Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Last Run of December and 2013

   This morning without issue, Rocky and I got up and headed out to the trails at Angel Mounds. I figured it wouldn't be much of a disappointment to find out if the trails were still nasty or flooded for something as small as a 3-4 miler. I lost my headband some point last week so I had to buy 3 more last night (have to see which one I like the best :)......) and my ears were at the mercy of this morning's blistering cold. Temperature was 27 degrees with a feels like 19 degrees, the ground was frozen solid, so all water on the trails were as was the dirt and bike tracks. I will admit, I hate when bikers go out on the trails during muddy or wet weather because their tracks then harden and become freaking demonized ankle breaking mines................ or something like that. Anyways........
   The plan was 3.3 to put me at an even number for December but we ended up running 3.8 and I am kind of wishing I had went ahead and shot for 4 miles but oh well. Near the end of the run, I found myself on a flooded section of trail that luckily was completely frozen over. I had to slow down and work my way over it hoping that I didn't hit any thin spots, that would suck major.
   We ran 3.8 in 43:27 with a slow pace of 11:26 min/mile (pretty darn slow for me) but understandable as I was freezing and the ground was a freaking pain, but better than muddy and nasty. Elevation gain a measly 43 feet and a loss of 31 feet.
 Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:41
Mile 2 - 11:04
Mile 3 - 12:05
.8      - 10:47

    This morning's run closed December and 2013 with a monthly PR of 135.5 miles and 1,178.8 miles for 2013. 2013 has definitely been an awesome year for me in running, I really hope 2014 and the years to come will be just as awesome if not more challenging.

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