Monday, September 30, 2013

A Slow 4 Miles

  I had a very crappy night, Dorian woke up around 10 with stomach issues and we ran to CVS to pick up some stuff for him. I guess I got back to bed around midnight, but still felt like no sleep. I got up around 5:40 and was out the door by 6:00 a.m, tired but feeling better than yesterday. At first I figured to just run 3 miles and do another 3 this afternoon, but then around mile 1 I thought about doing the 5 and getting it over with. I finally decided on running 4 miles and saving 1 mile for this evening with Rocky as his first run since Spring. It was 63 degrees and 100% humidity, I was tired but I took it slow and ran 4 miles in 43:12 with an average pace of 10:47 min/mile, but making the final mile a 9:47 minute pace just to get a few strides in. Elevation gain of 47 feet and a loss of 61 feet, not a bad run but I wish I had gotten more sleep last night. I almost stayed in bed with plans of running the 5 later today but I need to slowly get Rocky back into running with me. And I can't stand seeing my Cardio Trainer drop, it tells me daily how many calories I've burned in activities in the past 7 days and I was up to 4000 Saturday but now down to 2500 calories.... suffice to say I hate seeing it go down and I was enjoying keeping it up around 3500 dang it. Anyways........
Splits/laps were:
Mile 1 - 11:02
Mile 2 - 11:23
Mile 3 - 10:58
Mile 4 - 9:47

   Hopefully Rocky doesn't do bad this evening, I am not yet sure where we'll run but I am thinking of the riverfront and I am sure it will be busy tonight. I am keeping a close eye on the weather for Saturday, right now it is saying few showers with precipitation at 30% so I am hoping that it isn't raining during the race. I am nervous but excited and hoping for the best, hoping that my body is up to 100% by Friday evening and Saturday.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

An Unscheduled Rest Day

   I didn't get my 9 miler in today, taking an unscheduled rest day due to issues I am hoping were caused by last night's consumption of beer, hot dogs and s'mores. I was up at 1:30 a.m, sick to my stomach and I had the shakes. Afterwards I told myself I would just see how the day goes and maybe run later and probably cut it to 5 or 7 miles. At 8 this morning I woke up feeling like crap, and waging a debate in my head, take the chance and go for a run or make this an unscheduled rest day and let my body recover. Maybe it wasn't just the beer, hot dogs and s'mores but my body warning me to slow down and take it easy. Suffice to say, I decided a run was out of the question as the half marathon is way too close to risk getting really sick and dropping out of it. I figure lots of water consumption and taking it easy should do the trick, hopefully tomorrow morning I will feel better for my 5 miler but we'll just have to see. I really don't want to take the whole week off from running, mainly because I still have an obsession with burning a certain amount of calories a day (I know, I know!). I've reached 106.3 miles for September, that is 3.3 miles more than August so if I don't run tomorrow I am fine with that. Had I ran the 9 miles today, that would have put me at 115.3 miles and then tomorrow would have set me to 120.3 so maybe my body was warning me that the jump was too much and I needed to slow it down a bit. Hopefully, just hopefully I will get to feeling better before Saturday's race as I would hate, really really hate to have to drop out of it.

Friday, September 27, 2013

A Nice Chilly 5 Miler

  Okay, it wasn't that chilly but 55 degrees feels great and it was nice and quiet. I went ahead and drank some coffee (don't ask why) before the run, then I was out the door. I think I succeeded in keeping it nice and easy, at least for the first 3 miles. It was 55 degrees with 100% humidity an elevation gain of 43 feet and a loss of 51 feet. I did 5 miles this morning, felt great except for just barely getting back to the house to use the restroom (please don't let that be the case next Saturday, though there will be plenty of port-a-potties). I ran the 5 miles in 51:23 with an average pace of 10:16 min/mile, I was feeling a little tight in my right hamstring and just a tiny little bit in my left calf but I will be sure to stretch those out and do lots of foam rolling.
Mile 1 - 10:49
Mile 2 - 10:49
Mile 3 - 10:14
Mile 4 - 9:57
Mile 5 - 9:31

   Overall not bad, mile 5 was sped up due to the urge to use the restroom. I will be sure to set my coffee maker to 3 a.m next Saturday and get up to drink a cup or two and eat something (a pumpkin spice english muffin with peanut butter and honey maybe), and then go for a 10 minute shakeout run. Depending on things, after that I might go back to sleep until 5:30 and then wake Cameron and Dorian up.
   I am definitely going to watch what I eat next week, and I'll take some pepto-bismol this Sunday before my 9 miler just to see if it helps any. Only 7 more days, 18 hours and 47 minutes until the Evansville Half Marathon!!!! Next Friday I'll be picking up my race packet!!!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Please! No rain on October 5!! Please, Please, Please!!!

  Please don't let it rain on the morning of Saturday (October 5, 2013) between 5:00 A.M and 9:00 A.M!!! Please do not let it rain during the Evansville Half Marathon in Evansville, Indiana!!!! Running a 5k in rain, I can deal with but I don't think I can handle rain during 13.1 miles............ unless it's just sprinkles. Please oh please oh please oh please oh please don't let it rain during the Evansville Half Marathon this year!!!!
   Only 8 more days, 5 hours and 30 minutes until the Evansville Half Marathon!!!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A humid but great 6 mile Progression Run

  This morning was humid, even with 64 degrees I could feel the air trying to suffocate me. I was out the door just before 5:40 this morning, and started out at a steady pace with no real plans of trying to go fast. It was 64 degrees and 100% humidity, I think it had just finished raining but it was still muggy. Overall it was a good run, I felt that after mile 2 I was putting out a lot of effort, right around mile 4 I had to jump in a cornfield though..... this time I didn't use any cornstalk leaves. I ran 6.01 miles in 56:15  and an elevation gain of 101 feet and a loss of 99 feet, with 2 stops due to trying to catch my breath and wondering if I was going to get somewhere in time to use the bathroom. Average pace was 9:22 min/mile, the last mile was a 7:51 min/mile which is awesome though I am kind of wishing I had kept up for another .2 miles as it was showing me as fast as a 6:15 min/mile pace. I've got all winter to push myself and get faster though :)
Splits/laps were:
Mile 1 - 10:56
Mile 2 - 10:20
Mile 3 - 9:19
Mile 4 - 9:12
Mile 5 - 8:34
Mile 6 - 7:51

     This was definitely a great progression run, even with the pitstop just after mile 4.

Monday, September 23, 2013

A Decent Recovery Run after a Horrible Long Run

  This morning I got out the door around 5:30, almost didn't want to go just because I wanted to stay in bed, my left quadricep was sore and tight so I wondered if it would be best to wait until this evening. A crisp 54 degrees with clear skies met me at the door, even in shorts and a t-shirt it wasn't awful though...... cold at first. My sore legs didn't really bother me thankfully, though I wondered if I should cut the 5 miles to 4, I kept going though. I did my best to take it easy, as this is a recovery run..... but the crisp temperatures always seem to have me wanting to run faster. I ended up with 5.1 miles in 54:35 with an average pace of 10:42 min/mile, not bad and a good slowish run with an elevation gain of 105 feet and a loss of 102 feet, which is strange as I didn't feel like there were many hills. This run was a lot better than yesterday morning's run, I just wish I knew what caused yesterday's 12 miler to be so crappy.
Splits/laps were:
Mile 1 - 11:00
Mile 2 - 11:11
Mile 3 - 10:42
Mile 4 - 10:27
Mile 5 - 10:14
.1      - 10:14

Sunday, September 22, 2013

My 12 Mile Long Run

  So I decided to go ahead and run 12 miles instead of 11 before I begin my taper, before I go further I will be honest and say I made 4 stops due to bowel issues and 3 other stops just to rest as my stomach was knotting up and just giving me hell. The first 6 miles was great, even with the road that I normally avoid because of all of it's hills, I felt great on it until just after mile 6........
  Back to the beginning, I got up at 5, didn't eat anything and was out the door by 5:20 this morning. It was around 50 degrees, 90% humidity but it felt great, the moon as shining bright and the sky was clear..... it was an amazing start for a run. I ran past the gas station expecting to go to the bathroom, but nothing was moving down there so I kept on. Even with the hills on Russell Road, the road that I used avoid due to fear of the hills, it was great and I felt strong. It wasn't until just after mile 6 that things began to go down hill, I had to stop and go into some woods, after that I seemed fine up until just after mile 8 when I had to literally race to a cornfield. I was mad, my stomach was beginning to tie itself up in knots and I was feeling sick but I kept going. I stopped a couple of times, hoping my stomach would settle but no such luck. I stopped two more times because of my bowels, I was angry to say the least. By mile 10, I was wore out from my body's activities but I pushed on telling myself I only had 2 more miles to go. I finished the 12 miles in 1:55:35 (I did stop my garmin each time I had to stop, otherwise it would probably have been 2:30:00 instead), with an average pace of 9:38 min/mile and an elevation gain of 370 feet, and 381 feet of loss which is weird as I added more hills than last weekend's 11 mile run that was like 400 something feet. Anyways, I am glad it is over, as I feel sick and stuff so hopefully some rest, stretching and foam rolling (and eating) will help me.
Laps/Splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:50
Mile 2 - 10:32
Mile 3 - 10:03
Mile 4 - 9:52
Mile 5 - 9:28
Mile 6 - 9:21
Mile 7 - 9:28
Mile 8 - 9:27
Mile 9 - 9:04
Mile 10 - 9:29
Mile 11 - 9:23
Mile 12 - 8:36

    This run would have been PERFECT if it wasn't for my stomach and bowels, heck even my legs were feeling pretty good. I am just hoping the race doesn't go like today did :(

Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Much Drier Run Yesterday Morning

   Wednesday morning's run was much drier thankfully, I enjoyed it even with the hills I included at the end and even when just before mile 3 I thought I was going to have to pepper spray a dog. Luckily the dog went back into it's yard, but I had my spray read for him lol. I woke up just a little after 5 and was out the door by 5:20, got 6 miles done in 1:01:31 with an average pace of 10:15 min/mile so not bad but I am excited that my Amphipod Xinglet Flash LED came in yesterday afternoon ( ) I won't have to feel that no cars can see me during my runs without the sun now. Total elevation gain was 124 ft with a loss of 137 feet, I do think I am going to start adding more of those scary hills during my progression and long runs because they are beginning to see a bit easy for me. Temperature was 64 degrees with humidity at 83%, but not bad at all.
   Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:25
Mile 2 - 10:55
Mile 3 - 10:25
Mile 4 - 10:02
Mile 5 - 9:50
Mile 6 - 8:52

   Not bad for mile 6 considering the 3 big hills were right after mile 5 so I am pretty proud of that mile pace. Tomorrow's 5 miles will be nice and slow, then Sunday is my final 11 mile long run before the 2 week taper begins. I think I'll make next weekend 10 miles,  and then a 5 mile easy run on that following Monday, a 6 mile easy run on Wednesday and then give my legs a rest for Thursday and Friday so that I can be fresh and ready for the half marathon. As of now it is only 15 days, 11 hours and 17 minutes away!!!!  

Monday, September 16, 2013

This Morning's Crappy Run

   Well, this morning certainly made up for yesterday's amazing long run by raining cats and dogs on my butt. Starting out the door in 64 degrees with no rain, down the driveway and in less than 5 minutes there were some sprinkles but I figured sprinkles were nothing so I kept going. Around half a mile into the run it starts raining a little more, but I figured it couldn't get much worse as the forecast said only a 30% chance of rain which for us normally means none. Well.......... within minutes past the half mile in it started pouring on me, like flash flood rain. I kept going, determined to make it to the first mile and then I would begrudgedly turn around and head for home with only 2 miles this morning. My shoes and socks were soaked, my clothes were soaked and the street had about a quarter inch of rain, and half an inch in some areas. It sucked, but around the turn and .4 miles away from the house it began to stop raining so I decided to push for the other direction and aim for at least 3 miles. I was pretty damn miserable all soaking wet, but I kept going and around 2.7 miles the rain had completely stopped so I felt a little more upbeat as I pushed on for mile marker 4. I got to mile 4 and figured I'd push a little further and aim for my 5 miles, since the weather had cleared. I was about 1.4 miles from home when I decided to turn around knowing that I would definitely reach my 5 mile goal this morning. Right at the point that's 1 mile from home is when the rain began....... and it didn't take a minute before it started pouring hard. Suffice to say for the next 5-8 minutes I was once again trudging through puddles and dripping wet, it wasn't fun at all. I've ran in rain before........ but this morning rain sucked, I'd rather run in sleet and snow any day of the week. It was supposed to be a slow, easy run which went that way for the first 3-4 miles except for mile 2 where I was racing home and then changed my mind. I ran 5 miles in 53:09 with an average pace of 10:37
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:42
Mile 2 - 10:25
Mile 3 - 10:54
Mile 4 - 10:43
Mile 5 - 9:24

Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Crisp 11.1 Miles

   Up at 5 this morning, and out the door by 5:22 a.m with no sunlight yet and it was a crisp 48 degrees. Wearing shorts and a t-shirt I felt great, though my arms were a bit chilly. I wasn't hungry but I ate half of a cliff bar anyways and drank some water, as I didn't want to start feeling hunger pains during my run which can really suck sometimes. Elevation gain was 437 feet with most of it near the end of my run, and a loss of 397 feet. I started out slow, my legs felt a bit sore and heavy but things got better as I went on. Between mile 1 and 2 I stopped at the gas station as I knew I would need to go to the bathroom, then around mile 4 my bladder was threatening so I stopped at another gas station to get rid of that discomfort. The plan was 11 miles, but I ended up running 11.1 just because I was feeling pretty good near the end of the run, even after some pretty hefty hills I finished in 1:55:17 with an average pace of 10:23 min/mile, I am hoping that with fresh legs after 2-3 days of no running I will feel in excellent shape for the half marathon........ this past week has been quite busy with a lot of running, walking and hiking including yesterday's hike when I normally rest the day before my long run.
Mile 1 - 11:24
Mile 2 - 10:56
Mile 3 - 10:52
Mile 4 - 10:40
Mile 5 - 10:42
Mile 6 - 10:37
Mile 7 - 10:08
Mile 8 - 10:18
Mile 9 - 10:08
Mile 10 - 9:43
Mile 11 - 9:00
. 10     - 8:05

    Not bad really, and I think I could have hung onto the 9:00 min/mile pace for another 2 miles but I am not going to hit 13 miles before my half marathons this Fall, I will play with that this winter at some point.

Friday, September 13, 2013

This Morning Felt Amazing

  I was so excited to wake up this morning, 60 degrees and like no humidity whatsoever. I got out the door around 5:46 a.m, and the chilly air made me so darn giddy and excited! I ran 5.1 miles and things were great until the last half mile when I began to feel some rumbling and activities down below, but made it home in time.
  I ran the 5.1 miles in 54:43, no bad and I wanted it to be slow due to my calves feeling a little tight. I am still contemplating on another run tonight in the woods...... but I don't know if that would be a good idea, especially so close to the half marathon (now 21 days).
  Laps/Splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:43
Mile 2 - 11:10
Mile 3 - 10:33
Mile 4 - 10:31
Mile 5 - 9:49
.1      - 9:30

   Not bad, the last half mile was faster due to the urge down below otherwise I would have tried to slow down.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Very Early and Humid 6 Miles

  I don't normally run between 8 PM and 5 AM the next morning but I knew if I didn't take a chance once Dorian was asleep, I would be running miserably tonight. So after kind of arguing with DH, I got dressed and was out the door by 1:25 A.M for my 6 miler. I wasn't aiming for a tempo or progression as my legs still need to take it easy from Saturday's race, but I didn't take it too slow either. It was 73 degrees and 94% humidity, pretty nasty really but luckily the sun wasn't up so that made it feel somewhat better. My calves felt tight from my 3.5 mile walk just 6 hours before I went for my run, so this morning before heading into the office I used my foam roller.
  It was very quiet, no cars but maybe 2 I think out of the whole 6 miles and one of them was the newspaper guy/girl. I don't really mind running this late in winter, because it is even more surreal and peaceful than during summer or during the day. The humidity sucks the breath right out of you during summer though, but I did my best. I ran the 6 miles in 1:02:22 with an average pace of 10:23 min/mile so not bad at all, not exactly a slow recovery run but not exactly a progression or tempo run either.
Mile 1 - 11:16
Mile 2 - 10:25
Mile 3 - 10:28
Mile 4 - 10:21
Mile 5 - 10:08
Mile 6 - 9:39
  Not a bad run, not bad at all but I cannot wait for Summer to be over and cooler weather to get here........ it is driving me insane to say the least. Not normally an issue when I can get up and run between 5:00 - 7:00 AM but DH's poison ivy is still rampant though it is going away thanks to the medication the doc gave him and the icing he recommended. Friday's 5 miler won't be so awful even if I have to run in the afternoon, 5 AM will see 63 degrees so I am hoping and praying DH's poison is gone by Friday, and the  high won't really go above 73 degrees so I won't fret about it if I have to run in the afternoon or evening. 
  The weather keeps teasing me, but it looks like starting Friday we won't see much above 84 degrees for the next 10 days or so, and just hopefully Summer will be over.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Humid 5 Mile Run

   Yesterday I wasn't able to  go for my run yesterday morning, so I had to wait until the evening. It was 90 degrees and 63% humidity, and lots of bugs out when I went for my 5 mile run at 7:20 last night. I did my best to make it an easy, slow run and my calves were a little tight but not bad. I ended up running 5.1 miles in 53:46 with an average pace of 10:33 min/mile. Though I added an extra .1 I do want to stick to my training plan as I get closer to the half marathon. Twenty-four days, 13 hours and 48 minutes to be exact............. it's so exciting even though I've ran 3 half marathons now!
Anyways, elevation gain of 57 feet and a loss of 61 feet.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:55
Mile 2 - 10:33
Mile 3 - 10:31
Mile 4 - 10:44
Mile 5 - 10:05
Lap 6 (.10) - 9:49
  I had to make a stop at home around 2.24 miles to change out of my black shorts and into my florescent orange shorts. I had forgotten that I had on my black shorts when I started running, thought it wouldn't be so bad but as it got darker and darker I decided that I didn't want to risk getting ran over.

Monday, September 9, 2013

A New Goal for the Evansville Half?

  Someone in RA mentioned to me that if I could keep that kind of pace from the 15k this past weekend during my half marathon, I could very well pull off a sub 2:00..... and yes it got me thinking about it. The paces, even the the paces I had between mile 5 and 8:
Mile 5 - 8:52
Mile 6 - 8:42
Mile 7 - 8:42
Mile 8 - 9:02
   Those paces really weren't hard to hold at all, it got hard when we passed the road to the finish around mile 8 with 1.3 miles to go so fatigue and just being tired was really starting to hurt. The temperature starting out was 64 with 100% humidity and I know it warmed up to like 69 by the time we were finished, sadly last year's same half marathon my garmin didn't get the weather data but the April half started with 52 degrees and humidity of 76%. I am hoping that the Evansville Half Marathon will be between 40-50 degrees starting out, because what was affecting me during Saturday's race was the sun beating down on my head. It was tough, and having the pass the finish line didn't help.
  I think, as long as I don't injure myself and stay smart for the next 25 days I should be able to hold a pace close to the 9:02 min/mile and finish under 2 hours. I am really excited to be thinking that this could be possible, about a month ago I felt just getting under 2:10:00 would be awesome but to think that I could actually ran a sub 2 hour half marathon is downright amazing. I've got 25 days, 11 hours and 31 minutes from the Evansville Half Marathon, that gives me 2 more Sundays for long runs before the taper begins. My long run plan is:
September 15 - 11 miles
September 22 - 12 miles
Then I would begin my taper that following week, at least that is the plan as long as everything goes well.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

YMCA 15k Race

   I got my butt out of bed just before 5 a.m, get dressed (while drinking coffee) and ready and went for an easy .8 mile warm up run, trying to loosen things up before the race. I ended up deciding not to wear a shirt for the race, and luckily I was able to go to the bathroom before I left home. I really didn't have any plans to aim for a PR, I just wanted to enjoy the race (I've got a lot on my mind right now). Got there with 20 minutes before lineup so I went to the bathroom one more time, then walked a little bit. I tried to line up around the middle but closer to the front, I was really expecting there to be more participants but apparently only 629 this time. The gun soon went off, and we worked our way through the bottle necked part of the start. My legs were a little sore already, probably from Wednesday's double duty and Thursday's 5 mile walk. I didn't worry about and just moved past the slow people, honestly I have no idea how many people I really passed through the whole race but I know it was a lot. Was expecting or planning to go out so fast, I had expected to be at least above a 10:00 minute pace.

Mile 1 - 9:47 
Mile 2 - 9:30
Mile 3 - 9:25
     I was feeling pretty good still, no bodily function issues and the soreness had gone away. By this point we were onto the Greenway Recreational Trail, which was pretty hilly so I made sure to power up the hills and enjoy the downhills, I managed to pass quite a few during the uphill parts.

Mile 4 - 9:09
Mile 5 - 8:52
Mile 6 - 8:42
   Still feeling pretty good, I was picking and choosing runners to tag along with for pace and then I'd switch if I felt I could go faster. Around this point I was feeling like a side stitch was threatening to slow me down, but I just watched my breathing and kept going. At this point I did grab a cup of water, to dump on my head. I easily overheat, especially my head so it feels really good to have cold water on the forehead...... at least for a minute or two. 
Mile 7 - 8:42
Mile 8 - 9:02
Mile 9 - 9:07  
  I had started slowing down at this point, the heat from the sun baring down on my head, and a stupid stitch in the very front just under my sternum wasn't going away. I tried to ignore it and kept pushing it for the last .3 mile stretch and finished with 8:18 minute pace.
 I finished and was so happy to being done, but curious of where I placed so I stuck around until I figured they were going to wait until the walkers were done which would have been over an hour longer. My half-ass goal time was to finish under 1:30:00 and I finished at 1:24:16 (chip time, my garmin was 3 seconds slower) and with an average pace of 9:02 min/mile. Sadly I didn't win in my age group, heck I was 16 minutes behind 1st place in my age group.
  The results:
Overall - 196/629
Division Placement - 6/49
Gender - 68/354

  I'm not to down about not winning my age group, this is so far my fastest time for a 15k and I figure if the temperature is like 10+ degrees cooler than this morning for the half marathon, I should be able to hold this pace no problem for the Evansville Half Marathon.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

A 3.2 Mile Trail Run Yesterday Evening

   The weather was so nice yesterday that I couldn't just leave it with the morning 6.4 mile run. So my mom got to the shop around 5 in the afternoon and I left for a trail run, I wasn't sure what distance I was going to run though I knew that I wanted it to be more than 2 miles and less than 5 miles. It felt great, a bit warmer than I had expected but it felt so surreal to get out there on the trails and run. There is a freedom to running trails, a freedom I don't get on streets, I feel so much more like an animal than human. It feels so much more natural and exhilarating when running out on the winding trails, more so if there is a lot of hills involved.
   I ended up running 3.2 miles on the trails in 31:59 with an average pace of 10:00 min/mile, not bad for the trails. It was 82 degrees but the humidity was only around 45%, sunny but it was pretty shady in the woods. I felt great afterwards, and can't wait to add more trail runs to my weekly training this winter.
Laps/Splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:21
Mile 2 - 9:42
Mile 3 - 10:08
      .2 - 8:58

   An awesome run, giving me a total of 9.6 miles Wednesday so I will probably rest today and Friday except for some strength training and maybe walking. I want to be fresh and ready for the 15k this Saturday, the Evansville Half Marathon is a month away from today!!!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

This morning's 6.4 Miles

   This morning was a wonderful 59 degrees, humidity was 94% but it didn't even hurt with the temperature below 60. I was tired and didn't really want to get up but I really wanted to feel that wonderful temperature, so I got my butt up and out the door. Stepping outside I was tickled to the bone with the chilly morning, it felt so good to be out there. My plan was to just do an easy 6 miles but the cooler weather had my body wanting to push it just a little so I decided to let it.
   Due to a few roads, I ended up running 6.4 miles instead of just 6 but no worries there. I ran the 6.4 miles in 1:00:47 with an average pace of 9:30 min/mile and an elevation gain of 104 feet. 
My laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:59
Mile 2 - 9:54
Mile 3 - 9:26
Mile 4 - 9:26
Mile 5 - 9:11
Mile 6 - 8:41
. 4     - 7:53

     Seeing the last lap's pace, I kind of wish I had tried to run that .6 more just to make 1 mile with a pace of 7:53 or sub 8 min/mile. No worries, I have all winter to work on getting my 5k down to sub 8 min/mile pace or faster.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

A Tough 10.2 Mile Long Run

   This morning I almost thought I was going to be able to run, either due to the storms or Dorian but luckily I made it out the door. Just after 1 mile I had to stop at the gas station, then another 4 miles before the second stop and then  a couple of miles before another stop. And just after 9 miles I had to stop again, so yeah it sucked on that part. It was a bit of a slow run, 70 degrees with humidity at 100% and dew point somewhere around 71 I think. Elevation gain was 203 feet with a loss of 201 feet, I ran 10.2 miles in 1:48:25 with an average pace of 10:38 min/mile. 
   Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:55
Mile 2 - 10:56
Mile 3 - 10:54
Mile 4 - 10:48
Mile 5 - 10:37
Mile 6 - 10:38
Mile 7 - 10:28
Mile 8 - 10:13
Mile 9 - 10:11
Mile 10 - 9:59
.2        - 8:59

   Hopefully tomorrow's easy run goes better, I plan on 5 miles and then maybe 2-3 miles Tuesday afternoon/evening in the woods, then just an easy 6 miles Wednesday. Depending on how I am feeling, I might go for another 3-4 mile run Thursday and then rest Friday before the 15k race Saturday morning.