Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Our 5 Miler Yesterday

   Forgot to blog about it, but yesterday morning was 34 degrees with a feels like 27 degrees. It was freaking cold out there, but I was determined to wear my capris because I just do not want to wear the darn tights yet. I feel so constricted in them when on the trails, but shorts would be insane in this kind of weather so. We got to the trailhead around 5:58 a.m, I had plans to run the course of the race this Saturday morning so I could make sure that I don't get lost. It was very well marked, there just isn't any possible way that you could get lost on this course but I am sad that it stays pretty much on inner trails rather than going along the outer trails which are a lot funner and more technical. 
   It was cold, I mean after being used to 80 degrees and stuff all summer with horrible humidity, this run was tough. I started warming up around mile 3 though, and even though I am determined to wear my capris for as long as I can, I think I will start wearing my wool socks or whatever fabric they are. They are warm, and I think perfect for anything 35 and below.
   We ran 5 miles, I had to stop about 5 or 6 times because Rocky was going insane (enjoying the cold) and I was a feeling a bit eh. With just a quarter of a mile left we had to stop and wait for 5 minutes on the levee, some guy and his dog were just meandering on the levee ahead of us towards the direction we were heading and his dog was off leash. I didn't have Rocky's leash so we just waited until they were gone. We ran the 5 miles in 47:31 with an average pace of 9:30 min/mile, hopefully I can pull that pace off at the race Saturday but I seriously need to stop thinking about speed and winning if I am going to get into trails and ultras.
Splits/laps were:
Mile 1 - 10:05

Mile 2 - 10:03
Mile 3 - 9:30
Mile 4 - 9:06
Mile 5 - 8:44
    It would still be great if I can place in the top 3 of this race, races at distances 15k and less I think could be about pace and speed and placing in the top 3.... even on trails. But races with distances longer than 13.1 will definitely have to be more about surviving and finishing the race strong rather than in a certain time frame or thoughts of speed. If I am ever going to dip my toes in the 50k distance and beyond, I am going to have to forget about getting faster and worry about getting stronger and enduring the distance.

   Other than that - I got my new trails shoes in yesterday, Brooks ASR GTX (10) and they a sexy black and reddish/pink color which will be my race shoes. I'll try them out tomorrow morning, but only for 3 miles as I am still feeling a bit blah and I would really much rather rest the next couple of days but I need to make sure these shoes will work before I wear them to the race. 

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