Saturday, March 22, 2014

Warning - Rant

   This whole freaking week has been gorgeous weather, and Friday's run on the trails had me so excited to hit the Two Lake Loop trail in Hoosier National Forest Sunday for my long run with Rocky. I figured Sunday would be decent weather, but since my plan is to bring Rocky and have him off leash, I also knew that I would need to get to the trail head before daylight with hopes of nobody else being there which meant using my head lap for a large part of the run on an unknown trail.
   This morning I looked at the weather forecast for tomorrow and am really upset, around 5-6 AM it is going to be like 30 degrees with a feels like 20........ total horse hockey! I am still wearing my capris though, I will not drag those tights out dang it! But I am going to have to wear both my long sleeves rather than just my thermal under-shirt thingy with a tee over it and I might have to wear my really warm gloves and my headband. I also really, really hope there isn't any flooded sections because that can be a huge issue when temps are below 30, heck even if they're below 40.
   I am not backing out it now though, because I've gotten myself worked up about it and want to run some trails but I already know the Angel Mounds trails have a lot of flooding and I definitely don't to deal with that AND the freezing temps. Anyways....... I guess we'll find out tomorrow.

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