Monday, October 7, 2013

An Easy 3 Miler

  I had planned on running an easy 3 miles this morning, and then running 2 miles with Rocky later this evening but Dorian made sure that didn't happen. So instead of getting 3 miles in this morning, I waited until later this afternoon and took Rocky for a 3 mile run and then a 1 mile walk to cool down. He did really well, and I cannot wait to have him running 7-9 miles with me this winter. He does so well, and is getting back into the swing of things really quick.
  Anyways, though my quads were a little sore even during the run it still felt great to get out there and run again........ even though I ran 13.1 miles just 2 days ago, I don't really feel that sore and I think a lot of it is because of the stretching and foam rolling. I can honestly say this is the soonest I've gotten back to running after a half marathon, I think after the April Half in St. Louis.... nope nevermind I ran 2 days after that one, a 4 mile slow recovery run. Either way, I am feeling good and I am just going to maintain my fitness and recovery to be ready to kick some major booty at the Indy Monumental Half less than a month away.
  Okay, today's run felt great and the temperatures have finally begun to cool off which is great. It was 64 degrees, 52% humidity which pretty much mean nothing and sunny. We ran the 3 miles in 31:40 with an average pace of 10:33 min/mile and elevation gain of 44 feet and a loss of 15 ft.
Mile 1 - 10:23
Mile 2 - 10:39
Mile 3 - 10:36

  Wednesday I am going to try and run an easy 4 miles in the morning (if Dorian lets me) and then 2 miles with Rocky in the afternoon. Both will be slow and easy.

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