Friday, February 6, 2015

Day 4 - Need Sleep, Feeling Rushed

  So last night sucked, Dorian wouldn't fall asleep for crap and by midnight I decided to get out of bed and lay on the couch... waking up at 2 AM to head back to bed only to wake up at 5 AM. I didn't want to get up, the bed felt so good and I was tired... but I needed to get out and run, then do my calisthenics/strength training.
  I got dressed, Rocky and I headed out on the roads. It was 18 degrees, we ran 4.1 miles in 41:13 with an average pace of 10:03 min/mile. I'm gradually getting back to my easy paces again, so that is really good news. My butt sides were a little achy but I know that was mainly due to using the Hip Abductor machine yesterday - other than that I felt really good.
Mile 1 - 10:38
Mile 2 - 10:00
Mile 3 - 9:55
Mile 4 - 9:42
.1      - 9:57

   There were a couple of times I had to jump into the grass, thanks to the usual assholes heading to work and hating the fact that I am out there running. I miss the trails, but I'd have to get up at like 3 AM to even run 5 miles out on the trails then immediately head to the gym.
  We got home, I took my usual supplements - serving of BCAA 6000, 2 Tissue Rejuvenators, and 1 Super Antioxidants. I then changed my clothes and did my stretches and did 45 minutes of calisthenics.

Donkey Kicks - 5 Sets of 12 Reps (each)
Bridge - 12 Sets of 20 Seconds each
Active Cat - 3 Sets of 12 Reps
Dumbbell Side Bends - 5 Sets of 12 / 15 lbs
Superman - 5 Sets of 12 Reps
Stability Ball Roll-up - 3 Sets of 11 reps
Squats (wanted to be cautious with these) - 3 Sets of 12 Reps
Bicycle Crunches - 2 Sets of 50 reps
Fire Hydrants - 3 Sets of 12 Reps
Raised Leg Crunches - 5 Sets of 20 Reps

 I was freaking tired, and I was really feeling it during the workout. Hopefully I won't regret the squats but I want to start incorporating them into my lower body workouts because they are great and I love them.

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