Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fourth month of Triple Digits (in a row)

  Last night's 5.7 miler put me at 104 miles for October, so this is my 4th month in a row of triple digit miles - July: 103, August: 103, September: 111, October: 104.
First, last night's run - I couldn't sleep at 9:30 and Rocky was itching to do something, so I begged DH to let me go (he isn't too comfortable with me running that late at night) since Dorian was asleep in his crib. We were out the door just before 10, it around 60 degrees and rainy but not bad. We kept it slow and easy, this marked both Rocky and me a 3rd day of running in a row for us so I am definitely going to enjoy these 3 days of no running and just rest. 
  Just after mile 2, I saw a very distinctive shadow in a yard, this is a shadow you CANNOT mistake for anything else - a Doberman and he was a big boy. I had my pepper spray ready, hoping and praying he stayed in his yard while we went by. He did not, but luckily he was friendly with Rocky, and who knows how he would have reacted to just me. But he wouldn't get back into his yard, he wanted to play with Rocky, he towered over Rocky and for 5 minutes we stood there until his owner finally called him back inside and we were off. No more issues after that, thank the running gods.
  We ran the 5.7 miles in 1:01:20 with an average pace of 10:45 min/mile so it was definitely a slow and easy run. 
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:01
Mile 2 - 10:38
Mile 3 - 11:12
Mile 4 - 10:58
Mile 5 - 10:25
.7      - 10:07

     Okay, so I've managed to stay in triple digits for another month giving me 4 months of triple digits (in a row). That is not the only exciting thing, I began running back in the summer of 2010 but probably started my RW log until July of 2010 - since then I have logged 1,787.7 miles which will hopefully reach 2,000 by the end of this year or get close to it. Even more exciting is this year's improvement, I will surpass 1,000 miles by the end of this year for 2013 if things keep going as well as they are. Right now, as of today I am at 935.1 miles so only 64.9 miles away from 1,000 which I should easily hit in November. I am so excited, this is a huge milestone for me!
Edited after some calculations: By the end of December 2013, I will have ran 1,198.6 miles for 2013 according to my training plan (as long as things keep going as well as they are). That means an additional 263.5 miles left to go as of today! Part of me wants to add that last 2.4 miles to make it 1,201 miles....... decisions decisions decisions!!!
   I have begun "following" people on the loop, people who regularly comment on my blogs in hopes that I will get emails with new blogs they post so I can read. I don't mean to just post mine and ignore others, Dorian makes it difficult to find time to do any kind of reading, heck I can barely read RW mag or the trail running mags. It's a wonder I can get online, anyways so I am going to try and get in more with loopsters. I don't really get on the RW forums anymore, I stick around and have gotten used to it.

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