Thursday, November 28, 2013

24th Annual Turkey Day 5k RR

Well...... I beat my modest goal of 24:58 by 18 seconds, and my old PR by 40 seconds I think.
I now know I have a limit on how cold I can race, my heart and mind was in it to get under 24 minutes but my legs were saying "FUCK YOU!". My calves were frozen stiff it felt like, an average pace of 7:57 was all I could give - now grant you my goal this year was to get a sub 8 min/mile pace for a 5k so I did achieve that.
In the first mile we came up onto the river front and were blasted by freezing cold wind... and the shock from that took a while to get through.
Mile 1 - 8:21
The 2nd mile wasn't so bad, I had gotten used to the chilly air coming off the river and was actually beginning to burn up. My stride didn't exactly feel right and I'll blame that on getting used to running trails for the last 2 months.  Still, nothing was hurting and I wasn't really struggling to maintain pace, just struggling to pick up pace.
Mile 2 - 8:13
The 3rd and final mile was perhaps the toughest, I was beginning to burn up at this point and trying not to notice a few people passing me. I just kept pushing along and telling myself "fuck these temperatures, fuck this shit, fuck these temperatures!" I decided I was going to earn my Thanksgiving meal and pushed harder wanting the last mile to be under 8 minutes.
Mile 3 - 7:53
That final little bit, as I saw the finish I found some energy and mustered up a little kick though I don't want to see any photos this time as I probably would kick myself in the teeth. The final little .1 was with a 6:45 pace and I was done. I am so glad I didn't commit to any races next month, I am going to enjoy this little break.
Official time: 00:24:40 - 7:57 min/mile pace
Overall: 247th out of 1,521
Female: 68th out of 833
F 25-29: 13th out of 114

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