Saturday, March 2, 2013

A Race I Didn't Run

   Thankfully this wasn't one of my half marathons, but due to an almost sleepless night and my legs dealing with something that I assume the GTS 13's caused, I made the decision not to run the Bound the Mounds 10k Trail Race. I am a little aggravated about it, this is the second trail race I signed up for but didn't run, though the second was a choice and I chose to run 6 miles on the trail instead of the 5k race. 
   Due to whatever is going on with my leg, I decided that I was going to back my mileage off this week (past) and the weekend long run, hopefully run just 4 miles on the trails tomorrow morning. I am trying to listen to my body, and not make any mistakes so the GTS 13's are being retired  and now I just have to figure out what to do with them...... next weekend I need to run my 11 mile long run, and the weekend after that is the Run of Luck 7k, and then the following will be another 11 mile long run before I start to taper. I'll have one more weekend after that before the St. Louis Half Marathon, hopefully everything goes well and this little bit of rest will do me good, I don't think my sanity could handle missing this Half.

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