Sunday, June 3, 2012

Yesterday's Long Run

  Allergies seriously suck major a$$, and it doesn't help that Dorian is going through something too, or at least I think so as he has been sleeping all day and up all night for the last couple of days which doesn't help me at all. I feel so drained of energy, but I ran yesterday. Shauna hasn't been feeling too great either, I think we averaged around 10 minute pace for 1.8 miles so it wasn't too bad. It did feel good at 53 degrees too, which is why I was determined to do the run because who knows if we'll get that temperature again during training.
   For a week now, Dorian has been pretty much sleeping in his bassinet but he has been sleeping on his tummy which is the only way he will sleep. Last night though, he kept me up until 3:30 a.m this morning which really sucked. I really hope this nasal congestion and cough goes away before Tuesday's run, otherwise it is going to be extremely miserable.

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