Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Reluctant Rest Day

  Last night after eating a Hershey's Cookies&Cream bar, I was determined that I was going to run this morning but when my alarm went off at 3:57 AM (WTF?) I said no. As much as I hate it, and am really aggravated with it, I need to give my body another break - this head cold was getting bad enough to where I couldn't do simple algebra (on paper)... my mind has been so fuddled.
Even though the run and workout wouldn't kill me, I knew that if I did go for a run, DH would make me go to work..... and that would tear me down more so I had to make a choice - no run, stay home and relax all day.
...... I have worked out a little..... core strengthening exercises but I've been taking it real easy, so far only 30 minutes of:
Swiss Ball Ab Crunches - 6 Sets of 12 reps

Supermans - 6 Sets of 12 Reps
Donkey Kicks - 4 Sets of 12 Reps
Standing Dumbbell Side Bends - 6 Sets / 12 reps / 15 lbs
Fire Hydrants - 4 Sets of 12 Reps
Raised Legs Crunches - 6 Sets of 20 reps

  I've still got a couple more planned today, it's difficult when the toddler is awake and wants you to do nothing unless it's what he wants to do. But I hope to get these others done:
Bridge - 12 Sets of 20 seconds each
Swiss Ball V-Pass- However many
Lying Oblique Ball Twist - However many

  I am feeling better, currently. My nose isn't a running nightmare and my throat doesn't hurt, though I do cough a little still, I'm not lightheaded or fuddled so this day of relaxation has helped tremendously.
Sadly, tomorrow morning is showing 24 degrees with a feels like 9 and winds up to 21 mph NW...... almost tempted to just go to the gym but damn it I've got 6 miles planned and I will not let mother nature screw me over!!!

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