Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A humid but great 6 mile Progression Run

  This morning was humid, even with 64 degrees I could feel the air trying to suffocate me. I was out the door just before 5:40 this morning, and started out at a steady pace with no real plans of trying to go fast. It was 64 degrees and 100% humidity, I think it had just finished raining but it was still muggy. Overall it was a good run, I felt that after mile 2 I was putting out a lot of effort, right around mile 4 I had to jump in a cornfield though..... this time I didn't use any cornstalk leaves. I ran 6.01 miles in 56:15  and an elevation gain of 101 feet and a loss of 99 feet, with 2 stops due to trying to catch my breath and wondering if I was going to get somewhere in time to use the bathroom. Average pace was 9:22 min/mile, the last mile was a 7:51 min/mile which is awesome though I am kind of wishing I had kept up for another .2 miles as it was showing me as fast as a 6:15 min/mile pace. I've got all winter to push myself and get faster though :)
Splits/laps were:
Mile 1 - 10:56
Mile 2 - 10:20
Mile 3 - 9:19
Mile 4 - 9:12
Mile 5 - 8:34
Mile 6 - 7:51

     This was definitely a great progression run, even with the pitstop just after mile 4.

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