Wednesday, October 16, 2013

An Amazing 3 Mile Trail Run

   The trail run almost didn't happen, my Tahoe was leaking coolant really bad and I had to get to a mechanic and didn't get it back until 5:30. Rocky and I hit the trails by 6:03, the sun was already going down but it felt great out there. 61 degrees with humidity just below 60%, it was an amazing run, even after running 4 miles this morning I felt great on the trails. Three miles in 29:03 with an average pace of 9:40 min/mile, not bad for it being pretty dark out there and I was having to concentrate on not tripping over any roots. It's a good think I am very quick and graceful on my feet otherwise I would have broken an ankle. 
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:28
Mile 2 - 9:23
Mile 3 - 9:08

    A great run, and I can't repeat amazing enough. I love running the trails, more than anything else and I wish I could run trails all the time........ and it would be really great to run them barefoot but I am too worried about gumballs and other things but oh well. After the Indy Half, I am going to start running on the trails at Audubon with more hills, crazy hills and I can't wait.

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