Saturday, March 30, 2013

Today's 6 Miler and the Two Hills

  Today I was going to run my last long run before the race, and it was going to be 8 miles but things changed. I headed out to the USI trails, and I have never ran on those hills. Wow..... if I can do those then I should be able to handle the one/s in the St. Louis Half. I ended up running 6 miles, within the first mile I went from 500 feet above sea level to 372 feet,then from there up 484 feet, a very large, winding hill that just about kicked my butt. Then it was relatively flat until I got back to the top of that hill and went down and then up the last half mile from around 370 feet to around 495 feet above sea level. Overall my elevation loss was 282 feet and my gain was 271 feet for 6 miles, and that didn't really slow me down. I ran the 6 miles in 1:00:56 with an average pace of 10:09 min/mile, not bad for some big hills. I should definitely be ready for the race next weekend. Anyways, the splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:26
Mile 2 - 10:26
Mile 3 - 10:14
Mile 4 - 10:11
Mile 5 - 10:09
Mile 6 - 9:28

  My next two runs before the race are going to be on relatively flat ground and I am going to try and take easy.

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