Monday, December 9, 2013

A Tough, Miserable 4.1 Miles on the Road

  After yesterday morning's really tough run, I decided to give my legs a break and run on the roads with hopes that it would be somewhat easier. I got up at 4:45 a.m, planning for 6 miles with Rocky - I couldn't even make it out of the driveway without busting my butt 3 times,  our driveway is around .10-.15 miles long  with a hill at the top to the house and it was all ice. That put me in a bit of a mood, and Rocky wasn't helping with his moronic behavior when on a leash which normally isn't bad at all when there isn't any ice or snow........ but my patience was pretty thin this morning. 
   Not only were we slipping on the roads, and trying to find our footing but my legs were sore from yesterday's run and I was pretty much cursing the weather during the whole run which ended up being only 4.1 miles due to my soreness and figuring it would probably be best not to try and push my legs to 6 miles this morning. I'll try for 2 miles tomorrow though I am not sure if I want to deal with Rocky, I might give him a couple of days off just so I can focus on my legs and not fight with him on leash.
    We ran the 4.1 miles in 46:53 with an average pace of 11:26 min/mile, a little faster than yesterday morning's run but still sore.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 12:29
Mile 2 - 11:38
Mile 3 - 10:54
Mile 4 - 10:49
.1      - 10:20

     I am honestly hoping and praying for temperatures warm enough to start melting this crap. I am starting to wish that I hadn't sworn to a Holiday Streak, I want a break so bad right now.... my legs are that sore. 

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