Monday, February 2, 2015

Facing the Demon and New Plan

  An old demon has raised it's ugly head, and it is my fault.
Warning.... Most women do not like talking about this subject: I weighed myself this morning, first time since before the marathon and I was shocked and pissed.. last time I weighed myself was at 145 lbs and then I stayed off the scale (stupid). This morning I weighed myself at around 158 lbs..... yeah, and the reasons I came to were:

  • The body is a wonderful machine, and can adapt and become efficient at burning less calories during a workout after doing it for so long. 1)My body has done just that, last year I was running around 40-45 miles and during the marathon training I was reaching 50 mpw with one certain 7 day cycle being 63. 2) Then after the marathon - BAM, my mileage dropped significantly 3) but my eating did not. 4) Sadly, I would have to reach 65+ mpw to shock my body into burning more calories and fat because it is used to anything below 50 mpw.
Okay, all the reasons are in that paragraph (whoops, I am in a rush and late to work). Since my marathon training goal this year is to reach 70 mpw during peak training, my new plan is:
  •  Get myself back up to the mid 30 mpw range by the end of February.
  • Get back on a strict diet of more veggies/greens and protein from salmon and chicken, no more sweets, and less carbs which means very less Banana Bread English Muffins and Cinnamon Raisin English Muffins :(
  • Get back on a strict regimen of going to the gym 5 days a week, 40-60 minutes.
  • Cautiously begin lower body strengthening, first starting with the hip adductors and abductors, and the glutes.
  • Keep stretching!!
  • By May if everything is going well and good, increase weekly mileage to 40-45 miles by end of May. 
   Marathon training begins in July and I want to be in better shape this year than I was last year, and hopefully around 140 lbs or less but it's going to take a lot of determination and discipline, the same discipline I had in 2010 that got me from 162 lbs in February 2010 to 139 lbs in May of 2010. I didn't want to step on the scale because I knew what I would see, but I am so glad I did because it was a slap from reality - no more excuses and no more avoidance.

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