Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Indy Half is Almost Here

  And I can't wait for it to be over, which is strange..... not because I am not looking forward to it, to pushing myself and seeing if I can beat the PR I had set at the Evansville Half Marathon (during a monsoon), but because I want to put all my focus on trail running. The Get Dirty 15k Trail Run is 2 weeks from this Saturday, and I am strangely way more excited about that than the Indy Monumental Half, and that is so weird. Maybe I have gotten bored with half marathon road races.... 5ks and 10ks are somewhat different as I am still testing myself speed/pace wise and watching myself improving dramatically, but being on the road for longer distances just doesn't seem very appealing anymore. Maybe I'll feel different in the corrals come Saturday morning, or when I go to pick up my race packet Friday evening. Maybe it's because this is just barely a month after the Evansville Half Marathon and I am not quite over it, whereas before there was a 6 month period between my half marathon races. It's just weird, I've never been this less excited about a race, not even a 5k or 10k..... 
     Either way, I am trying to stay excited and looking at my race wall knowing that next Monday I will have my 5th half marathon medal hanging up there with the rest. That part is exciting, but I think I am really excited about the Winter Trail Half Marathon in January, which is going to be insane and cold and at night. My best bet to survive it is to make sure I don't avoid any extremely cold weather runs, so I can get used to being out there in the cold. Getting used to cold weather running after months of hot weather running will definitely be a chore, I got used to wearing so little clothing and now I"ll have to wear tights, and a couple layers of clothing just to keep warm.
   Either way, I am going to give it my best and hope to either get close to my recent PR or kick it's butt.

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