Friday, November 1, 2013

Frustrated and Waiting to Leave

   I'm ready, everything is packed and ready to go.... except for DH as usual, I am always waiting on him. He is never in a hurry, and the more I push, the more aggravated he is so I am sitting here waiting while Dorian is sensing my tension. I just want to get to the hotel and relax knowing we are there, unpacked then I can walk to the Expo and get my race packet and then we can go eat somewhere. But no, it will most likely be rushed once we get there, stressful and nowhere even close to relaxing. Indianapolis is an hour ahead of us, which means as we're leaving Evansville at 2 it will be 3 up there which means we'll be getting there around 6 tonight. I wanted to be eating dinner around 7 after getting my race packet and back to the hotel between 8 and 9:00 to relax for a bit and then go to sleep. 
    No more, no more out of town races that are on a Saturday because I can't leave until Fridays and then it's just stressful to get there and try to relax. I like the trip to St. Louis because the race was on Sunday, so we had Saturday to relax and not feel rushed. At least until I can start leaving Dorian home with DH, which will probably be around 3 or 5 years old but who even knows then :( 
     I just want to crawl back into bed and hide there, depressed and just give up.That is how I feel right now, and probably how I will feel all day and all night.

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