Saturday, November 30, 2013

Our short 1 Mile Trail Run and taking photos

  It was pretty sad this morning, I had to force myself out of bed.... at 7:00 this morning. The plan was to run our first 1 mile of the streak, and then hike through the woods searching for deer with my camera. We ran the 1 mile in 10 minutes and 50 seconds, and then hiked for an hour and a half (probably just a little over 2 mile though), I think we were off the trail trying to flush deer out for a half hour. I got some decent images of doe and came so close to getting an awesome image of a large buck, sadly things were not in my favor though.
  It was a good hike, and a good start to my holiday streak - so far I have ran everyday since Thanksgiving and will hopefully run everyday through to New Years Day. Tomorrow Rocky and I have 11 miles to run, which will give us 30 miles for this week (another 30 mile week!). I am also closing my 5th triple digit month with 108.2 miles for November with hopes that December will be a really good one, though I am concerned that it will be a good jump from the low 100's into the mid 100's. Hopefully with most of these runs being on trails, it won't cause an injury and I might drop January back just a smidge and call it a rest/recovery month along with my first trail half marathon (and at night) on January 25, 2014.

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