Sunday, March 3, 2013

I'm about to lose it

   The only "me" time I have is my running, that is the only freaking time I am actually away from Dorian for a period longer than a half hour (grocery shopping, running errands). I have not ran since Thursday and it was an awful run, and I don't know how much more my sanity can take. I was hoping to run at least 4 miles today on the trails, didn't get to run yesterday morning's race because I was up all freaking night, and now he won't go back to sleep. I needed to be back here by 9:30 because Cameron is heading into work AGAIN and for the whole freaking day, so I had a small window to go do my run ONLY if Dorian was asleep.
  But oh no, he couldn't go back to sleep and I know Cameron won't be willing to actually wake up and watch him this early when he didn't get any sleep either. I just don't know how much more my sanity can take of not running, hell I would have enjoyed just a hike in the woods because I am still feeling sore. Sadly I really don't have anyone to talk to that would understand, but then again everyone else has their me times, and they get hours and hours away from their kids a day so they wouldn't understand. I love having my son with me everyday but I also appreciate and enjoy having the little bit of me time too, and I don't ask for much, just an hour 3 times a week and maybe an hour and a half during the weekend.
  I just don't know how I am going to handle today's drama and crap without a run............

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