Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Six Hilly Miles with Dorian

   Tuesday Afternoon's Run
   Wednesday and Thursday are going to be rainy, cold and horribly windy (20-30 mph winds) so I had originally planned to get my 8 miler in this morning but that didn't happen. So throughout the morning I debated on whether to worry about running at all today or just wait until Friday and try to get a run in before the race Saturday, I finally decided on taking Dorian for a run with me as my mom wasn't going to be able to watch him. That meant Rocky was going to have to stay behind this time, sucks but I just can't try to control him and a stroller on some very winding pathways.
   Temperature was beautiful! 73 freaking degrees, sunny and a bit of a breeze, perfect weather for all year around...... except if you rarely push your toddler in a stroller and then choose the hilliest pathway in your area, which made for a real workout. I haven't sweated that much in 3-4 months, and I don't think I've downed 16-20 oz of water throughout a workout around 1 hour since last summer - I was seriously questioning my sanity. This recreational pathway is the USI/Burdette Greenway and you can either start at USI or Discovery Lodge (which is where I started) and it is 3 miles long.
   Within the first half mile it is a bit over 100 feet downhill and on winding pathways - we went from starting at 500 feet to 370 feet by .75 just before the dreaded hill.
   Within the first mile was a huge hill, the hill that so many dread but love once they've conquered it, that first hill was over 100 feet and about a quarter of a mile long - suffice to say I stopped twice and gulped water.
   Dorian had his sippy cup of (Naked Juice) Mighty Mango and had that gone within the first mile (like 8-9 oz or something!) so when I got up to USI - the other end of this recreational pathway, I filled his sippy up with 8 oz of my Ice Mountain which I had probably downed 6 oz by then and I filled my bottle up at the water fountain in the USI fitness center. At that point we had gotten to 3 miles, originally I figured I'd only do 4 with Dorian but I was now aiming to survive 6. For the next 2 miles it was going to be relatively easier until that hill that I had started down.
   I will say, this was a huge workout even if it was a slow one as we ran the 6 miles in 1:07:08 with an average pace of 11:11 min/mile with an elevation gain of 307 feet and a loss of 305 feet. It was sunny and some clouds with 11 mph S winds, I got to wear my shorts and a sleeveless top but boy was I sweating.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:32
Mile 2 - 11:21
Mile 3 - 11:19
Mile 4 - 10:57
Mile 5 - 11:07
Mile 6 - 10:51

     After logging this run, I realized I had ran 40 miles in the last 7 days so I am taking today and tomorrow off to rest and relax, hopefully my legs won't realize what insanity I put them through and will be refreshed for an easy 6 Friday morning.

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