Sunday, December 29, 2013

My Longest Run as of Today

  This morning's long run didn't look like it was going to happen early, Dorian was up for hours dealing with a runny nose and a headache which meant I was up all that time and more. I didn't actually fall back to sleep until around 3:30 and was constantly being woken up by Dorian having nightmares that would cause him to cry out in his sleep. Eventually he finally fell into a deep sleep, but when my alarm clock went off at 5 I set it for 5:40 because I wasn't ready to get up.
  I finally got up, it was warm enough for capris, one long sleeve shirt and my wind breaker jacket (and a hat). I also wore my gloves that are really good for 30-49 degree weather. It was 37 degrees with a feels like 33 degrees, 5 mph S winds and rainy during the first 3-4 miles. 
  I had originally planned for 12.5 and took my hydration/fuel belt with me, Grape Frost gatorade in one 8 oz bottle, water in the other and 2 gels/gu's (the Chocolate Outrage - YUMMY). Things were pretty questionable when I started off, my legs were a bit tired and I was exhausted mentally, I expected a slow run and was fine with that. Just after mile 6 I had to stop twice, first time to take my windbreaker jacket off and tie it around my waist and the second time to readjust it underneath my fuel belt. At mile 7.5 I stopped and ate one of the gu's and drank water along with it - I have never consumed a whole package of this gu crap but the chocolate outrage is so freaking delicious! Around mile 8 I decided I wanted to hit 13 miles for my long run, at mile 10 I stopped and consumed some gatorade and made a quick pit stop off in some woods, and then I was back on the road.
  My legs were feeling much better at this point, but still a little tired. At mile 12 I made another stop to consume the 2nd package of gu, not because I needed it but because I wanted it :) and it is so freaking good. I gave that last mile a good kick and then cooled down for .3 miles finishing the run with 13.3 miles in 2:15:23 and an average pace of 10:11 min/mile - not bad. Elevation gain of 302 feet, a loss of 301 feet.
Laps/Splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:53
Mile 2 - 10:52
Mile 3 - 10:50
Mile 4 - 10:32
Mile 5 - 10:47
Mile 6 - 10:34
Mile 7 - 10:11
Mile 8 - 10:04
Mile 9 - 10:00
Mile 10 - 9:30
Mile 11 - 9:40
Mile 12 - 9:19
Mile 13 - 8:31
.3        - 9:01

   Not a bad run at all, overall a really good run even with lack of sleep.... I am feeling it already though, and I expect to feel it a lot during tomorrow's easy run.

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