Saturday, February 28, 2015

Day Six, Week 4 - A Good Run

  So I haven't been getting very much sleep these past few days, and the low temperatures aren't helping at all. I didn't run yesterday, hell I barely made it to the gym damn it. This morning I woke up at 5 AM, no plans to go to the gym but I wanted to run..... looking at the temperature, I really wanted to stay in bed. It was 19 degrees with a feels like 11 and I was tired, I didn't feel like I got any sleep at all. 
  As Rocky and I headed out the door I figured I'd get 3-4 miles out of my body before heading back home and back to bed, I expected my legs to be sore but surprisingly they weren't. The temperature didn't feel too bad at all after the first 2 miles and by mile 3 I decided I wanted maybe 5-6 miles if my legs were willing to give me that.
  I picked a pretty hilly route, and by mile 6 I wanted 8 miles and asked my legs if they had it in them to go that far. We pushed it, and Rocky was actually ready to go into a more relaxed, slower pace while I felt like I was just warming up.
  We ended up with 8.2 miles in 1:18:48 with an average pace of 9:37 min/mile and it was a great progression run, really good. Elevation gain was 164 feet and a loss of 155 feet, I am really glad I stuck it out and decided to push for a longer distance... especially since tomorrow has a good chance of raining.

Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:40
Mile 2 - 9:57
Mile 3 - 9:49
Mile 4 - 9:45
Mile 5 - 9:33
Mile 6 - 9:22
Mile 7 - 9:05
Mile 8 - 8:55
Mile 8.2 - 8:40

  I have to admit that I am pretty pleased with this run, I really haven't had a good run like this in quite a few weeks, maybe even a month or two so this was very pleasant and a great way to end February... almost makes up for the lack of running and the really crappy cold weather... almost.


Friday, February 27, 2015

Day Five of Week 4

 I am wiped out, and sore. Interrupted sleep and just a busy week so I almost didn't even bother waking up, but I decided to at least go t the gym. My right shoulder and bicep started becoming extremely sore last night and by this morning it was seriously stiff and sore. This morning's focus was supposed to be biceps, triceps and chest but I had to go easy unfortunately. I had to go light on the dumbbell curls, and I could still feel pain with a 17.5 lb weight which is just bullshit damn it.
Anyways, I managed a few leg workouts into this one, I honestly don't think it is a good idea to have a specific day for legs since I also focus on running. I did one hour and 5 minutes of circuit training.

Standing Dumbbell Curls: 3 sets/ 30 reps/ 17.5, 1 set/ 30 reps/ 15 lbs
Fly Delt: 1 set/ 24 reps/ 45 lbs, 3 sets/ 24 reps/ 50 lbs
Hip Abductors: 4 sets/ 20 reps/ 40 lbs
Seated Chest Press: 3 sets/ 12 reps/ 50 lbs, 1 set/ 15 reps/ 40 lbs
Standing Tricep Cable Pulldown: 3 sets/ 20 reps/ 40 lbs, 1 set/ 15 reps/ 40 lbs
Hipp Adductors: 1 set/ 24 reps/ 30 lbs, 3 sets/ 24 reps/ 35 lbs
Torso Rotation: 1 set/ 6 reps/ 60 lbs, 3 sets/ 12 reps/ 50 lbs
Leg Extensions: 2 sets/ 12 reps/ 40 lbs, 2 sets/ 12 reps/ 35 lbs
Rear Delt: 4 sets/ 24 reps/ 30 lbs

   My right bicep or shoulder is sore again, this morning I had taken some ibuprofen and it helped most of the day but it is wearing off now. I'll be focusing tomorrow on abdominal/core strengthening, then depending on how I am feeling Sunday..... who knows.
  I do plan on running tomorrow morning, and I also plan on running Sunday so we will see how things go.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Day Four, Week 4

  Meant to wake up to my 3:30 AM alarm but lost track of my senses and ended up waking to my 4 AM alarm (thank goodness I have multiple alarms). Went to the gym first, figured I'd warm myself up and then take Rocky for a run on the roads.

Took it easy while focusing mainly on the back, I am definitely feeling sore in my shoulders from Tuesday's workout. An hour and 2 minutes for this workout.

Wide Grip Lat Pull Down: 2 sets/ 18 reps/ 55 lbs, 1 set/ 6 reps/ 70 lbs, 1 set/ 20 reps/ 50 lbs
Torso Rotation: 2 sets/ 20 reps/ 40 lbs, 2 sets/ 12 reps/ 50 lbs
Parallel Grip Lat Pull Down: 2 sets/ 20 reps/ 50 lbs, 2 sets/ 15 reps/ 55 lbs
Rear Delt: 3 sets/ 15 reps/ 40 lbs, 1 set/ 20 reps/ 35 lbs
Underhand Stead Cable Row: 1 set/ 12 reps/ 50 lbs, 1 set/ 18 reps/ 40 lbs, 2 sets/ 20 reps/ 40 lbs
One Arm Dumbbell Row: 4 sets/ 18 reps/ 20 lbs
Shoulder Shrugs: 4 sets/ 20 reps/ 15 lbs
Seated Cable Row: 1 set/ 20 reps/ 40 lbs, 1 set/ 18 reps/ 45 lbs, 1 set/ 12 reps/ 50 lbs, 1 set/ 20 reps/ 40 lbs

   Got home, changed clothes then Rocky and I headed out the door at daylight... I am so not used to running with any light along with school buses, more cars and kids headed to school. Temperature was 28 degrees with a feels like 22 degrees, 6 mph NNE winds but anything feels better than last week damn it.
 Rocky and I ran 3.3 miles in 32:56 with an average pace of 9:59 min/mile, it is getting easier to run my sub 10 min/mile paces again so that is great news. I hope I can keep it up and get back down under 9:30 min/mile paces for my progression runs.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:40
Mile 2 - 9:59
Mile 3 - 9:31
.3       - 9:19

   Things are going really good so far, just got to keep remembering to stretch after my runs.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Week Four, Day 2....

 Monday was a rest day, from everything other than my toddler haha. My shoulders and biceps, and triceps were definitely feeling Sunday's workout starting last night and this morning but I decided to go to the gym first before even thinking of a run...... it was 12 degrees outside and I am sick of this cold, temps in the 20's aren't bad, compared to last week that almost feels like summer weather but I am ready for temps in the 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's... hell I'll take temperatures in the 80's compared to this crap.
 So I woke up at 3:25 AM, got up and dressed, had some coffee and then started the Tahoe. I prepared my water bottle and sat a moment longer trying to give the Tahoe time to warm up. Then I headed to the gym for an hour of circuits. It went pretty damn good, if I do say so myself.

Dumbbell Lateral Raises: 4 sets/ 12 reps/ 7.5 lbs
Converging Plate Loaded Overhead Press: 4 sets/ 12 reps/ 50 lbs
Hip Abductors: 4 sets/ 12 reps/ 40 lbs
Machine Shoulder Press: 4 sets/ 12 reps/ 50 lbs
Shoulder Shrugs: 4 sets/ 12 reps/ 17.5 lbs
Fly Delt: 1 set/ 12 reps/ 40 lbs, 2 sets/ 12 reps/ 45 lbs, 1 set/ 12 reps/ 50 lbs
Seated Leg Press: 1 set/ 12 reps/ 90 lbs, 2 sets/ 12 reps/ 100 lbs, 1 set/ 12 reps/ 110 lbs
Dumbbell One Arm Shoulder Press: 2 sets/ 12 reps/ 20 lbs, 2 sets/ 12 reps/ 17.5 lbs
Rear Delt: 4 sets/ 12 reps/ 40 lbs
Dumbbell Raise: 4 sets/ 12 reps/ 10 lbs

Standing Calf Raises: 1 set/ 12 reps/ 25 lbs, 3 sets/ 12 reps/ 30 lbs

  By the time I left the gym I decided that 12 degrees wasn't too bad and Rocky deserved a run so I got home, changed clothes and headed out the door for something like 3 miles. It was bloody cold, but not as bad as last week and I kept reminding myself that.
  We ran 3.2 miles in 31:59 with an average pace of 10:00 min/mile, my calves were a bit sore but overall not bad at all so that is good news. I just about busted my ass on the downhill of our driveway but luckily I caught myself. 
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:37
Mile 2 - 9:56
Mile 3 - 9:39
.2      - 8:56

  It didn't feel like I was running under 10 min/mile pace but that is definitely a good thing, means I am getting back down to my paces. 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Week Four, Day 1

Decided to hit the gym first for 50 minutes, then see about running with Rocky afterwards.

Standing Dumbbell Curls: 4 sets/ 24 reps/ 20 lbs
Rear Delt: 2 sets/12 reps/ 40 lbs, 2 sets/ 12 reps/ 45 lbs
Barbell Bench Press: 2 sets/ 12 reps/ 65 lbs
Standing Tricep Cable Pulldown: 1 set/ 12 reps/ 40 lbs, 2 sets/ 12 reps/ 45 lbs, 1 set/ 12 reps/ 50 lbs
Concentration Curls: 3 sets/ 6 reps/ 25 lbs, 1 set/ 6 reps/ 25 lbs
Seated Chest Press: 1 set/ 12 reps/ 45 lbs, 1 set/ 12 reps/ 50 lbs, 1 set/ 12 reps/ 55 lbs, 1 set/ 12 reps/ 60 lbs
Standing Overhead Barbel Triceps Extension: 4 sets/ 12 reps/ 20 lbs
Fly Delt: 1 set/ 12 reps/ 40 lbs, 3 sets/ 12 reps/ 45 lbs

   What's sad, or hilarious is that when I went to do the barbell bench press I figured the bar was as heavy as the ones at Ivy Tech's gym so I thought it was 10-15 lbs. First I had put 50 lbs on there ( 25 lbs on each side), and knew immediately that I wasn't going to be able to lift it.... at least safely without a spot. I ended up putting 15 lbs on each side and it was just so difficult that I felt weak, glad that nobody else was in the gym at the time because I was embarrassed. Afterwards, I asked the guy at the desk how heavy the bar was by itself, it is 35 lbs by itself. So I was doing 65 lbs, still not as awesome as I'd like since back in 2011 I was benching 90 comfortably. My arms were also pretty sore after the curls, I am going to decide when one of those two are going to come first from now on.

  Afterwards I headed home (carefully), the roads are slick and icy and not only is my Tahoe not 4WD or even front wheel drive, but the back tires suck. I then changed my clothes and got Rocky ready for our run, I hadn't ran since Tuesday. It was 30 degrees with a feels like 24 but after last week's awfully freezing temps, this felt like summer. 
  Whether a car was driving towards us face on of r from behind us, I made sure that we stopped and got off to the side of the road.... just in case
  We ended up running 4.1 miles in 42:32 with an average pace 10:31 min/mile, I expected some aches and soreness but I think what I felt was mainly due to my legs trying to keep upright and stabilized. 
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:07
Mile 2 - 10:20
Mile 3 - 10:19
.1       - 9:49

  I am ready for this crappy, cold weather to be over but I am hoping that I can get back to my running Tuesday without issues and avoid short distance races.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Last Day of Week 3

   This morning went well, was a little concerned on whether I would make it to the gym or not due to all the slush and ice.
This  morning's circuit was focused on the back.

Wide Grip Lat Pull Down: 2 sets/ 12 reps/ 60 lbs, 1 set/ 18 reps/ 50 lbs, 1 set/ 9 reps/ 65 lbs
Leaning Single Arm Cable Lateral Raises: 4 sets/ 12 reps/ 10 lbs
Underhand Seated Cable Row: 4 sets/ 12 reps/ 50 lbs
Parallel Grip Lat Pull Down: 2 sets/ 12 reps/ 60 lbs, 2 sets/ 15 reps/ 50 lbs
Shoulder Shrugs: 4 sets/ 12 reps/ 17.5 lbs
Seated Cable Row: 4 sets/ 12 reps/ 55 lbs
Rear Delt: 1 set/ 12 reps/ 40 lbs, 1 set/ 9 reps/ 50 lbs, 1 set/ 12 reps/ 45 lbs, 1 set/ 12 reps/ 40 lbs
One Arm Dumbbell Row: 1 set/ 12 reps/ 20 lbs, 2 sets/ 12 reps/ 22.5 lbs, 1 set/ 12 reps/ 25 lbs

  I wanted to go for a run this morning, but with the freezing rain and slush all over the road I just said screw it, tomorrow might be a little better so I'll give it a try then.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Week 3, Day 6

  I weighed myself this morning, curious if my lack of running this week had any negative effects on my weight. Surprisingly I have lost another lb since last Saturday so I am pleased, keeping up on a healthier diet consisting of more fruits and veggies, and a hell of a lot more water seems to really be helping.
  Other than that, this morning consisted of 49 minutes of abdominal/core strengthening at home.
  1. Raised Leg Crunches: 6 sets/ 30 reps
  2. Standing Dumbbell Side Bends: 6 sets/ 20 reps/ 20 lbs
  3. Supermans: 6 sets of 25 reps
  4. Swiss Ball Crunches: 3 sets of 15 reps
  5. Russian K-Bell Twists: 1 set/ 24 reps/ 15 lbs, 5 sets/ 24 reps/ 20 lbs
  6. Swiss Ball V-Pass: 1 set of 12 reps
  7. Bicycle Crunches: 4 sets of 50 reps

  8. So far I am feeling really good about my training and weight/fat loss, I do have a few changes I'll be starting tomorrow. I'll be having a Biceps/Triceps/Chest Day, a Shoulders Day, a Back Day and a Legs/Butt day. The plan is still a work in progress, but I am feeling better about it and getting more comfortable with the gym and all of the options I have there.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Day 4 of Week 3

    Woke up this morning at 3:30 AM to more freaking snow and wind, ugh... luckily hubby had moved my stuck Tahoe last night so that it was facing outwards otherwise I would never have gotten to the gym. I was a little worried that I wouldn't get there anyways, Dorian woke up at some point around midnight with leg pains (either restless leg syndrome or growing pains... not sure which one) but it only lasted about 15-20 minutes and he fell back to sleep.
   I didn't run this morning, had no plans for it anyways after yesterday's sucky run and I am glad I didn't intend to...... not just because of the weather but my legs need rest after this past weekend. Tomorrow I am going to do leg day at the gym, not too heavy but to give my legs some strengthening without any pounding.
   With the new snow, I was worried I wouldn't make it out of our .1 mile long driveway.... my Tahoe is not 4WD by the way and coming home yesterday evening the roads were clear due to yesterday's temps in the 25-34 degree range but with last night and early this morning's snow, everything was covered again. I slowly made my way up and down the hilly road to the gym (thankfully it is only about 10 minutes from me, or 3-4 miles), there are some serious hills on the way though.
  There weren't too many people there at 4:15 AM, and I added a couple new workouts to my upper body circuit training for a total of 1 hour and 5 minutes.

    I am definitely sore after this workout, added two (or 3?) new ones to the plate.

Wide Grip Lat Pull Down: 2 sets/12 reps/ 50 lbs, 2 sets/ 12 reps/ 55 lbs
Standing Tricep Cable Pull Down: 2 sets/ 12 reps/ 45 lbs, 2 sets/ 12 reps/ 40 lbs
Standing Dumbbell Curls: 4 sets/ 10 reps each/ 20 lbs
Dumbbell Shoulder Shrugs: 1 set/ 12 reps/ 20 lbs, 3 sets/ 12 reps/ 17.5 lbs
Seated Chest Press: 1 set/ 12 reps/ 40 lbs, 1 set/ 12 reps/ 45 lbs, 2 sets/ 12 reps/ 50 lbs, 1 set/ 8 reps/ 50 lbs
Parallel Grip Lat Pull Down: 2 sets/ 12 reps/ 55 lbs, 2 sets/ 12 reps/ 60 lbs
Rear Delt: 4 sets/ 12 reps/ 40 lbs
Fly Delt: 1 set/ 12 reps/ 45 lbs, 3 sets/ 12 reps/ 50 lbs
Underhand Seated Cable Row: 4 sets/ 12 reps/ 50 lbs
Torso Rotation: 4 sets/ 12 reps/ 50 lbs (each side)

Converging Plate Loaded Overhead Press: 4 sets/ 12 reps/ 50 lbs

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Day 2 of Week 3

  First off, I just want to say I am sick of cold weather... I just don't feel the same excitement that I did last year when I was running in blistering cold, it could be from this stupid hamstring issue or I am just sick of it:(
  Rocky and I got out this morning, it was 1 degree with lots of snow and Rocky didn't even feel too perky about it. My hamstrings were bugging me, actually every part of my leg was pissed off and wanted to go back home and go to bed.
  I wanted 5 miles, but we ended up with 4.3 as I was just so sick of it all by mile 1. The streets were covered with snow and some slick spots, so it was slow going. I had on two layers of gloves so I couldn't get my garmin 220 on my wrist so I held it... it died at 4.2 miles or something, because it showed 4.3 miles when I stopped it. We ran 4.3 miles in 46:42 with an average pace of 10:52 min/mile, it sucked.
  It took like 2 hours to get the chill from my bones and then I got in 40 minutes of calisthenics done.
Did it this morning, but was in a rush to get to work so never posted it.
Raised Leg Crunches - 6 sets of 30
Standing Dumbbell Side Bends - 6 sets/ 12 reps/ 20 lbs
Supermans - 6 sets of 24 reps
Swiss Ball Crunches - 4 Sets of 25 reps
Donkey Kicks - 3 Sets of 12 reps
Swiss Ball Oblique Twists - 4 Sets of 12 reps
Fire Hydrants - 3 Sets of 12 reps
Swiss Ball V- Pass - 2 Sets of 12 reps

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Should've Stayed Home This Morning

  Let me just say I wish I had stayed home this morning instead of going out for a run.... not just because it was 10 degrees with a windchill of -3 and 9 mph N winds, but because I was definitely sore from yesterday's race. I had been doing pretty good for 2 weeks now, no aches or pains until this morning. My left glute and hamstring were very sore and complaining throughout the whole run even though everything was freaking numb.
  It sucked, Rocky seemed to enjoy it more than I did. I was tired and achy and realized by mile 3 that each time I would stop, my legs would get more numb causing me to have to stop again. Not only that but around mile 3 when I stopped, my eyes began to burn and freeze at the same time. It sucked major balls :(
  By mile 6 I was walking up the hills, I had made the mistake of not wearing 2 pairs of tights and my legs were still sore and I was tired and miserable. I really wanted 10 miles but we ended with 8.4 and I am happy with that, I was more than happy to be finished and done with it. We did 8.4 miles in 1:25:47 with an average pace of 10:13 min/mile, and elevation gain of 139 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:38
Mile 2 - 10:09
Mile 3 - 10:03
Mile 4 - 9:58
Mile 5 - 9:50
Mile 6 - 10:32
Mile 7 - 10:33
Mile 8 - 10:24
.4      - 9:11

  It was a seriously miserable run, I hope and pray I didn't hurt myself more. I waited a few hours to do my core/abdominal strength exercises.
I did about 46 minutes of core/abdominal strengthening.
Raised Leg Crunches - 6 sets of 25 reps 
Standing Dumbbell Side Bends - 6 Sets of 12 reps, 20 lb weight 
Swiss Ball Crunches - 3 sets of 12, 1 set of 20 reps 
Supermans - 6 sets of 24 reps 
Swiss Ball V-Pass - 4 sets of 12 reps 
Swiss Ball Oblique Twists - 4 sets of 12

  I am looking forward to tomorrow's complete rest day.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

2015 Hearts on Fire 5k

  So this is my first race of the year, the temperature was 36 degrees and 8 mph winds with a feels like 29 degrees so not bad. I did a 2 mile/20 minute warm up run, got pelted in the eye by sleet or more like snow beebees. 
  I didn't really plan on pushing myself or anything, I am still feeling exhausted from last week's cold and lack of sleep and USI has some crazy hills. But I didn't want to take it slow, I wanted to at least be around 30 minutes or faster without making an effort.
  But as usual, once the gun goes off I no longer have control and pushed myself past a lot of people trying to avoid getting stuck and having to zig-zag and I was pretty successful at that. 
The hills definitely kicked my arse, I mean as far as exhaustion and lack of sleep went, and the fact that my nose was running fast than I was. I still managed to power up those hills even when others slowed down at them, all of Chandler's hills including the last big one near the end of my runs have been helping.
  The big hill just before mile 2 just about did me in towards the end and having some guy just behind me breathing so hard was really screwing with my brain and my own breathing (this is why having music sometimes helps during races, even short races!!!).
  Right at 2.75 miles I stopped and walked for like .05 or 15 seconds or so..... I was wearing down quick, either the 6 miles yesterday morning and the 2 miles this morning were an issue, or just still feeling exhausted.... I don't know but when I looked at my garmin and saw 2.83 I knew I was close and I told myself to get moving and finish strong (it was tough).
  I was expecting to see the clock at 28-29 minutes when I got close enough, but it was at 26:24 so I decided to push harder and finished somewhere around 26:40, my garmin says 26:42 with an average pace of 8:37 min/mile but we'll see what the race clock/bib time thing says when they post. Last year's time was 26:34 by the clock and 26:40 on my garmin.... I wish they would post the damn results!
Looks like almost 300 feet in elevation gain for 3.1 miles, not bad.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 8:34 
Mile 2 - 8:43
Mile 3 - 8:47
.1      - 7:14

  Not bad at all for all the issues I've had so far this year and last December, I had planned on doing 40 minutes of abdominal/core strengthening but I haven't been feeling too good stomach wise since noon........... just feel a little tired. I have 8-10 miles planned tomorrow so we'll see how things go.

Friday, February 13, 2015

A Tough Week So Far, But Friday the 13th Was Good to Me

  First off, Wednesday's no run day did seem to do the trick as I was feeling better by the afternoon. Sadly though, Dorian was feeling like crap by the evening - not sure what it was, painful gas, his back molars coming in or headache but he was angry and didn't sleep through the night which meant I didn't sleep through the night. And that meant Thursday was no run, no gym day and we stayed home half the day only to go in and get some orders shipped. He seemed to be feeling better yesterday but hadn't pooped at all, and slept through the night but was really restless and unhappy while I was gone. As I am speaking, he is trying to poop... poor little guy, I think he might have been having too much cheese over the last few days.
 This morning I made damn sure that I was getting out of the house, it was 19 degrees but thankfully no wind. Rocky and I hit the roads for 6 miles, stopping quite a bit as I was definitely feeling exhausted still. Sadly I did end up having to make a pit stop (I hate it, especially in the freezing cold).
  None the less, we finished 6 miles in 1:00:02 with an average pace of 10:00 min/mile, I meant to make this slower but my body wanted to get done and out of the cold quickly. I don't plan on PR'ing at the Hearts on Fire 5k tomorrow morning but would like to not be sore. Other than my ankles and calves feeling a little tight early on, it was a good run.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:32
Mile 2 - 10:03
Mile 3 - 10:01
Mile 4 - 10:04
Mile 5 - 9:42
Mile 6 - 9:39

    Not bad, not bad at all. I am definitely feeling as though I am gradually falling back into my groove and the upper 9 min/mile paces are getting easy again so that is great news.
  Got back home, realized I should've been at the gym at this point (5:40 AM) so I raced up the driveway to the Tahoe, started it so it could warm up. Then rushed Rocky and myself into the house tearing my top layers off as quickly as possible. I plugged my garmin 220 into the computer and finished changing clothes, while taking my 1 serving of BCAA 6000 tablets, 1 Tissue Rejuvenator, 1 Super Antioxidant and 1 Vitamin C (1000 mg). I could hear Dorian stirring so I said forget stretching, I've got a massage later this evening so I'll let that relax me and I headed out the door.
I only had time for 45 minutes of circuit training with no leg workouts, and this time I had a few new ideas/workouts and I wanted to start focusing more on intensity/weights/quality than quantity/sets so here was how it went down:

Wide Grip Lat Pull Down - 2 sets x 12 reps x 40 lbs, 2 sets x 12 reps x 50 lbs 
Standing Tricep Cable Pull Down - 2 sets x 12 reps x 35 lbs, 2 sets x 12 reps x 40 lbs 
Seated Chest Press - 2 sets x 12 reps x 35 lbs, 2 sets x 12reps x 40 lbs 
Parallel Grip Lat Pull Down - 3 sets x 12 reps x 50 lbs, 1 set x 12 reps x 55 lbs 
Rear Delt - 2 sets x 12 reps x 40 lbs, 2 sets x 12 reps x 50 lbs 
Fly Delt - 1 set x 12 reps x 35 lb, 2 sets x 12 reps x 40 lbs, 1 set x 12 reps x 50 lbs 
Underhand Seated Cable Row - 4 sets x 12 reps x 40 lbs 
Seated Row - 3 sets x 12 reps x 45 lbs, 1 set x 12 reps x 50 lbs

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Reluctant Rest Day

  Last night after eating a Hershey's Cookies&Cream bar, I was determined that I was going to run this morning but when my alarm went off at 3:57 AM (WTF?) I said no. As much as I hate it, and am really aggravated with it, I need to give my body another break - this head cold was getting bad enough to where I couldn't do simple algebra (on paper)... my mind has been so fuddled.
Even though the run and workout wouldn't kill me, I knew that if I did go for a run, DH would make me go to work..... and that would tear me down more so I had to make a choice - no run, stay home and relax all day.
...... I have worked out a little..... core strengthening exercises but I've been taking it real easy, so far only 30 minutes of:
Swiss Ball Ab Crunches - 6 Sets of 12 reps

Supermans - 6 Sets of 12 Reps
Donkey Kicks - 4 Sets of 12 Reps
Standing Dumbbell Side Bends - 6 Sets / 12 reps / 15 lbs
Fire Hydrants - 4 Sets of 12 Reps
Raised Legs Crunches - 6 Sets of 20 reps

  I've still got a couple more planned today, it's difficult when the toddler is awake and wants you to do nothing unless it's what he wants to do. But I hope to get these others done:
Bridge - 12 Sets of 20 seconds each
Swiss Ball V-Pass- However many
Lying Oblique Ball Twist - However many

  I am feeling better, currently. My nose isn't a running nightmare and my throat doesn't hurt, though I do cough a little still, I'm not lightheaded or fuddled so this day of relaxation has helped tremendously.
Sadly, tomorrow morning is showing 24 degrees with a feels like 9 and winds up to 21 mph NW...... almost tempted to just go to the gym but damn it I've got 6 miles planned and I will not let mother nature screw me over!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Week Two of New Chapter

  Okay, yesterday morning I did my calisthenics, I think 50 minutes of it:
Other than dealing with sinus congestion and a headache, the workout went well. 
Donkey Kick - 4 Sets of 12 
Bridge - 12 Sets of 20 Seconds 
Swiss Ball Ab Crunch - 3 Sets of 12 reps 
Superman - 6 Sets of 12 Reps 
Lying Oblique Ball Twist - 3 Sets of 12 Reps 
Fire Hydrant - 3 Sets of 12 reps 
Standing Dumbbell Side Bend - 5 Sets of 12 Reps (15 lbs) 
Raised Leg Crunch - 5 Sets of 20 reps 
Stability Ball V-Pass - 3 Sets of 12 Reps 
Bicycle Crunches - 5 Sets of 30 reps 
Kettlebell Swing - 3 Sets of 12 Reps (10 lb)

 I was worried that the kettlebell swings would make my hamstrings/butt ache as you kind of squat to do them. But this morning I didn't have any issues during our run. The only issue is/was this damn head cold or sinus congestion I can't seem to get rid of. I can honestly say that during most of the run, I felt pretty light headed.
 Nonetheless, Rocky and I got 5.1 miles out on the roads in 52:04 with an average pace of 10:13 min/mile, the temperature was 30 degrees with a feels like 21 degrees and 12 mph N winds.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:40
Mile 2 - 10:16
Mile 3 - 10:25
Mile 4 - 9:53
Mile 5 - 9:53
.1       - 9:26

   Nearing the final mile, we almost got rear-ended by an asshole backing out of his driveway not 1 minute after passing us and pulling into his driveway, I moved all the way to the other side of the road as I wasn't going to be stopped and he made damn sure to get as close as he could. Jerkoff.
  Got home, changed my clothes, did my stretches and headed to the gym for what turned out to be an hour and 7 minutes of circuit training.
It went good although I tried to take it easy due to this stupid head cold I am dealing with, added a few extra workouts this time. 
Lat Pull Down - 6 sets of 12 reps / 40 lbs 
Seated Chest Press - 6 Sets of 12 Reps / 35 
Seated Leg Curls - 6 Sets of 8 reps / 25 or 30 lbs (I can't remember) 
Torso Rotation - 6 sets of 12 reps / 35 lbs 
Rear Delt - 6 Sets of 12 reps / 35 lbs 
Fly Delt - 6 Sets of 12 reps / 35 lbs 
Hip Abductor - 6 Sets of 12 reps / 25 lbs 
Seated Row - 6 Sets of 12 reps / 40 lbs 
Standing Tricep Cable Pull Down - 6 Sets of 12 reps / 30 lbs 
Seated Leg Extension - 6 Sets of 12 reps / 25 lbs

 What was new this morning, the Seated Leg curls and the Seated Leg Extensions. Since I can't seem to do squats or lunges without having issues, I am hoping I can use these machines to strengthen my quads and hamstrings and butt. We'll see how tomorrow's run goes.... if my head cold doesn't kill me dang it.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Day 6 - Long Run.... Blah

  I won't be adding squats to my workout sessions just yet, yesterday and this morning I definitely noticed aches that were most likely because of the squats I did Friday. That is one of the reasons I chose not to run yesterday, I am sure I would've felt fine if I hadn't done any squats.
  Yesterday I started getting an awful headache that wouldn't go away, I didn't get any good sleep last night so waking up was hard and the run was really difficult. It sucks because I didn't really get to enjoy the 48-50 degree temperature, I was having to stop every mile or even half mile due to feeling so light headed and zapped of energy. It was really tough, at some point I decided I wasn't doing any other workouts after this run as I just wanted to go back to sleep.
  Rocky and I ran 8 miles, and throughout the first 5-6 miles I just felt like crap... ironically by mile 7 I started to feel better.... ugh. We ran 8 miles in 1:20:12 with an average pace of 10:01 min/mile, and an elevation gain of 151 feet. I almost made the mistake of taking on the hills at the beginning of the run but by the first half mile I turned around. My calves were a little tight during the run and I had some aches in the middle of my hamstrings, but not near my butt cheeks or knees so that is good. It was 48 degrees with a feels like 44 and 10 mph SSW winds and 71% humidity.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:43
Mile 2 - 10:14
Mile 3 - 10:07
Mile 4 - 10:15
Mile 5 - 10:11
Mile 6 - 9:44
Mile 7 - 10:04
Mile 8 - 8:51

  It was freaking tough, I still feel like crap right now. I couldn't go back to bed because I felt clammy and sweaty. Tomorrow I'll do my lower body calisthenics  and exclude squats.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Day 5 - No Run - Circuit Training

 I decided to give my legs a rest day this morning, they've done so good for four days in a row this week that I didn't want to push it (and make them angry lol). I'm progressing really good, and I don't want to jinx it even if it is being overly cautious. I am hoping to get an 8 miler in tomorrow morning.
  Instead I got up and went to the gym for an hour of circuit training, figured I'd try to make up for not running by adding an extra 10 minutes and a 6th set to each workout. 
Lat Pull Down - 6 Sets of 12 Reps / 40 lbs
Chest Press - 6 Sets of 12 Reps / 35 lbs
Bent Over Dumbbell Row - 6 Sets of 12 Reps / 20 lbs
Torso Rotation - 6 Sets of 12 Reps / 4 of them 35 lbs and 2 at 40 lbs
Rear Delt - 6 Sets of 12 Reps / 30 lbs
Fly Delt - 6 Sets of 12 Reps / 35 lbs
Tri-Cep Cable Pull Down - 6 Sets of 12 Reps / 30 lbs
Seated Row - 4 Sets of 12 Reps 30 lbs & 2 Sets of 12 Reps 40 lbs

  I was going to do the leg press but it seemed broken.... I didn't tell anybody though, if they didn't already know. I really want to do the leg curls and leg extensions too, but I am still cautious and trying to heal up before I start with those.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Day 4 - Need Sleep, Feeling Rushed

  So last night sucked, Dorian wouldn't fall asleep for crap and by midnight I decided to get out of bed and lay on the couch... waking up at 2 AM to head back to bed only to wake up at 5 AM. I didn't want to get up, the bed felt so good and I was tired... but I needed to get out and run, then do my calisthenics/strength training.
  I got dressed, Rocky and I headed out on the roads. It was 18 degrees, we ran 4.1 miles in 41:13 with an average pace of 10:03 min/mile. I'm gradually getting back to my easy paces again, so that is really good news. My butt sides were a little achy but I know that was mainly due to using the Hip Abductor machine yesterday - other than that I felt really good.
Mile 1 - 10:38
Mile 2 - 10:00
Mile 3 - 9:55
Mile 4 - 9:42
.1      - 9:57

   There were a couple of times I had to jump into the grass, thanks to the usual assholes heading to work and hating the fact that I am out there running. I miss the trails, but I'd have to get up at like 3 AM to even run 5 miles out on the trails then immediately head to the gym.
  We got home, I took my usual supplements - serving of BCAA 6000, 2 Tissue Rejuvenators, and 1 Super Antioxidants. I then changed my clothes and did my stretches and did 45 minutes of calisthenics.

Donkey Kicks - 5 Sets of 12 Reps (each)
Bridge - 12 Sets of 20 Seconds each
Active Cat - 3 Sets of 12 Reps
Dumbbell Side Bends - 5 Sets of 12 / 15 lbs
Superman - 5 Sets of 12 Reps
Stability Ball Roll-up - 3 Sets of 11 reps
Squats (wanted to be cautious with these) - 3 Sets of 12 Reps
Bicycle Crunches - 2 Sets of 50 reps
Fire Hydrants - 3 Sets of 12 Reps
Raised Leg Crunches - 5 Sets of 20 Reps

 I was freaking tired, and I was really feeling it during the workout. Hopefully I won't regret the squats but I want to start incorporating them into my lower body workouts because they are great and I love them.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Day 3 - I'm Comin' back Baby!!

  This morning's run was quite exciting and the silver lining I've been looking for, I don't want to get my hopes up completely and feel or think that I am finally out of danger but damn the run did feel great. I don't remember the last time a run felt this good and absolutely no pain or soreness, which was surprising because I really expected to feel some aches after yesterday's workouts. 
   The temperature was 19 degrees with a feels like 7, and 12 mph N winds so I am really shocked that I felt so good... chances are that my butt and legs were too numb to feel pain lol. Rocky and I hit the roads and ran 5.1 miles in 51:13 with a pace of 10:03 min/mile and it was definitely a progressive run, and it feels like that pace is finally back in my easy range.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:43
Mile 2 - 10:02
Mile 3 - 9:58
Mile 4 - 9:53
Mile 5 - 9:40
.1       - 9:29

   Got home, started the Tahoe so it would be warming up while I changed clothes. I was seriously scared that I wouldn't make it to the gym, Dorian was awake and chirping and laughing in the bedroom but I managed to sneak back out after taking my Tissue Rejuvenator capsules, BCAA 6000 capsules and the Super Antioxidant Capsules.
   Then off to the gym after the run, this time it was 50 minutes of circuit training.
This morning's work out at the gym:
Seated Row - 5 Sets of 12 reps - 30 lbs
Seated Chest Press - 5 Sets of 12 reps - 35 lbs
Torso Rotation - 5 Sets of 12 reps - 40 lbs
Rear Delt - 5 Sets of 12 reps - 30 lbs
Fly Delt - 5 Sets of 12 reps - 35 lbs

Tri-Cep Cable Pull-Down - 5 sets of 12 Reps - 25 lbs
Lat Pull-down - 5 Sets of 12 Reps - 35 lbs
Standing Calf Raise - 5 Sets of 12 Reps - 20 lbs or 25... can't remember
Hip Abductor - 5 Sets of 12 Reps - 35 lbs

   I am feeling really good about this week, though I am sure there will be hiccups along the way - Dorian will be sure of that, but hopefully not too many. Now for a hot bath to get the chill out of my bones.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Day Two of a New Chapter

  I am eventually going to have to think of another title..... eventually. Before I talk about this morning, I want to mention something strange/funny/weird - as I said in my Monday post, I weighed myself on our old scale in the kitchen because I hadn't weighed myself since like October. It said I was 158 lbs which was shocking, upsetting but helped knock me back on track. I thought it strange though, because I could still fit pretty well in all my small capris, tights and shorts and undies (I gain the majority of my weight below the waist and it was obvious looking in a mirror that I did gain some). Yesterday I got my new scale off of Amazon - it is the EatSmart Precision GetFit Digital Body Fat Scale & Auto Recognition, it had the best reviews: 4.6 out of 5 stars with 3,695 customer reviews. I got it in the afternoon, and after setting up my profile I weighed myself in the bathroom "sans clothing" and it weighed me at 153.6....... strange but makes more sense even with it being the end of the day and I normally weigh myself first thing in the morning before/after a run. I like this scale lol and that means less lbs to lose before marathon training.

 Okay so this is day two in my new plan, I woke up at 5 AM and got ready for our run. It was 36 degrees out and 9 mph SSW winds, not bad at all. Rocky and I ran 4.2 miles in 44:11 with an average pace of 10:31 min/mile, first half of first mile was off thanks to Rocky suddenly dragging me to the grass so he could poop - I though I hit the stop/pause button but nope, it was going for 1 minute. I did feel some aches in between my right butt cheek and hamstring but it wasn't bad, and it went away after mile 1 or so.
Mile 1 - 10:59

Mile 2 - 10:35
Mile 3 - 10:19
Mile 4 - 10:22
.2       - 9:46

  Got back home in time to use the bathroom, then I took my BCAA 6000 tablets, 2 of the Hammer Nutrition Tissue Rejuvenator capsules and one of the Super Antioxidant capsules. 
  This morning was lower body workout which I will be doing at home as most of it involves being on my hands and knees..... and I just don't feel comfortable doing that at a gym lol. I would call this Calisthenics rather than Circuit Training as it involved more of just my body weight as resistance. I know my legs and butt are going to be extremely sore tomorrow, but hopefully I will be able to get a run in. I did 40 minutes of Calisthenics this morning after my run, I will post pictures of each one underneath it so you know what it looks like, this will be my usual routine for a while so I be doing this a lot and making the bloop really long :)
Donkey Kicks - 3 Sets of 12 Reps (each leg)
Bridge - 12 Sets of 20 Seconds Each
Active Cat - 3 Sets of 10 Reps (each leg)

Superman - 5 Sets of 12 Reps

Abdominal Roller - 4 Sets of 8 Reps

Dumbbell Side Bends - 4 Sets of 12 Reps - 15 lb Dumbbell

Stability Ball Roll-Up - 4 Sets of 8 Reps

Fire Hydrants - 3 Sets of 12 Reps (each leg)

Raised Leg Crunches - 6 Sets of 20 Reps

Have to be careful on the leg exercises, hopefully I am not doing too much too soon, so I am being cautious. No doubt I will be feeling sore by this evening, hell I am feeling sore right now lol.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A New Week, New Chapter - Page 1

  This morning Rocky and I hit the roads for 5.1 miles, it was 25 degrees and a clear sky. I can happily say that the aches, pains and stiffness are almost completely gone except for some soreness from yesterday's sets of Donkey Kicks and Fire Hydrants, but I'll get to posting about those later.
  We ran 5.1 miles in 52:53 with a pace of 10:22 min/mile, it was a progression run and I did pick up the pace with each mile but it didn't feel like it, it almost felt like it used to. 
Mile 1 - 10:58
Mile 2 - 10:34
Mile 3 - 10:28
Mile 4 - 10:03
Mile 5 - 9:54
.1       - 9:21

   After we got home, I started the Tahoe and then went inside and quickly changed my clothes and did my stretches. I took my Gaspari Nutrition BCAA 6000 Capsules (6), my Hammer Nutrition Tissue Rejuvenator tablets (2) and Hammer Nutrition Super Antioxidant capsule (1). Then I headed out the door as I could hear Dorian stirring and making some noise.
  I got to the gym and it looked busy, which was somewhat intimidating but as I went inside I found that most of the vehicles there were part of a spin class (big sigh of relief).
  My workout was 45 minutes of circuit training and it looked like this:
Lat Pull Downs - 5 Sets of 12 Reps - 30 lbs
Torso Rotation - 3 Set of 12 Reps - 30 lbs / 3 Sets of 12 Reps - 35 lbs (Each Side)
Arm Extension - 5 Sets of 12 Reps - 25 lbs
Fly Delt - 5 Sets of 12 Reps - 30 lbs
Rear Delt - 5 Sets of 12 Reps - 25 lbs
Seated Row - 5 Sets of 12 Reps - 30 lbs
Chest Press - 3 Sets of 12 Reps - 40 lbs
Standing Calf Raise - 5 Sets of 12 Reps - 25 lbs (I've never used one before, so this was interesting).

    Unless you want me to, I won't post every single day's workout. Only if it inspires others and helps someone get through winter or any tough spot they are doing, otherwise I won't want to take up bloop space in the loop community. So just let me know :)

Monday, February 2, 2015

Facing the Demon and New Plan

  An old demon has raised it's ugly head, and it is my fault.
Warning.... Most women do not like talking about this subject: I weighed myself this morning, first time since before the marathon and I was shocked and pissed.. last time I weighed myself was at 145 lbs and then I stayed off the scale (stupid). This morning I weighed myself at around 158 lbs..... yeah, and the reasons I came to were:

  • The body is a wonderful machine, and can adapt and become efficient at burning less calories during a workout after doing it for so long. 1)My body has done just that, last year I was running around 40-45 miles and during the marathon training I was reaching 50 mpw with one certain 7 day cycle being 63. 2) Then after the marathon - BAM, my mileage dropped significantly 3) but my eating did not. 4) Sadly, I would have to reach 65+ mpw to shock my body into burning more calories and fat because it is used to anything below 50 mpw.
Okay, all the reasons are in that paragraph (whoops, I am in a rush and late to work). Since my marathon training goal this year is to reach 70 mpw during peak training, my new plan is:
  •  Get myself back up to the mid 30 mpw range by the end of February.
  • Get back on a strict diet of more veggies/greens and protein from salmon and chicken, no more sweets, and less carbs which means very less Banana Bread English Muffins and Cinnamon Raisin English Muffins :(
  • Get back on a strict regimen of going to the gym 5 days a week, 40-60 minutes.
  • Cautiously begin lower body strengthening, first starting with the hip adductors and abductors, and the glutes.
  • Keep stretching!!
  • By May if everything is going well and good, increase weekly mileage to 40-45 miles by end of May. 
   Marathon training begins in July and I want to be in better shape this year than I was last year, and hopefully around 140 lbs or less but it's going to take a lot of determination and discipline, the same discipline I had in 2010 that got me from 162 lbs in February 2010 to 139 lbs in May of 2010. I didn't want to step on the scale because I knew what I would see, but I am so glad I did because it was a slap from reality - no more excuses and no more avoidance.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Three Days in a Row and a Big Milestone (for me)

So far I ran 3 days in a row now, with no issue and making sure to take it slow and easy this morning.
Rocky and I hit the roads this morning for 6.2 miles, so far 3 days in a row of running without issue so things are looking good.  This week I made it to 22.7 miles without issue, and making sure to stretch every part of my legs and hips that I can think of after my runs. It helps to start at the hips first and then the Piriformis stretch, and then the Bicep Femoris stretch, then my calves then my quads and hammies.
Next week I am just going to take it a day at a time, I'll run Tuesday then see how I feel Wednesday and then check how I am feeling Thursday and Friday while taking Saturday as a rest day. 

After my run and stretch, I took a very much needed step and headed to the gym for the first time in 3 years. I admit I was nervous, when I did go to the gym it was at Ivy Tech which had a small, comfy gym and I knew my way around it and my usual regimen. Now I am starting basically as a newbie so I was nervous to go to Bob's Gym which is significantly larger and more popular, but I am so freaking glad I went.
At 6:10 AM on a Sunday, it wasn't very busy at all. My 40 minute workout included (if I can remember the names):
Lat Pull Down - 4 Sets of 12 reps
Arm Extension - 4 Sets of 12 reps
Fly Delt - 4 Sets of 12 reps
Rear Delt - 4 Sets of 12 Reps
Torso Rotation - 5 Sets of 12 Reps on each side
Seated Row - 5 Sets of 12 Reps

   It felt so good, I think I might have overdid it but it just felt great being back in there. The tricky part will be scheduling time for the gym which will most likely be after my shorter runs so Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday once my Wednesday and Sunday runs become longer than 8-10 miles.
I feel so good, so content and happy that I went, I cannot wait to get on a schedule of going. 
I am not sure when I will begin strength training my legs though... I am trying to be cautious because for the last couple of months, every time I start back on squats, lunges or my hyper back extension I start getting issues in/around my Piriformis and hammies. When I do start, I'll probably work on the Hip Adductor and Hip Abductor machines to strengthen my hips which seem to be what a lot of articles state as the issue for my pains.