray his butt.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:15
Mile 2 - 10:31
Mile 3 - 10:13

    Everything was going great,and then I decided that Dorian, Rocky and I should go for a walk before heading into work. I was originally just going to do 2 miles but then said screw it and did 3, and around mile 2 my right ankle started to feel agitated. Not awful, but just enough to remind me that it is still healing and I can't just go back to what I was doing before.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A Fantastic 9 Miles on the Trails

   I was a little worried last night when I tried going to bed at 10 PM but couldn't even fall asleep until midnight, but I was up at 3:35 AM and getting ready. I was also starving, not the normal starving but the kind where you can feel it climbing up your throat and I didn't want to go out for a run with that feeling so I ate some of Planters Energy Mix nuts (yummy) and had some coffee. It was 66 degrees so I wore shorts and a sports bra, and it felt good. We got to the parking lot and no law enforcement, so that was good. 
   The river didn't rise any higher and in fact is going down so that is good news, the trails are drying up and I am getting used to just going through the mud. It started out slowish, but the pace soon picked up. Sadly on trails you can't really have a good progression run as the environment can always affect your pace.
   Around mile 2 I am not sure if I saw 3 coyotes or 3 deer, they didn't run away but just kind of meandered off the levee trail while watching me and Rocky.
    Just after mile 6 I spooked a freaking turkey, and it scared the crap out of me too, it couldn't fly worth a crap and was crashing through trees. Angel Mounds had two port-a-johns near the building, wonder if they were having some sort of event this week........ I used one of them.... twice.
   Anyways, as I had 2 miles left I noticed two cars were parking at the levee and I knew it was time to high tail it out before we ran into people.
  Rocky and I ran 9 miles in 1:35:53 with an average pace of 10:39 min/mile, elevation gain of 98 feet and a loss of 112 feet.

Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 12:10
Mile 2 - 10:31
Mile 3 - 10:51
Mile 4 - 11:07
Mile 5 - 10:48
Mile 6 - 10:08
Mile 7 - 10:32
Mile 8 - 10:03
Mile 9 - 9:42

Monday, May 5, 2014

Slow and Easy, and Somewhat Sore

   This morning I woke up around 3:45 AM but didn't get up until 4:15 AM, I wasn't tired but worried that Dorian would wake up while I was gone like yesterday morning and have Cameron up early. He wasn't happy at all yesterday as it was his only day off and chance to sleep in, but Dorian had him up at like 6:30 AM. I don't exactly have sympathy though, I know he works his butt off to give us a good living and carries 3 businesses along with the home property on his shoulders but dang it, I can count the number of days I've been able to sleep in since Dorian's birth on both hands.... it is rare but I don't really care much for sleeping in anyways.
   Okay, I got up, it was 60 degrees (yes) so I wore shorts and a tank top (I am feeling kind of "blah" right now, and don't want to take my shirt off). We got to the parking lot and I immediately noticed a car off in the shadows, sure enough it was a sheriff. I pulled in and parked and hadn't even taken my seat belt off when he started up and pulled in kind of behind me, I was holding my head lamp in my hands at that point. Thankfully he was nice, and even though the trails or whatever are closed between 11 PM and dawn, he didn't see it as a bad thing that Rocky and I were going to run the trails (but didn't say anything about being careful......... hmm). He soon took off, and I got the rest of the way ready and we headed off. I am just hoping I don't run into an officer who doesn't want me out there, or wants to be a dick. I don't think I've seen a sign saying anything about the trails being closed, and I know for sure the little parking space at the levee doesn't have any signs. I'll just keep going to this parking lot until someone chases me off.
   I was a little sore from yesterday's 10 miler after like no sleep, but not bad and my ankles or whatever are still feeling good so that is a good sign. Tomorrow is a no run day and I will enjoy the rest with hopes that it is helping me. It was a slow run, and I noticed the river is rising..... if it keeps rising I won't be able to park at that lot anyways as it will be covering a lot of the trail near there :(
   We ran 5.2 miles in 1:01:02, the slowest 5 miler I've ran on flat ground in a long freaking time but again I was taking it easy and in no rush to push it.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 12:05
Mile 2 - 11:51
Mile 3 - 11:40
Mile 4 - 11:42
Mile 5 - 11:42
.2      - 9:58

Sunday, May 4, 2014

This Morning's Run on the Trails

   First thing I would like to say about this run, it sucked. Second thing, not because of any injury or pain. I had only gotten like 3-4 hours of sleep last night, and I didn't even want to get up at 4 AM but I forced myself up anyways. At around 3 miles my garmin started beeping "low battery" and I thought "LOW BATTERY!? WTF?" but I don't think I've charged it since Wednesday or Thursday so it kind of makes sense. I kept praying to make it to 5 miles, then I started up my cardio trainer on my phone, saved the 5 mile work out and started a new one with the phone trainer (I didn't know whether the garmin would save a current work out if it dies).
   The garmin made it to 3.63 miles (on the second work out) and a total of 8.63 miles before dying and magically saved the 2nd work out. It SUCKED holding my stupid phone in my hand, but what sucked more was that I was feeling really sluggish, and people (most with dogs) were already showing up on the trails which was even more annoying although the one I did run into with 2 dogs (who Rocky has already met before) were friendly and only paused us for about a minute. The rest I just tried to avoid, while tripping and stubbing my feet, my mood was diminished and I was tired. My legs were really unhappy with me, I forced them to rollerblade 2.6 miles yesterday morning and then hike another 2.1 miles later that afternoon and then only gave them 4 hours or less of sleep..... so yeah they weren't pleased at all.
  Rocky and I managed 10 miles before calling it quits and good enough.... Now for the confusing stats:
  The first 5 miler was done in 56:57 with an average pace of 11:23 min/mile
Mile 1 - 12:13
Mile 2 - 10:17
Mile 3 - 11:05
Mile 4 - 11:55
Mile 5 - 11:20

    The 2nd work out or 3.63 died at 39:42 with an average pace of 10:56 min/mile.
Mile 1 - 10:42
Mile 2 - 10:59
Mile 3 - 11:12
.63     - 10:51

     I probably could have made it to 9 or 10 miles on my garmin had I not stopped during the woman and her dogs, and the 5 minutes or so at the Tahoe when I was dropping off my headlamp and gloves and shirt. Not saying it is a definite chance, but just possible. My phone said 5 miles in like 56 minutes, not sure as I didn't save that and just put 10 miles in 1:52:00 so yeah.
    On the positive notes - 

  1. I got out and ran.
  2. I ran 10 miles with no pain, even slipping, tripping and stubbing.
  3. Still not feeling sore.
There you have it, my long run for this week giving me 26.2 miles for this week. That is better than the 19 last week. 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

My future Runnin' Buddy!!!

   I seriously think I am going to be one of those mothers who brag lol, I am so proud of my little toddler! First though, this morning around 10:45 AM I took Dorian with me to roller blade. Of course he was in the stroller and I was pushing it, we only did 2.7 miles as my right calf was complaining after a few hills (I seriously need to get back into shape with my roller blades). It is a great work out but right now, it is just a little too strenuous on my calves and feet which could lead to irritating whatever is wrong with those things down there. 
   After lunch, I took Dorian to Wessleman's Woods and we went for a hike. My phone was already dying but I went ahead and set up CardioTrainer to record our hike, I was so proud of my little man. All the other kids around him, some his age, were walking but no not my son! My little boy was RUNNIN' as fast as his short little legs could carry him lol, other than stopping every so often to look up, down, around and touch something, and play in mud, he probably had an average 18 min/mile pace when running (not fast for you or me but pretty darn fast for a 2 year old I think). We hiked 2.1 miles in around 45 minutes, Dorian ran/hiked 1.6 miles before wanting me to pick him up for about .1 miles and then putting him back down for the final .3 miles or so. We would have stayed out there a little longer, but my phone was pretty dead (only 6% life left) and I didn't want to push it for Dorian even though he wasn't ready to leave yet.
   This is just another reminded that I better be careful as he gets older, I don't want to push him and make running or any activity for that matter not fun for him. I want him to enjoy these things, because it's no fun when you take it seriously and can't enjoy it and I want him to be my future running partner. In a few years I'll be taking him out with me and Rocky running the trails and having a blast, oh I can't wait.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Four Miles on the Audubon Trails

   I would first like to mention that after yesterday morning's 7 miler I was a little concerned with my legs and whether I should have waited a few more days. But this afternoon/evening's run went a lot better, though tougher and with way more hills. I decided to go clockwise on the Audubon loop, and I must say I hate going that direction damn it but I wanted to avoid the .5 mile road to the trailhead because I wasn't sure how my legs would act.
   My garmin says that the elevation gain was only 577 feet..... and a loss of 577 feet, but I am not going to think too hard on it and I'll just keep it logged each time I run this loop. It was a tough one, I wish I had taken some water but I made sure to take it easy on the run and hike the climbs rather than push myself hard. I kept my pace over 12 min/mile, and 2 of those miles at 13 minutes. I ran 4 miles in 51:51 with an average pace of 12:57, temperature of 57 degrees.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 13:11
Mile 2 - 12:47
Mile 3 - 12:42
Mile 4 - 13:09

     I am contemplating attempting a two loop on Sunday, but I know Rocky would much rather enjoy the trails at Angel Mounds though I am not sure how the trails are. I'll keep thinking about it.

  If there is one thing I am beginning to learn, it is this: after a year of training and working hard on getting faster and finally getting a sub 2 hour PR at the Indy Half this past November, jumping onto trails with the intent of one day running ultras has taught me something about pride and letting go of it and one's ego. When I first started hitting the trails, and seeing my pace slow down, I was a little down about it. Especially knowing others would see my runs and pace, but I am learning that it isn't about pace or being fast, it's about effort and getting it done. Above all, it's about enjoying the freedom of being on my feet and letting them take me anywhere.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Owensboro Half Marathon

  In light of all that is going on with my legs, I went and registered for the Owensboro Memorial Day Half Marathon that is on May 24................ what the heck was I thinking? I am not sure, to be honest. The new plan now is to take it easy, really easy - I don't care if my long runs don't get above 10-11 miles between now and the race, I don't care if my weekly mileage doesn't go above 25 just as long as I heal and can enjoy the race. But I would really like to get my mileage back up to at least 30 mpw.
   Anyways, yeah.. .. so things aren't feeling awful right now compared to this morning after the run which wasn't awful either but had me nervous. It was the feeling I normally except after a tough long run (like in the 15+ mile range). If things are feeling 100% by tomorrow afternoon, I'll most likely hike more of Audubon than run them.

Afraid I might have Already Pushed it

   I was feeling pretty good this morning, though a little stiff and sore but I am wondering if there is any connection to the fact that I didn't foam roll my calves yesterday. I've been foam rolling them since last Thursday, but for some reason I didn't yesterday. The run went pretty good, but I think I should have stopped at 6 miles rather than 7, things didn't start to ache just a little after mile 6 and now my right ankle is definitely feeling sore so I am wearing the brace on it. I took my Tissue Rejuvenator capsules, a serving of my BCAA tablets and 3 Ibuprofens - hoping it will  help and things will be feeling better by this afternoon or evening. I also iced my ankle laying in bed afterwards, also it really started to ache after I had to stop in some woods and use the bathroom (squatting).
   Ugh, this is so freaking frustrating! I have goals dang it, I have dreams and I can't even play with them in my head with this looming over me!

   Anyways, to cut it short Rocky and I ran 7 miles in 1:15:01 with an average pace of 10:43 min/mile, elevation gain of 163 feet and a loss of 163 feet.
Laps/splits are:
Mile 1 - 11:10
Mile 2 - 10:57
Mile 3 - 10:51
Mile 4 - 10:47
Mile 5 - 10:51
Mile 6 - 10:16
Mile 7 - 10:08

    I was planning to run/hike the Audubon trails tomorrow afternoon but I guess it will all depend on how I am feeling tomorrow morning and by the afternoon. :(