Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A Slow 7 Miler on the Trails - I Broke 1,000 Miles!

  I didn't want to get out of bed this morning, a restless night's sleep after having a cup of coffee before I went to sleep. After seeing 30 degrees on the forecast, I decided to wear my tights instead of the capris - thank the running gods I did that. I had to layers of long sleeves, my warm gloves and a head band and some really warm socks.
  Rocky was excited, and the doggie pack he has started wearing during our runs this morning didn't even slow him down. I even put two bottles of water in it so he can get used to carrying weight as our runs get longer.
  It felt like I was going fast, but looking at my garmin said otherwise - didn't matter though as I am supposed to take it easy a day for every mile I race so 9 days of easy for the most part. Within the first mile I tried to navigate around a flooded section and ended up in ankle deep (freezing) water, thankfully my socks kept my feet relatively warm. Things were pretty sluggish up until mile 3 when I dropped my headlamp and flashlight off at the Tahoe as the sun was up enough and the trees bare enough for me to see without a light. Things got a little better after that, and faster. I freaked out though when my phone alarm went off saying it was 7:20 and I wasn't even halfway done. My Garmin said 6:20 though, and I knew that I had gotten to the trails at 5:40 and there was no way it took me an hour and 40 minutes to run 3 miles. I kept running, praying my phone was screwed up and my garmin was right. Just before mile 5 I stopped and called my mom, asked her what time she had and luckily my garmin was correct - she laughed saying maybe I ran through some time warp except my watch would have changed too.... oh well.
   Nearing the end of our run, we ran into a man and his four dogs - one on a lead who seemed a bit aggressive while the others were relatively friendly, I had to "drag" Rocky away as he wanted to go with them. Overall it was a good run, better than some and could have been worse so that is good. Rocky and I ran 7 miles in 1:15:32 with an average pace of 10:47 min/mile, with an elevation gain of 126 feet and a loss of 121 feet. 
Laps/Splits were:
Mile 1 - 12:29
Mile 2 - 11:30
Mile 3 - 10:34
Mile 4 - 10:28
Mile 5 - 10:07
Mile 6 - 10:12
Mile 7 - 10:09
    This morning's run put me at 1,006.9 for 2013!! My goal was 1,000 for this year and I am going to surpass it, I'll be even more beside myself if I can reach 1,200 miles by the end of the year!

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