Saturday, March 15, 2014

Run of Luck 7k (and the Warm Up 7.6 Miles)

   I got up at like 5:15 AM or something like that, had a Strawberry Banana GU and some coffee then Rocky and I headed out for 7 or 8 miles. It was strangely chilly even though it was 39 degrees, I made sure to wear my blinky vest thingy along with my yellow florescent hat, along with capris, my under armor under shirt thingy along with a dri fit t-shirt.
   My right ankle was giving me some issues still, but not horrible enough to really worry me. Overall a slow and easy pace, Rocky stopped to poop 2 times and pee 3 or 4 times which was kind of annoying.
   We ran 7.6 miles in 1:18:08 with an average pace of 10:17 min/mile, elevation gain of 149 feet and a loss of 149 feet. Not bad, I felt I had taken it easy enough to enjoy the race.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:06
Mile 2 - 10:54
Mile 3 - 10:32
Mile 4 - 10:14
Mile 5 - 10:10
Mile 6 - 9:56
Mile 7 - 9:38
.6       - 9:26

   The Run of Luck 7k was interesting, and the hills.......... I had gone to the bathroom once I got there and thought I was good, but as soon as we started running my bladder betrayed me. The whole first 2 miles were uncomfortable as I felt I needed to pee. I had also lined a little bit passed what I felt comfortable so I had to pass a lot of people at the start (fun).
  It was freaking hilly, just gradual big hills and my legs were already pretty tired and hating me. When we got onto Schutte Road, the need to pee finally started going away. This road had hill after hill after hill, not huge ones but not really small either but I like these kinds.
  Just before mile 3 was the big gradual monster of a hill and a lot of people at this point of the race began to walk this hill which to my pleasant surprise I ended up passing them because I kept pushing on. I was tempted to walk, but I wouldn't do it dang it. It gradually climbed for .3 or .5 miles and had an elevation gain of around 100 feet. I stuck to it and just kept pushing along even after that hill, there was no downhill after that one. It became relatively flat except for a few little uphills and then just after mile 4 there was a nice gradual downhill and then up slightly to the finish. I was so freaking glad to be done. My secret goal was around 35 minutes but unfortunately that wasn't the case.
Official Results:
Time: 37:28 (Pace: 8:37 min/mile)
F25-29 - 7/80
Female - 33/456
Overall - 128/718

Laps/splits from my garmin were:
Mile 1 - 8:36
Mile 2 - 8:54
Mile 3 - 8:47
Mile 4 - 8:28
.36     - 7:49

     I am happy with it, and I am glad I went to the race and did my best even after running 7.6 miles before the race. I am going to take tomorrow and Monday off from running, let me legs rest a little - it will  help that the next two days are going to be rainy and barely in the 40's lol.

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