Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Day 2 of Week 3

  First off, I just want to say I am sick of cold weather... I just don't feel the same excitement that I did last year when I was running in blistering cold, it could be from this stupid hamstring issue or I am just sick of it:(
  Rocky and I got out this morning, it was 1 degree with lots of snow and Rocky didn't even feel too perky about it. My hamstrings were bugging me, actually every part of my leg was pissed off and wanted to go back home and go to bed.
  I wanted 5 miles, but we ended up with 4.3 as I was just so sick of it all by mile 1. The streets were covered with snow and some slick spots, so it was slow going. I had on two layers of gloves so I couldn't get my garmin 220 on my wrist so I held it... it died at 4.2 miles or something, because it showed 4.3 miles when I stopped it. We ran 4.3 miles in 46:42 with an average pace of 10:52 min/mile, it sucked.
  It took like 2 hours to get the chill from my bones and then I got in 40 minutes of calisthenics done.
Did it this morning, but was in a rush to get to work so never posted it.
Raised Leg Crunches - 6 sets of 30
Standing Dumbbell Side Bends - 6 sets/ 12 reps/ 20 lbs
Supermans - 6 sets of 24 reps
Swiss Ball Crunches - 4 Sets of 25 reps
Donkey Kicks - 3 Sets of 12 reps
Swiss Ball Oblique Twists - 4 Sets of 12 reps
Fire Hydrants - 3 Sets of 12 reps
Swiss Ball V- Pass - 2 Sets of 12 reps

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